Hells vengeance players guide pdf download

2021.12.15 22:39

Ever since the end of the Chelish Civil War in ar, the thrice-damned House Thrune has, with the aid of the. But in the current year, a series of events finally challenges that rule, starting with the recovery of an Iomedaean artifact by the Hellknight Order of the Godclaw. An expatriate of Cheliax and paladin of Iomedae, herself eager to reclaim her familys name, rounds up an army of crusaders and marches on Citadel Dinyar, the Order of the Godclaws home, and soundly defeats the Hellknights to reclaim the potent holy artifact.

The call of the Glorious Reclamation spreads like wildfire through southern and eastern Cheliax, and House Thrune is quick to react by sending trusted agents out to place the empires greatest cities under martial law. Instead, it tells the. Hells Rebels is about Kintargo, and the valiant efforts of a group of rebels to protect this city from the cruelties and injustices of House Thrune.

It is not intended to be the Adventure Path wherein your PCs liberate the entire empire of Cheliax, nor is intended to be one where your PCs ally with the new knights of the Glorious Reclamation. The events taking place elsewhere in Cheliax will influence and, in some cases, enable developments to come in Hells Rebels, but by and large, this Adventure Path remains in Kintargo and the surrounding Archduchy of Ravounel.

In that Adventure Path, the PCs take on the roles of evil allies of House Thrune and work to preserve the empire of Cheliaxthe knights of the Glorious Reclamation are the primary antagonists, and while this group is a lawful good organization, they are not intended to be player character options, nor are they intended to have much of a presence in the Hells Rebels Adventure Path.

The Adventure Path begins with the PCs drawn together at what is initially a relatively peaceful protest in Kintargos Aria Park, just south of its famous opera house. Each of the campaign traits presented later in this adventure carries with it not only a personal goal for your character to seek during the first part of the Adventure Path but a reason to be in attendance at the protest.

Some of these traits might suggest ways your character could already know one of the other PCs, but you could just as easily end up meeting your new companions for the first time in Aria Park as the first adventure, In Hells Bright Shadow, begins.

Youre starting the Hells Rebels Adventure Path, but what kind of character should you play? What is the best way to make a character that will fit into Kintargo and excel at the encounters to come? The following hints, suggestions, and character options are designed to help you create a character perfectly suited to aiding in the defense of Kintargo and overcoming the challenges the Hells Rebels Adventure Path has in store for you and your party.

These suggestions are not exhaustive, and there are thousands of viable character concepts that can shine in this campaign. For more discussion of characters in the Hells Rebels Adventure Path, visit the message boards at paizo. Hells Rebels is primarily an urban campaignwhile there will be some excursions into the surrounding hinterlands and a fair amount of classic dungeon delving, your characters will never be far from the city of Kintargo for long.

All classes are suitable for the Adventure Path, but some classes have more useful options. As a campaign that places the PCs in the role of rebels against a lawful evil government, chaotic and good characters will be the most thematically appropriate.

Lawful characters can certainly take part, particularly if they seek to see the end of even a small part of Thrunes control over Cheliax, but characters who sympathize with House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus will find themselves increasingly fighting against Hells Rebels themes and plots. As an urban campaign, classes that excel at wilderness themes, such as druids and rangers, should make sure to focus on choices that will allow them to function well out of their usual environments.

Likewise, classes such as bards, investigators, and rogues will find themselves fitting into this Adventure Path with great ease. The following archetypes from various Pathfinder products are all good choices for this Adventure Path.

Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide: Champion of the faith warpriest , cleaner slayer , daring infiltrator swashbuckler , infiltrator investigator , mastermind investigator , mysterious avenger swashbuckler , or sleuth investigator.

Pathfinder RPG Advanced Players Guide: Archivist bard , court bard bard , detective bard , investigator rogue , rake rogue , spy rogue , street performer bard , urban druid druid , or urban ranger ranger. Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat: Charlatan rogue , crusader cleric , divine strategist cleric , falconer ranger , tactician fighter , or urban barbarian barbarian. Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic: Celebrity bard , demagogue bard , heretic inquisitor , infiltrator inquisitor , or separatist cleric.

