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Portal 2 download pc

2021.12.15 22:38

And played from the view of a first-person. At the beginning of the game, the Player selects the persona of robots. And the Player can freely pick characters from any one of three. The member takes control of a robotic kickback character. These characters can talk with each other. And also can connect with the scene. Furthermore, these parts can endure constant damage. If they get hard to harm, then they will die.

Falling on difficult grounds, there is no punishment for the Player. But if he falls into the poison water and gesture poll, he will die if the character dies in the single-player mode of the game.

Review Type. All , Positive , Negative 3, All , Steam Purchasers , Other 54, All Languages , Your Languages , Customize. Date Range. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. Show graph. Brought to you by Steam Labs. Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written:. No minimum to No maximum. Off-topic Review Activity.

When enabled, off-topic review activity will be filtered out. This defaults to your Review Score Setting. Read more about it in the blog post. Excluding Off-topic Review Activity. Loading reviews The plot of the game continues the line started in the first part of the "Portal" series. A girl named Chell, defeated a powerful artificial intelligence that got out of control and destroyed the entire staff of the Aperture Science research complex. The girl managed to stop the raging cybernetic creature, but through negligence, GLaDOS was restored by her.

This time, she will again face the same trials that almost killed her the first time.. Moving around the scientific complex will be carried out using a special hand-held device that opens small portals - passages between the space. Drex - If you mounted the folder c:war2 the file war2. Try pointing directly at the file i. Okay so I tried following Proud's steps but when I get to the install from my virtual drive it keeps telling me incorrect or missing WAR2.

EXW in directory. I keep getting an error because I'm using a bit OS. First mount the parent dir of your war2 rip to c: i. Purity 0 point DOS version. Share your gamer memories, give useful links or comment anything you'd like.

This game is no longer abandonware, we won't put it back online. Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal is available a small price on the following websites, and is no longer abandonware.

You can read our online store guide. Some of these file may not be included in the game stores. Jun 22, Portal 2 Free Download for PC is a first-person puzzle-platformvideo game developed and published by Valve Corporation. Portal 2 System Requirements! OS: Windows xp, vista, 7 Processor: 3. Like anything in Portal 2, gels seem simple at first, but you'll find yourself using them in interesting ways as you progress to later puzzles.

If you're really looking for a challenge, you can find exceptionally tricky puzzles in the standalone cooperative mode. You'll need a skilled partner though, as these puzzles require both quick-thinking and fast reflexes. Each set of cooperative puzzles focus on a different mechanic, but with access to double the portals, things are generally more complicated than in solo play.

Portal 2 is a worthy successor to the classic Portal, which is an impressive feat. The sequel not only gives gamers more unique puzzle-solving gameplay, but it also expands the universe in some fun ways. It's also absolutely hilarious, with characters and cutscenes guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Portal 2 also manages to improve upon the original with some fun new mechanics and a fleshed-out cooperative campaign, so the experience never feels retreaded or stale.