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2021.12.15 22:39

Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives Responsible citizens who make a posi- tive contribution to society 4. Successful learners who… Have the essential learning skills of literacy, numeracy and informa -tion and communication technology Are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems Have enquiring minds and think for themselves to process inform ation, reason, question and evalu ate Communicate well in a range of Ways Understand how they learn and learn from their mistakes Are able to learn indepen- dently and with others Know about big ideas and events that shape our world Enjoy learning and are motivated to achieve the best they can now and in the future.

Have a sense of self-worth and Personal identity Relate well to others and form Good relationships are self-aware and deal well with their emotions Have secure values and beliefs and have principles to distinguish right from wrong Become increasingly independent, are able to take the initiative and organize themselves make healthy lifestyle choices Confident individuals who… 6. Are physically competent and confident Take managed risks and stay safe Are willing to try new things and make the most of opportunities Are open to the excitement a nd inspiration offered by the natural world and human achievements Confident individuals who… 7.

Appreciate the benefits of diversity Challenge injustice, are committe d to human rights and strive to live peaceably with others Sustain and improve the environment, locally and globally Take account of the needs of present and future generations in the choices they make Can change things for the better Responsible citizens who… 9. Sample THE AIMS OF ENGLISH ARE: to enable children to speak clearly and audibly in ways which take account of their listeners; to develop confident, independent readers through an appropriate focus on word, sentence and text-level knowledge; to encourage children to become enthusiastic and reflective readers through contact with challenging and lengthy texts; to help children enjoy writing and recognize its value; to enable children to write with accuracy and meaning in narrative and nonfiction; Aims and DLOs Aims are not the same as desired learning outcomes Aims should relate to the combined impact of the curriculum, the pedagogy and the assessment of the various elements.

Desired learning outcomes, need to be student oriented, and should point to the knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes of those students who successfully complete the course. Aims and Objectives So, aim statements are… broad and all encompassing.

The big vision stuff While, desired learning outcomes are specific, behavioral, student- focused statements. Total views 3, On Slideshare 0.

From embeds 0. Number of embeds 1. Downloads Shares 0. Comments 0. Content is more than simply information to be learned in school. To some curriculum specialists, content or subject matter is another term for knowledge. It is a compendium of facts, concepts generalization, principles and theories. Let us look into broad subject areas in basic or general education.

Each subject area has its own body of subject matter or learning content. Communication Arts — include skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as the effective use of language in daily living. Mathematics — includes numeric and computational skills, geometry and measurement, algebra, logic and reasoning. Music — includes basic music theory, practice in listening, singing, playing musical instruments and music preparation.

Physical Education—includes health and physical fitness, individual and team sports, spectatorship and wise use of leisure. Vocational Education — includes psychomotor and manipulative skills in basic crafts and trades, design, work ethic and appreciation of manual productive work.

What subject matter will be taught in the different clusters in order to achieve the objectives? What criteria should be used in selecting the content? Content selection is a very crucial stage in curriculum development.

Here are some criteria which can be utilized in the selection of subject matter content or knowledge for the curriculum. Significance — When content or subject matter will contribute to basic ideas, concepts, principles, and generalization to achieve the overall aim of the curriculum, then it is significant.

It is also significant if it will develop learning abilities, skills, processes and attitude. Subject matter is significant if it will develop the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills of the learners. Validity — The authenticity of the subject matter selected is its validity.

With information explosion, oftentimes, knowledge selected for school content may become obsolete. Thus subject matter should be checked or verified at regular intervals, to determine if the content that was originally valid continues to be. A learner will value the content if it is meaningful to him or her.

Utility — Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going to use it. Usefulness maybe either be for the present or the future.

Learnability — Subject matter in the curriculum should be within the range of experiences of the learners. This is clearly suggested by the psychological foundations of a curriculum. There are ways of presenting subject matter or content which can easily be learned. Optimal placement and appropriate organization and sequencing of contents are the two ways by which these can be done. Content selection should be considered within the context of the existing reality in school, in society and government.

It would be of greater he curriculum makers can use them. As a guide, subject matter or content can be rejected for use he these are: a. In organizing or putting together the different learning contents Palma, suggested the following principles: balance, articulation, sequence, integration and continuity. Curriculum content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth of the particular learning area or discipline.

This will ensure that the level or area will not be overcrowded or less crowded. When each level of subject matter is smoothly connected to the next, glaring gap and wasteful overlaps in the subject matter will be avoided. It refers to the deepening and broadening of content as it is taken up in the higher levels.

The horizontal connections are needed in subject areas that are similar so that learning will be related to one another. This will help the learner get a holistic or unified view of reality and outlook in life. Learning requires a continuing application of the new knowledge, skills, attitudes states so that there will be used in daily living.

