Board of directors orientation manual
The Manual as an Orientation Tool and Guide The Board Manual: An Orientation and Resource Tool The foundation of a committed, knowledgeable, and effective board is orientation and education. As an essential companion to orientation and education, every organi-zation should have a thorough, easy to use manual that board members can use throughout their . to the Board of Directors An Orientation Manual for Directors. Revised April 1 Taabbllee foof CCoonntteennttss Introduction 1. Fiduciary Responsibilities of a Board Member 2. Fundraising 3. Board’s Responsibility for Financial Oversight 4. Strategic Planning 5. Overseeing the Performance and Compensation of ManagementFile Size: KB. Board Orientation. Identifying a new board member is only the first step in what you hope will be a mutually rewarding relationship. Whether orientation of your new board member is approached informally, or formally, be sure to include the basics needed for new board members to become engaged in the work of the board right away, and to serve as a committed ambassador and .
Board of Directors Orientation Manual. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Contacts 1. Board of Directors List 2. Key Staff List II. Organization Information 1. METRO SWIMMING Mission, Vision and Values 2. Agency History and Timeline 3. Agency Programs Services III. Legal Information. Based on information from The Board Building Cycle and Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards, this nonprofit board orientation checklist includes important information such as: materials to share with new board members. general expectations of board members. an outline of the information to provide new board members about the organization. BOARD OF DIRECTORS ORIENTATION MANUAL THE MISSION OF THE OSCA "Our mission is to advance the chiropractic profession in the modern healthcare model, advocate for our future, promote unity among all Doctors of Chiropractic and protect the welfare of the patients we serve.".
THE BOARD ORIENTATION SESSION. Who Should Attend. Chair of the Board, Executive Director, Chair of the Recruitment Committee, Lead Program Person and Lead Development person. Who Should Run The Meeting. The Chair of the Recruitment Committee. The successful recruitment and retention of board members rests here. An Orientation Manual for Directors. Revised April 1 the Board of Directors is a personal responsibility that cannot be delegated to others. Therefore. Board Orientation. Identifying a new board member is only the first step in what you hope will be a mutually rewarding relationship. Whether orientation of your new board member is approached informally, or formally, be sure to include the basics needed for new board members to become engaged in the work of the board right away, and to serve as a committed ambassador and advocate for your nonprofit’s mission for a long time to come.