Many prestige classes are appropriate choices for the Hells Rebels Adventure Path. Those that require lawful or evil alignments to qualify for tend to be tricky choices mostly due to the alignment factor , but if you can justify why a lawful or evil character of that prestige class would want to work with a bunch of chaotic good rebels and oppose a lawful evil overlord, then with your GMs.

Some specific prestige class choices that would have particularly unusual, on-theme, or challenging elements are mentioned below. Assassin or Red Mantis Assassin Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide : As long as you avoid a religion that clashes with the theme of the Adventure Path Asmodeus, Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon, or any of the diabolic demigods , an assassin who throws in with the rebels could offer a unique mindset and skill set that, in grim times such as these, could spell the difference between success and failure.

Just keep in mind that an evil-aligned character should not be viewed as an excuse for player-versus-player conflict, or as an opportunity to undermine the enjoyment for the rest of the group by disrupting the unfolding plotline by secretly working against the Silver Ravens.

The network faces hard times ahead in the Hells Rebels Adventure Path, but a PC member who takes levels in this prestige class should find the choice well supported in opportunities, themes, and unique options for roleplaying. Dawnflower Dissident Paths of Prestige : While the Dawnflower dissident is more common in the east, these rebellious holy warriors have a key role to play in Kintargo as welland not just because the only shrine to Sarenrae in the city recently suffered a mysterious fire.

The classs ability to hide its true nature will come in handy later on in the Adventure Path. You should speak to your GM about this option if you wish to play a Hellknight hopeful, as he or she will have advice on what orders would be best to join.

In any event, you should avoid focusing your character on the more infernal or diabolic options available for the class. Master Spy Advanced Players Guide : This prestige class along with all prestige classes that enhance your abilities for espionage is an excellent option for a character who wants to focus on infiltration, trickery, and the more subtle aspects of revolting against the government.

Noble Scion Paths of Prestige : Cheliax has a proud tradition of noble families holding positions of power, and Kintargo is no different. Playing a member of a noble family caught up in the rebellion could bring about unique and memorable opportunities for play. Pathfinder Chronicler: This along with all other Pathfinder Society prestige class options could be an interesting choice, since the Pathfinders have had a difficult time maintaining a presence in Cheliax since.

Thrune took over. There is no Pathfinder lodge in Kintargo, and the Pathfinders themselves dont play a role in the Adventure Path, but that could change if you want to take one of these prestige classes and play a character whos seeking to pave the way to welcome the Society back to Kintargo when and if the city can be freed.

Bloodlines and Mysteries While all bloodlines are good choices, sorcerers who wish to mesh well with the themes of the Hells Rebels Adventure Path should consider the following bloodlines: aquatic, arcane, celestial, destined, maestroUM, and martyred Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels. The infernal bloodline is an excellent choice if you want to play a sorcerer tempted or influenced by the very forces she seeks to oppose in the campaign.

Charisma Take note that Hells Rebels has strong themes of political intrigue and puts the PCs into the roles of being leaders of a rebel group, the Silver Ravens. As a result, Charisma is a more important ability score in this Adventure Path than most, particularly if you want your character to play a more significant role among the management and leadership of the rebellion.

A low-Charisma character will still have his or her place in this campaigntheres going to be plenty of combat to be hadbut make sure youre aware of the additional role Charisma has to play in this Adventure Path as well. See pages for rules on how the rebellion works. For improved familiars, carbunclesB3, cassisian angelsB2, celestial hawks, dire rats, faerie dragonsB3, lyrakien azatasB2, pipefoxesB4, pseudodragons, silvanshee agathionsB2, spritesB3, stirges, and voidworm proteansB2 are the best choices.