Instead it will link instructional strategies and methods to curriculum experiences, the core or the heart of the curriculum. The instructional strategies and methods will put into action the goal and use the contents in order to produce an outcome.

Teaching Strategies convert the written curriculum to instruction. Both the teacher and the learner take actions to facilitate learning.

The actions are based on planned objectives, the subject matters to be taken and the support materials to be used. There will include a multitude of teaching methods and educational activities which will enhance learning. Educational activities like field viewing, conducting experiments, interacting with computer programs, field trips and other experiential learning will also form part of the repertoire of teaching.

Whatever methods the teacher utilizes to implement the curriculum, there will be some guide for the selection and use. Here are some of them: 1. Teaching methods are means to achieve the end.

They are used to translate the objectives into action. There is one single best teaching method. Its effectiveness will depend on the learning objectives, the learning and skill of the teacher. Teaching methods should stimulate the learners desire to develop the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, social and spiritual domain of the individual. In the choice of the teaching methods, learning styles of the students should be considered. Every method should lead to the development of the learning outcomes in the three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Flexibility should be a consideration in the use of the teaching methods. Curriculum evaluation here may refer to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program, process, product of the curriculum. Tuckman defines evaluation as meeting the goals and matching them with the intended outcomes.

From the definitions, several models of evaluation came up. In CIPP, the process is continuous and is very important to curriculum managers like principals, supervisors, department head, deans and even teachers.

The context refers to the environment of the curriculum. The real situation where the curriculum is operating is its context. Simply put, context evaluation refers to situation analysis.

Input refers to the ingredients of curriculum which include the goals, instructional strategies, the learners, the teacher, the contents and all the materials needed.

The process refers to views and means of how the curriculum has been implemented. This component of the CIPP looks into the entire operation of the curriculum. The product indicates he the curriculum accomplishes its goals. It will determine to what extent the curriculum objectives have been achieved. The CIPP model can be taken as a whole, or each component taken separately. It is a long of continuous process. Within the evaluation process, smaller and more specific activities are needed to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum.

There activities include assessment and measurement of learning outcomes, the ultimate product of a curriculum. With the variety of evaluation methods are the different materials which can be effectively utilized. You will study there in more detail in the modules that come later. Regardless of the methods and materials evaluation will utilize, a suggested plan of action for the process of curriculum evaluation is introduces. These are the steps. Will it be the subject area, the grade level, the course, or the degree program?

Specify the objectives of evaluation. Collect or having the information. Information is made up of data needed regarding the object of evaluation.

Organize the information. This step will require coding, organizing, storing and retrieving data for interpretation. Analyze information. An appropriate way of analyzing will be utilized. Report the information. The result of evaluation should be reported to specific audiences.

Reporting can be done formally in conferences with stakeholders, or informally through roundtable discussions and conversations. Recycle the information for continuous feedback, modification and adjustments to be made. In summary, the components of a curriculum are distinct but are interrelated to each other in a curriculum design as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2 — Interrelationship of the Components of a Curriculum Curriculum Approaches There are five curriculum approaches that will be presented in this lesson. Curriculum practitioners and implementers may use one or more approaches in planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum.

Even textbook writers or instructional material producers have different curricular approaches. Let us study and understand each example. Behavioral Approach — Anchored on the behaviorist principles, behavioral approach to curriculum is usually based on a blueprint. In the blueprint, goals and objectives are specified, contents and activities are also arranged to match with the learning objectives.

The learning outcomes are evaluated in terms of goals and objectives set at the beginning. Behavioral approach which was started with the idea of Frederick Taylor is aimed to achieve efficiency. In the factory for example, the worker will be paid according to his output produced with in a specific period of time.

In education, behavioral approach begins with educational plans that start withthe setting of goals or objectives. These are considered as important ingredients in curriculum implementation as evaluating the learning outcomes as a change of behavior.

The change in behavior indicates the measure of the accomplishments. The general manager sets the policies and priorities, establishes the direction of change and innovation, and planning and organizing curriculum and instruction.

School administrators are less concerned about the content than about organization and implementation. They are less concerned about subject matter, methods and materials than improving curriculum. Curriculum managers look at curriculum changes and innovations as they administer the resources and restructure the schools.

Some of the roles of the Curriculum Supervisors Ornstein and Hunkins, are the following: 1. Plan curriculum with students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders. Design programs of study by grade levels. Plan or schedule classes or school calendar. Prepare curriculum guides or teacher guides by grade level or subject area. Help in the evaluation and selection of textbooks. Observe teachers. Assist teachers in the implementation of the curriculum.

Encourage curriculum innovation and change. Develop standards for curriculum and instructional evaluation. System Approach — The systems approach to curriculum was influenced by systems theory.

