How to download daughter of ash mod
Also included are some trouble shooting tips a very brief g. If you enjoy this mod, go to the Author's mod page and give Pchs some love! Download for free. This Remaster release also marks a 1. You can read a more detailed rundown of what Daughters of Ash adds to Dark Souls in this Reddit post. You can download Daughters of Ash from Nexusmods. Be warned that any conversation started with him will probably wind up gravitating towards his two dogs, The Adventure Zone, or Kingdom Hearts 2.
By Cody Peterson Published Dec 06, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Related Topics Game Guides dark souls pc. Connect with us. Mike Wilson. I try not to be boring. Continue Reading. You may like. You only need to extract the latest zipped patch files into your DATA directory to upgrade from installer 1. Make sure to check back here, Reddit , or Nexus above to ensure you have the latest version. Experience a new adventure in Lordran. Your journey will be familiar in some ways, and very unfamiliar in others.
Things you should expect include:. Daughters of Ash has more content than the original game, much of which cannot be seen in a single play-through due to the complex interactions between storylines.
It contains no new game assets e. It was created with more than one thousand hours of work throughout and by one very masochistic programmer hello!