Imp familiars are very poor options. The following animal companions can all be found in Kintargo or the Archduchy of Ravounel: aurochs, axe beakB3, badgerB2, bear, bird eagle, hawk, or owl , boar, cat small , dire bat, dog, dolphin, elkB3, frog, goblin dog, horse, lizard giant gecko B3, lizard monitor lizard , octopus, orca, pony, ramB2, roc, seahorse giant B4, shark, snake constrictor , snake viper , squid, stagB4, trumpeter swanB4, vulture giant B3, weasel giant B4, and wolf.

For the most part, animal companions do not cause much of a concern in Kintargo, so long as they remain well. Favored Terrains and Favored Enemies The majority of the action in Hells Rebels takes place within the city walls of Kintargo, but there are several excursions to the areas beyond. Urban is without a doubt the single best choice for a favored terrain, but forest, mountain, underground, and water are strong secondary choices. Solid favored enemy choices include aberration, dragon, humanoid human , monstrous humanoid, outsider lawful or evil , or undead, but other types of creatures will be encountered sporadically as well.

Feats and Skills Feats that augment or enhance a characters talent at deception and tact are excellent choices in this Adventure Path, but with ample opportunities for combat and dungeon exploration and several chances to explore. Skills, on the other hand, are a different story.

Hells Rebels has a fair amount of focus on espionage, politics, subterfuge, and outright rebellion. As such, certain skills will become quite useful during the Adventure Path. Skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth will all come in handy quite often when navigating the treacherous waters of Kintargan politics or attempting secret missions against the oppressive government.

Perform will have multiple opportunities to shine as well, for the people of Kintargo adore entertainment never more so than when an oppressive regime has imposed martial law.

Numerous knowledge skills will help as well, particularly Knowledge history , Knowledge local , Knowledge nobility , and Knowledge religion. In addition, in Hells Rebels, youll have opportunities to perform some unusual things with skills, as summarized below.

Concealing Religion: Often, your religion can get you into trouble in Kintargo, particularly if you worship a recently outlawed faith such as that of Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Milani, or Sarenrae. Yet many characters particularly divine spellcasters need their religious gear and symbols close at hand to function.

You can hide your religion while keeping your symbols handy by making either a Bluff, Disguise, or Sleight of Hand check when someone from whom you wish to keep this secret interacts with youthe result of your skill check sets the Perception or Sense Motive DC to notice your faith.

Generally, the GM will make the call as to which of these two skills the NPC will use to try to see through your deception. Examining and Creating Documents: At times during this Adventure Path, youll need to examine old documents, complex contracts, and other written works.

Some of these documents are simply archaic and written strangely, but others contain hidden messages or obfuscated truths. Doing so generally requires both knowledge in the language in which the document is written and a successful Linguistics check against a set DC known by your GM.

In addition, you can use Linguistics checks to create secret messages, much in the same way you use Bluff to verbally pass a hidden message to another. Hiding Bodies: Now and then, youll need to hide a body, either because youre trying to maintain a stealthy cover or because the discovery of a corpse might attract the wrong sort of attention.

In most cases, when you hide a body, you attempt a Stealth check; the result is the DC of the Perception check at which someone must succeed to spot the body. If instead you simply want to make.

Hiding or disguising a body takes 1 minute of workor 20 minutes of work if you wish to take You must not be observed by anyone you hope to trick in this way while hiding a body. Languages Hells Rebels has a lot of roleplaying opportunities and numerous political machinations for you to navigate.

Fortunately, most people youll be encountering speak the Common tongue. Infernal would be a good choice to learn if your character plans on spying on the enemy or wishes to be able to read clues left behind by Thrune agents.

Elven, Halfling, Shadowtongue, and Strix are relatively commonly heard languages in the region as well. Origins Hells Rebels begins in the city of Kintargo and assumes the PCs have a strong tie to this location; as such, PCs who come from or have lived for some time in Kintargo make the most sense.

If you come from elsewhere, you should work to come up with a reason your character would come to Kintargo and would want to stay in the city. Fortunately, Kintargo is quite cosmopolitan, and the city openly welcomes travelers from throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond. Races Kintargo is a human city, and as such, the bulk of its citizens are humans, yet all of the races from the Core Rulebook can be encountered within the citys walls. Of the humans, most are Chelaxian, with Taldans and Varisians being the most commonly encountered ethnicities after that.

