Caltrans materials testing manual
SECTION 1 GENERAL Sections are reserved in the Standard Specifications for correlation of special provisions and revised standard specifications with the Standard Specifications and for future expansion of the Standard Specifications.. The specifications are expressed in U.S. customary units except where a referenced document uses the. Purpose. The Source Inspection Guidelines for Local Agencies (SIGLA) has been prepared to aid California local agencies to create a satisfactory Quality Assurance (QA) Source Inspection program. The term “local agency” used throughout this document means any public entity (federal, state, regional transportation planning agency [RTPA], county, city, or other local . 9 7 8 1 9 3 4 1 5 4 7 0 0 ISBN AI 1 12/30/14 PM. Design Methods Asphalt Mix 7th Edition MS-2 Asphalt Mix Design Methods 7th Edition.
The SIQMP outline found on the Agency Resources page of the Caltrans Materials Engineering and Testing Services website ( provides an outline that implementing agencies can use to describe their QA source inspection and material acceptance activities. Select Unit: Materials Engineering and Testing Services, Sacramento. Quality Assurance and Source Inspection, Sacramento. Electrical Testing, Sacramento. Field and Forensic Services, Sacramento. Quality Assurance and Source Inspection, Bay Area. Quality Assurance and Source Inspection, Los Angeles. Quality Assurance and Source Inspection. frequency and test results on each material. Use this form to record sampling and testing related dates and monitor timeliness of acceptance testing. Compare timeliness of material testing turnaround against Table , and ensure corrective actions are taken and documented where repeated deficiencies are detected.
the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) and Caltrans will not process performs material testing as a business, to do the field sampling and. This section presents general guidelines for assuring that specifications are met. Materials Engineering and Testing Services . 6 thg 1, These guidelines and procedures shall be implemented and enforced at all materials testing laboratories in Caltrans, including field.