movie4k Watch The New Mutants Full Movie Online Free HD At Home
Runtime=1 Hour 38 Minute
Creator=Dave Cockrum
Release Year=2020
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This is the first movie I've seen in a theater since the pandemic ruined everything. Did I have high hopes? No, I was just happy to get out of the house. I have the unlimited pass so this movie didn't cost anything and I'm still upset for wasting my time. The plot was bad, the dialouge was boring and by the end of it I was cheering for the bear to just eat everyone.
Whole concept is copying IT, but failed character not likeable. I don't even care if all mutants die.
Not horror enough. Easy to predict, old style of calling your names in faint mode then suddenly become Super Sayan to defeat the monster. Luckily didn't have too much Hope on this movie.
Hard to believe this was shot and finished in 2017 and just now got released. Production hell made it feel like it would never be out. Now that it's finally here I can say from my Personal exp, it's Honestly way more surprising than what I expected and does justice to source material. It has some stranger things influence and some cliches around it but overall is a nice blending of bizarre horror tinged aspects from the comics with great character arcs. Solid action and comedy relief that doesn't feel forced. I would say to support this film after all it's been through and you most likely will be surprised.