Beyond the core races, aquatic elves, strix, tengu, and tieflings make up the majority of the more unusual races in the region. With the GMs permission, playing one of these races can give you some additional touchstones during the Hells Rebels Adventure Path, but note that some of these races, particularly the aquatic elves and strix, come with significant advantages that might not mesh well with your GMs preferred play style.

Religions In general, the closer your religion comes to being chaotic good in alignment, the more likely youll be to have a faith that synchronizes well with the role your characters will be taking in the Hells Rebels Adventure Path.

What follows are notes on the deities most appropriate for the region and the campaigns theme and that would mesh well with a group of rebels such as the Silver Ravens. This temple was originally a.

Worship of Abadar never really took off in Kintargo, though, since its citizens tend to resist the order and organization so important to the Abadarian faith. As a result, the House of Golden Veils serves Kintargo more as a bank than as a place of worship. The high priest of the church is a half-elf named Mhelrem Gesteliel, a patient man who understands the citys view on his faith but is always willing to accept new members into his flock.

As a worshiper of Abadar, your primary concern should be for the well-being of the city of Kintargo and its citizens. The fact that its current leaders might have different plans for the safety of the citys structures and inhabitants should worry you, and you fear that the future might pose some difficult choices for you. Calistria: Worship of Calistria was outlawed by House Thrune, and her temple in Kintargo has been given by the government to the church of Abadar.

Originally known as the House of Satin Veils, many Calistrians hold grudges against the church of Abadar for working with the Thrunes to take over the sacred site, but some understand that the Thrunes themselves should be the target of vengeance.

There are many worshipers of Calistria in the city, but they practice their faith in secret and individuallyor at most, in small groups. The faith currently has no central organized force or leader. Perhaps thats something you might some day change? Exact details as to why the church was destroyed are unknown, but many believe House Thrune was involved and that the government has redacted the details of this event and the faiths history in Kintargo.

Like the church of Calistria, the faithful of Cayden Cailean now worship on their own or in small groups, fearful to present anything approaching an organized force for House Thrune to lash out against. The site of the previous temple to Cayden Cailean is now occupied by a new structure, a temple of Zon-Kuthon called the Shadowsquare. Many of Kintargos brothels, gambling halls, and taverns have small hidden shrines to the Drunken God nestled away inside secret chambers.

Rumor holds that many of Kintargos citizens, including the now-missing ex-LordMayor Jilia Bainilus, are among his devotees. Desna: Desnas faithful have always been nomadic in the region, and when House Thrune took control, there were no temples to the Song of the Spheres to destroy.

Her faith is strongest in the hinterlands surrounding Kintargo, particularly in the North Plains near the border with Nidal, where her followers oppose that nations shadowy influence.

In Kintargo, her worship is outlawed, yet this doesnt stop her faithful from keeping private shrines in their homes or massing in secret areas for hidden ceremonies. Iomedae: The faith of Iomedae has a long and rocky history with Cheliax. The fact that a particularly zealous group of her followers have united under the banner of the Glorious Reclamation elsewhere in Cheliax stands as proof. Her worship has not traditionally been strong in Kintargo, and there are no shrines or temples devoted to her despite the fact that, technically, her church is not outlawed.

Those few Iomedaeans who do dwell in Kintargo often gather in public to perform their ceremonies in a subdued and quiet manner, although with Barzillai Thrunes arrival in town, even these small displays have ended, forcing her faithful into hiding much like those of the chaotic religions. The majority of Iomedaes worshipers in Kintargo do not agree with what the knights of the Glorious Reclamation are doing.

It is not that they oppose the idea of challenging House Thrune, but that they believe now is not the right time to rise up and that the eager crusaders might have acted too soon. Certainly, from Kintargos viewpoint, life has grown much worse since the Glorious Reclamation forced House Thrune to put its cities under martial law. Irori: Irori has no official temple in Kintargo, and to the public eye, no real presence in the city at all.

