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Ebook {Epub PDF} Cairo: City Of History by André Raymond

2021.12.14 04:27

 · The extraordinary tapestry of Cairo’s past and present comes vividly to life in this magisterial study by André Raymond, arguably the premier social historian of the Arab world. The most deeply observed and historically nuanced account ever given of the greatest Arab city of northern Africa, this book shows us Cairo from the glimmer of its beginnings in the Arab conquest of Egypt in . The most deeply observed and historically nuanced account ever given of the greatest Arab city of northern Africa, this book shows us Cairo from the glimmer of its beginnings in the Arab conquest of Egypt in through its transformation into the modern center of Middle Eastern life are the Fatimids, the Mamluks, and the Ottomans, the invasions, dynastic changes, and religious conflicts Abbreviations:  · The extraordinary tapestry of Cairo's past and present comes vividly to life in this magisterial study by André Raymond, arguably the premier social historian of the Arab world. Gaze toward the Nile from the hills of Mokattam and the city of Cairo unfolds, with its monumental architecture, teeming populace, and thousands of years of rich history.

"Raymond has written a thorough, detailed, and interpretive biography of one of the world's great cities."―B. Harris Jr., Choice "André Raymond, who traces the growth of Cairo from the founding of the garrison city of Fustat by the Muslim conqueror Amr ibn Al-As in the 7th century to the present, has a sanguine attitude. Raymond A. Cairo. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, - pgs. Gaze toward the Nile from the desert hills of Mukattam, and the vast city of Cairo unfolds before you, with its monumental architecture, teeming populace, and thousands of years of rich history. The extraordinary tapestry of Cairo's past and present comes vividly to life. In this comprehensive urban history of Cairo from the Arab conquest to the present, Andre Raymond demonstrates yet again his profound knowledge of This content downloaded from on Sun, 8 Sep AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions BOOK REVIEWS the social, economic and political history of Egypt.

Harvard University Press, - History - pages. 0 Reviews. Gaze toward the Nile from the desert hills of Mukattam, and the vast city of Cairo unfolds before you, with its monumental. Cairo, City of History: viii, pages: illustrations, maps ; 25 cm. The extraordinary tapestry of Cairo's past and present comes vividly to life in this magisterial study by Andre#; Raymond, arguably the premier social historian of the Arab world. The extraordinary tapestry of Cairo's past and present comes vividly to life in this magisterial study by André Raymond, arguably the premier social historian of the Arab world. Gaze toward the Nile from the hills of Mokattam and the city of Cairo unfolds, with its monumental architecture, teeming populace, and thousands of years of rich history.