In the systems approach to curriculum, the parts of the total school district or school are examined in terms of how they relate to each other. The organizational chart of the school represents a systems approach. To George Beauchamp, the systems theory of education sees the following to be of equal importance are 1 administration 2 counselling 3 curriculum 4 instruction and 5 evaluation.

The humanistic approach considers the formal or planned curriculum and the informal or hidden curriculum. It considers the whole child and believes that in curriculum the total development of the individual is the prime consideration.

The learner is at the center of the curriculum. Activity 1 will be on the elements or components of the curriculum and Activity 2 will be on the approaches to curriculum. Activity1 — Lesson Plan: A Curriculum?

Get a copy of the best written lesson plan of your favorite teacher in the elementary or high school. Add this to your portfolio collection. Read every detail of the lesson plan and specifically look into the following: 1. What are the objectives of the lesson plan? What is the subject matter content? What strategies or methods of teaching are utilized? What evaluation procedure is used? Do the four components fit or match with one another? Can you consider a lesson plan as a curriculum?

Activity 2 — Mr. Make an interview protocol regarding curriculum approach with your groupmates. Show your output to your teacher for comments. Refine your instrument and place a sample in your portfolio.

Choose a school with a principal as your respondent. Secure permission to interview the principal at a certain time of the school day. Record all the answers to your protocol. From your interview, what kind of curriculum approach is the principal using?

Why do you say so? Let us reflect on this issue. Choose a particular level elementary,secondary,tertiary and a specific subject area Science, Math, English as a point of reference. In your own experiences as a student: a. Identify at least 3. Describe the weaknesses or difficulties. Are there solutions to these conditions? What do you propose? Can a school curriculum succeed without a clear vision?

Will subject matter dictate the approach in curriculum? Should the learning activities be congruent to the objectives of the curriculum? Should evaluation of learning outcomes be based on the experiences of the learners? As a student of curriculum, will you put equal emphasis on the four curricular components? Does a principal with a humanistic approach to curriculum emphasize most memorization of subject matter?

Does the systems approach to curriculum consider only each part? Can there be a curriculum without evaluation? Can experiences be measured? Bilbao, Ed,D. This description implies that the crux of a curriculum is the different planned and unplanned activities which have been lived, acted upon or done by the learners with the guidance of the teacher.

Hence in curriculum development, the teaching and learning are actions necessary to accomplish a goal in education. What is the role of teaching in the curriculum development? Who does it? This lesson will focus on the teaching and learning processes as salient components of the curriculum.

Both processes provide experiences which will accomplish the goals of education. What knowledge is needed to understand this process? This section clarifies the process of the teaching as it relates to the experiences in the curriculum, an important ingredient. Good teaching is difficult to agree upon. While it remains to be difficult to agree on what good teaching is, effective teaching can be demonstrated.

Effective teaching is one that will bring about intended learning outcomes. Because of the changing paradigms of teaching, several definitions have evolved based on the theories of teaching and learning that have come about. Some view teaching as an organization of meaningful learning.

To the traditionalists, teaching is process of imparting knowledge and skills required to master a subject matter. It is a process of dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel which is the mind of the learner. Teaching is showing, telling, giving instruction, making someone understand in order to learn. In this instance, the person who teaches, controls learning. This person is a teacher, a dispenser of knowledge, an ultimate authority, a director of learning.

On the other hand, as progressive and humanist education advance, the meaning of teaching broadened to fit the psychological meaning of the term. Teaching is now perceived as stimulating, directing, guiding the learner and evaluating the learning outcomes of teaching. It looks similar to curriculum development. Definitely, it is because the process of teaching replicates the process of curriculum development.

The implementation phase of curriculum development is the actual teaching and experiencing of a curriculum. The teaching process is shown in Figure 3 below. Teaching plans maybe short term like the daily plan or long term plan like the unit plan or a yearly plan. In a plan, considerations should include the learner, availability of materials, time requirements of particular activities, the strategies needed to achieve the objectives and the teacher.

The planning phase recognizes the intent that it will be the learners who will learn, hence the next phase will engage more the learner. The implementation phase requires the teacher to implement what has been planned.

Based on the objectives, implementation means to put into action the different activities in order to achieve the objectives through the subject matter. Here, two important players are involved: the teacher and the learner.

Their interaction is important in the accomplishment of the plan. Most often the planning phase directs what will be done in the activity but such can also be flexible. The use of the different teaching styles and strategies should be included in the implementation phase.

In the evaluation phase, a match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will be made. The kind of information should be determined so that the type of the evaluation should be chosen to fit the purpose. WhatsApp Messenger. Talking Tom Cat. Clash of Clans. Subway Surfers. TubeMate 3. Google Play. Log4j software bug. NASA probe touches the sun. Spider-Man: No Way Home review.

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