APU Beppaper


2017.07.19 05:53


Good evening~~~!


1 semester approaches it to be over soon! Did you make your special summer vacation plan??



This time, we made a new project in AP house!

The title is……….. "Corruption room and heaven room” !!



Corruption room is what most people do not like it, but landlord feels comfortable. Heaven room is if you go to those rooms you cannot leave because it is awesome!


Today, we show you heaven room!



The landlord of this room is Shotaro Hamasaki who is APM 2nd semester student.

Yes! Wonderful photograph Shotaro~~!


Shotaro took all this photo! Is it really nice? Rightttt?


Let’s go inside~~!



...! It is a very wonderful room appropriate for the first time!

Then I will interview it a little!

Beppaper (B) : とっても素敵なお部屋ですね!この部屋を作る上でテーマとかありましたか??

Shotaro (S) : ありがとうございます!ん~~。「一番落ち着く場所」にしたかったっていうのが大きいですね。帰ってくる場所は、自分の心が安らぐところがよかったので(笑)

Beppaper (B): It is a very wonderful room! Was there it with a theme in making this room? ?

Shotaro (S): Thanks~ I wanted to make place where can feel relax! The place that came home had good place where one's heart felt at ease (笑)

B : なるほど…!確かに、照明もあまり明るくなくて、ゆっくりするのに最適ですね!

S : はい(笑)僕の部屋に来た人たちは、いつもここでうとうとしちゃってます~~。

B: No wonder.…! The illumination is not so bright and it is surely most suitable to relax!

S: ... that people who came to my room always doze off here haha

B : 私も今度ゆっくりしに来ますね(笑)この部屋でなにかお気に入りのものとかありますか??

S : お気に入りのもの…僕、RAをしているんですが、RA仲間とか寮生にもらったメッセージたちはすごく大切なものです!

B: I will come to relax next time haha And… Do you have favorite stuff in this room?

S: Favorite thing…I am doing RA right now and messages which I got from RA friend or a dormitory resident are important!


S : え~~~っと…実はここの家具ほとんどニトリで揃えていてそんなに高くないんです。お気に入りの木の机は、ネットで買ったんですが~。ん~2万くらいだと思います!カメラのお金を抜いてですけどね!(笑)

B: Brilliant! How much does ..., this room cost to be associated? ?

S: Oh, it is ...In fact, I bought those stuffs in Nitori so it is not quite expensive! I think almost 20000 yen or something. Of course, without Camera ne haha


S : やっぱりカメラですかね!最近フィルムも始めて楽しいんです!

B : ほおお!しょーたろーくんのフィルムシリーズにも期待ですね!ありがとうございました~

B: I thought that it took it more because it was a so good room! This is last question! What is the thing which you are careful with most in this room? ?

S: After all I think Camera is the most! I begin the film and it is so fun!

B: Great! We can’t wait for the Shograpey film series! thank you a lot!

This is a Instagram by shotaro!
There is a lot and a lot of beautiful photo so please check it~~!