In fact, one of his more widespread semi-secret orders first started here in Kintargothe Sacred Order of Archivists. Originally dedicated to fighting against House Thrunes practices of redacting and revising history by gathering and protecting what few surviving historical documents they could find, the Sacred Order is now active across the Inner Sea region. The Kintargo cell is, somewhat ironically, one of its smaller branches, yet until Barzillai Thrune came to the city, they remained active.

Their identity and the location of their headquarters remains a secret, but rumors fly thick that the order was disbanded and their hideout was seized by the church of Asmodeus not long after martial law came down.

As the goddess of devotion, hope, and uprisings, her ideals are just what Kintargo requires in these dark daysdevotion to freedom, hope that Barzillai Thrune can be defeated, and the strength to rise up against the oppression put in place by the Chelish church and state.

No church to Milani exists in Kintargo, yet her faithful are present in a loosely associated group called the Rose of Kintargo.

Rumor holds that many of those who were excruciated, imprisoned, or worse by Thrune in the first week of his rule over Kintargo were movers and shakers in the Rose of Kintargo, and certainly in the days following, Milanis faithful have yet to make any public move against the government.

Perhaps the Rose has been pluckedin which case, the need for more worshipers of the Everbloom is greater than ever! Sarenrae: The faith of Sarenrae is a relative newcomer to Kintargo.

Individual worshipers existed, but until a bard named Shensen settled in the city and made a name. Although not a cleric herself, Shensens faith in Sarenrae is deep, and it wasnt long before many others flocked to her side.

It was something of an open secret that the basement below her shop, the Silver Star, held Kintargos growing shrine to Sarenrae, and that openness came back to haunt the faithful when Barzillai Thrune came to townor so the rumors state. One things for sure, though Those priests of Sarenrae who survived have been granted asylum by the church of Shelyn, and have not dared showed their face publicly since. Shelyn: Shelyns faith has long been the second most powerful in Kintargoand by some measurements, it might have been, for a time, the citys most powerful religion.

Certainly, by sheer count, her faithful numbered more than Asmodeuss Shelyns worship is still allowed by the church and government, but all worshipers of Shelyn must register with Thrune, and all ceremonies and rituals performed by her faithful must be observed by an Asmodean priest, an Order of the Rack Hellknight, or an agent of Thrune.

The fact that Shelyns temple has given asylum to several persecuted priests of other religions mostly Sarenites has only further enhanced the tension between the church of Shelyn and that of Asmodeus. Its only a matter of time before one of the two churches is forced to take drastic action.

Empyreal Lords: Many of the empyreal lords are worshiped in Kintargo by individuals or small groups and venerated in small, private shrines. Chaotic good empyreal lords are more common than others, but of them all, Arshea, Ragathiel, and Seramaydiel are the most widespread in Kintargoeven then, their faithful only number a few dozen or fewer. Arshea is primarily worshiped in Kintargo by those who yearn to be free of Thrune influence, Ragathiel by those value the concept of duty but have become fed up by House Thrunes corruption of classic Chelaxian law, and Seramaydiel by a small subset of Kintargos musicians who focus on musical instruments rather than singing or opera.

Inappropriate Religions: While the worship of evil deities is not thematically appropriate for Hells Rebels, the worship of Asmodeus, Norgorber, Zon-Kuthon, and any of the archdevils, infernal dukes, malebranche, or whore queens in particular are incredibly unsuitable choices for this Adventure Path. If you wish your character to worship an evil deity, talk to your GM and, even then, do your best to avoid any of the faiths listed above.

If youre really eager to worship a devil or similar evil deity, you should set that character concept aside for now and bring it back for the next Adventure Path, Hells Vengeance. Your character needs a reason to attend this protest; several possible reasons are listed below. If none of these appeal to you, work with your GM to develop a different suitable reason to attend. Your preparation and eager anticipation for the protest grants you additional bonuses, depending on your reason for protesting.

