Windows 10 registry disable app downloads sysprep
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View code. Interactivity The scripts are designed to run without any user-interaction. Download Latest Version Code located in the master branch is always considered under development, but you'll probably want the most recent version anyway.
If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy us a beer in return. Gokul T. Hi Jay, - Since when have you had the issue? How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.
In reply to Gokul T's post on July 18, I found this article about sysprep mini-setup. That fixed it for me.
You can then re-enable them once you are finished with whatever you are doing. Have a look. The answer is way down at the bottom of his post. If you have logged in under multiple accounts AppX apps may have been provisioned for each of them. What do you know about Windows. Sysprep is giving me the same error, I cannot remove it because it is a built in one, and none of the fixes I have seen on other sites have been able to work. So far it seems to be an issue with the version update.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Hey Ahron thanks for reading my blog! Microsoft appears to indicate that you could also do a fresh install from a new ISO and avoid this issue as well. I did. I have tried it but to no avail until later this afternoon. I am building it as a VM on an offline network that I cannot connect to the internet. So I tried on a physical computer that a can connect and the fix worked this time.
I am having the same issue but with contactsupport app. In version you can remove this app by using PS. Get-WindowsCapability -online? Is he a plant from Apple or Google? So sick of this crap.. Its going to take that much time to figure out how to extricate ourselves from the mess that is microsloth.. Check back in a few days or even subscribe to my blog to get update when I finish it.
Thanks for your article. Got me started down the right path. AppX packages seem to break the ability to generalize using sysprep the machine. The first option is to remove the UWP apps from a device either during the build in Audit Mode, or when the image is already running. Also, as I will mention later, you can remove the apps in supported or unsupported ways.
I have 3 local accounts setup on the machine. I checked the Packages folder and I do not see any files or folders named after the store.
Wednesday, August 30, PM. We really only need to remove apps that cause sysprep to fail. I noticed in that you had to remove individual packages. Then in you could run the "get-appxpackage remove-appxpackage" Now in , you can not simply run "get-appxpackage remove-appxpackage" Any idea on how is the general public is suppose to keep up on all of these unique changes windows puts into each build? Thursday, August 31, AM. Additionally, you could use the script I linked above to automate app removal process.
Thursday, August 31, PM. Anton, Do you build your images in audit mode? I am basically taking a machine, booting right into the OS, creating 3 users. I then log into each user and make some custom setting changes.
I am going to take a look at the link you provided me with to see if that will help me out. The script supports both offline and online removal. By default it will remove all apps, but you can provide a separate RemoveApps. If this file doesn't exist, the script will recreate one in the script folder, so you can run the script once, grab the file, make whatever changes you want, then put the file alongside the script and it will remove only the apps you specified.
Additional Info: Windows as a Service poses new challenges, one of which is the fact that each feature upgrade reinstalls in-box modern apps and potentially adds new ones with each Windows 10 feature upgrade. Apps that you had removed from Windows 10 , e. Microsoft suggests to remove unwanted apps either offline or online. Note: The script will mount install. Build one with all apps. Anton, Do you build your images from a. Overall, this process worked fine for me until windows Edited by vssv Thursday, August 31, PM.
Sure, I am here to help.