Irene West's Ownd

Ems manual doc

2021.12.13 04:57

 · STAPLES Center Microsoft Theater EMS Manual Revision Date: August Check for the latest version on STAPLES Center’s EMS website Page 8 of 19 STAPLES Center Microsoft Theater Objectives and Targets The Objectives and Targets document is the “action plan” of the EMS, establishing time frame and responsibility for.  · This manual is the Level 1 EMS documentation that provides clear linkage to all elements of the EMS. Control of documents Documents required by the EMS and by ISO international standard are controlled. This operating manual describes the procedures for implementing the Department of Commerce’s (DOC) organizational Environmental Management System (EMS), including the structure, functions, and chain of command for environmental performance reporting, as per Chapter 5 of reference (b).

EMS-I-PR-NCPA 83 Extra-ordinary circumstances added to NCPA close-out time Gene Shaw 5 Decem EMS-I-COMM 56 Decision to communicate to external parties included George Blake 6 Febru EMS-I-PR-EPR 70 Removal of Reference to Fire Evacuation Shirley McLean-Brown 7 Ma EMS-I-PR-. Environmental Management System Manual (EMS Manual) Describes the environmental management system and outlines how the requirements of the International Standard (ISO ) are achieved. A cross-reference of the ISO clauses to the sections of this Manual is listed in Appendix A. Objective(s) *. This Environmental Management System (EMS) manual presents the environmental policy, structure of the management system, and related documents. The EMS is designed according to the requirements set forth by the ISO Standard.

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