These bonuses are listed below, and only apply for the initial encounter of the campaign. Looking for Trouble: You may or may not approve or disapprove of the way Lord-Mayor Thrune has handled the situation, but the thing that interests you the most about the protest is the fact that therell be a nice big crowd of people there. And that means youll have a chance to not only pilfer a few coins from unsuspecting pockets, but perhaps do a little something more! Kintargo could use a bit more public disobedience these days, after all!

Looking for Your Idol: As a city built on arts and performances, its no surprise that many of the most famous entertainers and performers to come out of Cheliax rose to prominence in the city of Kintargo. Since Barzillai Thrune took over the city, though, Kintargos atmosphere has grown increasingly oppressive, and not just because the new lord-mayor closed down the opera house to make it his home.

With a curfew now in place and guards patrolling the streets in greater numbers than ever before, catching a glimpse of a favorite idol has become difficult at best. In your case, youve long admired a specific famous Kintargan see the Star Struck trait on page 12 for a sample list of famous Kintargans. This persons been conspicuously absent from the public eye over the past week, so when you heard a rumor that the object of your infatuation or perhaps obsession might be in attendance at the Aria Park protest, you made a point of attending.

You realize that this rumor is most likely a false one, but what if its not? You cant miss the chance to see your idol in person! Meeting a Contact: The Silver Ravens have long fascinated you. You might just agree with their politics for a free Kintargo, or perhaps you admire their spirit. Maybe you just like the idea of a secret society. You might know someone who was supposedly in the Silver Ravens; that someone might even be a parent, sibling, or lover.

When House Thrune established martial law a week ago, though, the Silver Ravens went dark. Rumors that their leaders have all been captured or killed circulate, and no sign of the rank-and-file members can be found. Certainly, your friend or family member has. Youre starting to worry, and hope to find out what happened to the group. After doing a bit of research, you were contacted by a friend of a friend of a friend who claimed to know something about the Silver Ravens.

You dont know who this contact is or even his name, but you do know that hes a human man, and that hes arranged to meet with you at the Aria Park protest. Youll know him because hell be wearing one black leather glove on his right hand and no glove at all on the left. Staying up on Current Events: Public protests are a great place to gather inspiration and information alike, more so from those who are being protested against than from the protesters themselves.

Youre heading to the Aria Park protest primarily to watch people, but also to make sure you stay up to date on current events. Things have a way of happening at politically charged public gatherings, after all, and youd kick yourself if you missed the protest and something big happened.

Beyond listening for rumors, it might be an interesting opportunity for you to rabble-rouse a bit, either by making a performance or simply using diplomacy to sway or guide the crowds frustration and anger. Tagging Along: You hadnt planned on going to the protest. Maybe crowds bother you, or you worry that it might get out of hand, or perhaps youre just not political.

But when you found out a close friend one of the other PCs works best for this friend was planning on going, you reluctantly agreed to come along, if only to make sure your friend stays out of trouble. You arent as interested in joining the protests as you are keeping alert for anything that might escalate the protest into something more.

Someone has to watch out for your friend, and who better to do that than you? To Protest the Government: Thrunes takeover of Kintargo is just thata takeover. Despite the governments claims that the new lord-mayor will only remain as long as the rebellions of the Glorious Reclamation to the distant southeast continue, you fear that Barzillai Thrune and martial law might be here to stay.

The time is right to strike a blow against the oppression and to make the voice of the city heard, for if Kintargos citizens simply roll over and accept their new lives, restoring the city to its people will become nearly impossible. Youre planning on attending the Aria Park protest specifically because its the largest and most organized protest yet, and if theres any chance to make your voice heard, its now!

In addition to the campaign traits found below, many other traits are suitable for a character in the Hells Rebels Adventure Path. This campaign assumes one of your two traits is selected from one of the following campaign traits, but you should also strive to explain how your other trait ties into your background with Kintargo. This is especially true if your GM allows you to take two non-campaign traits. Child of Kintargo: You had the fortune or perhaps the misfortune, depending on your viewpoint to be born into one of Kintargos noble families.

