Comtek m 72 manual

2021.12.12 13:28

COMTEK M72 WIRELESS SYSTEM Combining the TS-1with the Comtek Transmitter and Receiver is recommended for playback when the camera and sound are close together on the set. Keep in mind that the maximum range for the Comtek is about feet. Set the time code source according to Nagra IVS-TC Manual. Take the time code out from the. Comtek: M (Switchcraft connector) C2: mm locking mono: Sleeve = S Tip = W diagram: Sleeve = B+S Tip = R diagram: Sleeve = B+S Tip = R diagram: Sleeve = B+S Tip = R Use W3 Type Headset diagram: Comtek: M (mm non-locking connector) C3: mm mono non-locking: Sleeve = S Tip = W diagram: Sleeve = B+S Tip = R diagram: Sleeve = B+S. Comtek M Wireless Transmitter The Comtek M Wireless Transmitter is well-suited in both professional and nonprofessional applications – featuring a soft compressor system and low residual FM noise to deliver the most natural sound possible from .

For more information on the PRb Personal Companion Receiver or COMTEK's comprehensive line of high quality wireless sound products, e-mail us or give us a call at () Our applications engineers will be happy to work with you. West South / Salt Lake City, Utah View and Download Comtek BST operator's manual online. Synthesized Base Station Transmitter. BST transmitter pdf manual download. Nagra S-TC, connect the Comtek M72 Transmitter to the TC socket on the right side of the recorder via the “TC Lemo” cable. Locate the Transmitter away from the Nagra to minimize crosstalk. Turn transmitter on and check gain (set to mid-range with green screwdriver adjustment). Attach the PR Receiver with Velcro to the back of the slate.

The Comtek M Wireless Transmitter is well-suited in both professional and end user to program the frequency without manual tuning inside the unit. User manual instruction guide for Scanning Receiver in upper 72 MHz to 76 MHz range. PR75A Comtek Communications Technology Inc. Setup instructions. BST ACCESSORIES ( MHz) Included Accessories 1. C Carrying case 2. BST Operator's manual 3. TWA Whip antenna 4. BST Base station transmitter 5.