Ameba Ownd


Fashion source: Daily Journal


2021.12.16 02:35

 順調にカランレッスンのラストステージ Stage 12 を受講していますが、唯一順調でない部分がありまして、それは「word-building exercise」です。


 これまで品詞を意識することなく、感覚で理解してきたからでしょうね。料理もそうですが、(笑)最初に感覚で理解したことを、あとから理論づけるほうが、私の学習スタイルに合っていると思いますので、弱みに気づいた今日から早速、word-building exercise 1の復習をここでしておきます。

  1. face  動詞(verb)→名詞
     Ann's facial features are so striking she could be a model if she wanted. 
  2. expand 動詞→名詞
    If this company hopes to grow, there'll need to be an expansion in the range of products we offer.
  3. publish 動詞→名詞
    This magazine is currently the only publication that makes any profit for the company, 
  4. significant 形容詞→名詞
    It's hard to know what the significance of this latest decision will be.
  5. cover 動詞→名詞
    The national TV station was praised for it's detailed coverage of coverage during the war.
  6. direct 動詞→名詞 
    The phone directory is now published online to save printing coats.
  7. talk 動詞→形容詞(adjective)
    Peter's quiet in the classroom but he's a lot more talkative outside.
  8. settle 動詞→名詞
    The biggest settlement, with over a thousand inhabitants , was next to the river.
  9. preserve 動詞→名詞
    Investing money in the preservation of this collage building is an excellent idea. 
  10. declare 動詞→名詞
    Her sudden declaration of love took him completely by surprise. 
  11. refuse 動詞→名詞
    Serena's refusal to help arrange things for the party makes no sense, the party's for her! 
  12. compare 動詞→形容詞
    Life today is not comparative to that of a thousand years ago, it's so much easier now.
  13. persuade 動詞→形容詞
    The sales assistants in that store can be very persuasive, so be careful.
  14. problem 名詞→形容詞
    I've had a rather problematic day so fat. Let's hope it gets better.
  15. include 動詞→形容詞
    I'm not sure whether that price he' quoted me for the job is inclusive of tac or not. 



◎the・of とくれば、名詞。

◎more・very ・be動詞、前の言葉を説明する場合、形容詞。


名詞の接尾語:…al / sion / tion / ence / ance / age / 

形容詞の接尾語:... ive / tic / 


P.S. 以下のサイトよくまとまっています。まとめてくれた方、ありがとうございます。