Your experience growing up among the citys well-to-do has given you an upper hand when it comes to knowledge of high society, and you start the game with a modest inheritance. With the new situation in Kintargo brewing, there is much concern about an eventual restructuring of the citys nobility. Already, one noble estate has burned to the ground under what can best be described as suspicious circumstances, but whether the government or rebels were responsible depends on whom you ask.

With this trait, the assumption is that you belong to a minor noble family and can make up your family name. In this case, your family keeps a small manor in the Greens. If you want to be a member of one of Kintargos major noble families, you must take the Noble Scion feat at 1st level. The Noble Scion feat see the sidebar on page 11 does not have a Charisma prerequisite for you. In addition, you start play with a nobles outfit, a signet ring, and a single additional nonmagical item worth no more than gp.

If you take the Noble Scion feat, your last name is probably Aulamaxa, Aulorian, Delronge, Jarvis, Jhaltero, Sarini, Tanessen, or Vashnarstill; if youre not human, you were adopted into the family. If you dont take this feat, you can make up your last name. Diva in Training: The opera is perhaps the most important and prestigious form of entertainment offered in Kintargo, and the Kintargo Opera House is among the most famous of its kind.

Youre hardly a superstar among the performers whove graced the stage there, but you have performed several times before in small parts. Just recently, you got your big breakyoud won a role in the infamous opera Huntress of Heroes, and had been studying for the role furiously before the onset of martial law dashed your plans to the dirt.

Now that the Kintargo Opera House has been claimed by Barzillai Thrune, all shows have been canceled and your chance at success seems to have been lost. Yet you cant lose hope. You still practice your skills, and some day, perhaps the Kintargo Opera House will open its doors again, at which point you intend to be center stage!

Choose one type of Perform skill. You also increase the save DCs of all language-dependent spells and effects you create by 1. Ex-Asmodean: You, or perhaps your family, were once worshipers of Asmodeus, but something happened that made you lose your faith. Perhaps your family was asked to give up something dear as a sacrifice, such as the life of a newly born brother or sister. Maybe the church used your family as a scapegoat to cover up a crime someone higher in the church committed.

Or perhaps you simply met someone who opened your eyes and showed you the truththat Asmodeus does not care for his followers, and that the deity of your new religion does. In any event, you left the church, and as a result, your family was punished; they were either put in prison, exiled from Kintargo, or perhaps even executed.

Ever since, youve vowed to some day get revenge against the church. Fed-Up Citizen: Kintargo is a tough place to live if you count yourself as a law-abiding citizen. While you likely agree with most others of Kintargo that many of the laws put in place by House Thrune seem excessive, you always respected the law and honored it as best you could. You likely worship a deity such as Abadar or Iomedae a lawful neutral or perhaps lawful good power allowed to practice within Cheliax, but only under restrictions.

Yet despite this, Thrune has always made Cheliax a safer place to live. But with recent events, enough is enough. As much as it pains you to admit, the law of the land is now manifestly and obviously not correct, and something must be done to oppose this misuse of power. If that means aligning yourself to a rebel faction such as the Silver Ravens, so be it.

Note that this trait works particularly well for paladins or other characters who wish to venerate lawful causes but still oppose the government. Your GM should be open to allowing lawful characters to perform actions out of character for someone of lawful alignment, provided the end goal is a new and better government for Kintargo, but with this feat, characters tied strongly to law such as lawful clerics, monks, or paladins can hide those ties in ways that help them perform as rebels without giving up their actual convictions.

Youre good at hiding your true colors and faith to avoid attracting the wrong kind of attention. In addition, when someone uses detect good or detect law on you, your effective Hit Dice are 4 lower than their actual total when someone discerns the strength of your aura.

If you are a cleric, paladin, or similar divine spellcaster, you treat yourself as if you were a standardaligned creature rather than a divine spellcaster for these purposes. This means that until you become 9th level, you. Variant FeatNoble Scion You are a member of one of the significant noble families of Kintargo, whether or not you remain in good standing with your family.

Note that the Victocora family has gone missing and its estate recently burned to the ground, so theyre not an option for this feat. Note also that the Delronge, Sarini, and Tanessen families are well known Thrune sympathizers, so that if you choose to be a member of one of these families, you should play an outcast from the family, someone whos been shunned and perhaps even disinherited from the family for personal or political views.

In such a case, youd still gain the monetary boon from the Child of Kintargo trait, should you take it. This boon represents all youve managed to get away with before being kicked out of the house. Prerequisites: Charisma 13 or Child of Kintargo trait, must be taken at 1st level. You also gain an additional benefit, depending on which family you belong to. If you have the bardic performance ability, you can use that ability for an additional 3 rounds per day. Delronge: Although you no longer associate yourself with your house and might indeed have been disowned due to your conflicting political views , you retain the horsemanship training you received as a child.

You gain a. Gifted Satirist: You grew up among Kintargos performers and entertainers. Perhaps your parents or older siblings were singers at the Kintargo Opera House, or maybe you simply had to make ends meet as an orphan of the streets by busking. Whatever the case, youve long been exposed to the practice of cloaking scathing political commentaries in the form of harmless entertainment. Whether you conceal your satire in the form of novels, plays, screeds, or public letters, youve yet to make a name for yourself as a political presence in Kintargobut in time, you hope to change that!

Jarvis: You have an innate understanding of architecture, particularly when looking for hidden doors and secret areas. You receive a Perception check to notice secret doors and hidden architectural features whenever you pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not you are actively looking. Jhaltero: You have access to the familys extensive information network. Whenever you use Diplomacy to gather information, roll twice and take the better result. Sarini: Your family has long been open about its allegiance to House Thrune, something that has always ashamed or scandalized you.

Knowledge planes is always a class skill for you. Tanessen: You no longer see yourself as a Tanessen, due in large part to your own differences in opinion with the familys allegiance to Thrune, but what you learned as a child about leadership in battle still applies today.

You apply your Charisma modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier to Initiative checks. Vashnarstill: Your family has always prided itself in knowing as much as there is to know about any topic that interested them.

If you take this version of the feat, you cannot also take the version presented in The Inner Sea World Guide. Historian of the Rebellion: Youve long been interested in the legacy of the Silver Ravensa group of freedom fighters that rose to prominence in Kintargo during the Chelish Civil War. Theres frustratingly little information today about the group, and you suspect that most of what was recorded about the Silver Ravens has long since been redacted or destroyed by government agents, but youve managed to pick up a tidbit here and there.

Most of your knowledge isnt so much about the Silver Ravens specifically, but more about general histories of rebel groups and freedom fighters who have fought against oppressive governments throughout history, both in Cheliax and beyond.

You can change which check you assign this bonus to once at the start of the rebellions Upkeep phase. Your time preparing for joining the Silver Ravens has also honed your skill at remaining unseen. Natural Born Leader: Whenever you found yourself involved in a group effort in the past, be it working with siblings to handle a family emergency, conspiring with friends to orchestrate a prank, or throwing in with coworkers to take care of an unanticipated complication at work, you tended to end up in a position of leadership.

It might be unclear to you why this is the case, or you. You excel in the role of manager. You treat your Charisma score as if it were 14 or 2 points higher than its actual score if your actual Charisma is already 14 or higher for the purposes of determining how many teams you can manage in the rebellion, and for the purposes of determining the bonus you add to your managed teams actions. Pattern Seeker: There are patterns in the world, both natural and artificial, that if only one can interpret them correctly, great secrets could be divined.

You have long been fascinated by the idea of these hidden patterns, perhaps because a sibling or parent went to the grave obsessed with seeking a pattern, or maybe because you feel that youve uncovered a previously unknown pattern. Par watson dawn le samedi, juin 24 , - Lien permanent.

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Characters by Cards [. Combat Survival Guide [. There's an uprising in Cheliax to put down!