How to download source files from website
Use the control panel file manager or the file browser in your FTP program to navigate to the folder containing the HTML file you'll be adding the link to. Your FTP client should already be configured to connect to your webserver since you've uploaded your site there before. If your web server has an online control panel, you can access your server files directly through the web management interface.
You'll be able to access this when you sign into your site as an administrator. Once you're in the control panel, select the "File Manager" option. If you created your website using a website creation tool like WordPress, Weebly, or Wix, see the platform-specific instructions in the methods below.
Upload the file you want to create a link to. Note that some servers may limit the size of the file you are allowed to upload, and large files can eat through your allotted bandwidth pretty quickly. To upload files using your FTP program, drag the file into the folder in the FTP window that you want to upload it to. It will begin uploading immediately. Your upload speeds will typically be much slower than your download speeds, so it may take a while to completely upload the file.
If you are using the virtual control panel file manager, click the "Upload" button at the top of the window. Browse your computer for the file you want to upload. Large files may take a while to upload to your server.
Open the page you want to add your link to in your code editor. Once the file is uploaded, you'll need to add the link to it on your web page. Open the HTML file that you want to add the link to. You can double-click it in the control panel file manager to open it in the built-in page editor. Find the spot on the page that you want to add the link.
Place your cursor in the spot in the code that you want to insert your download link. This could be in the body of a paragraph, at the bottom of a page, or anywhere else. Add the code for the link. Enter the following HTML5 code for your download link. This will start the download immediately for users after they click the link. As long as the file to be downloaded is in the same folder as the HTML file, you just need to use the name and extension.
If the file is located in another folder, you'll need to include the folder structure. Create a download button instead of a link. You can use an image instead of text to create the download link. This requires a button image already on your web server. Rename the downloaded file. This can make it easier for users to identify files that they download from you.
Save the changes to your HTML file. Once you're satisfied with your code, save the changes to your HTML file and reupload it if necessary. You'll be able to see your new download button live on your website. Method 2. Open your site in the WordPress site editor. If you use WordPress to manage and publish your website, you can use the built-in tools to add a download link to any of your pages. Log into your WordPress dashboard using the admin account.
Place your cursor where you want the link to appear. You can put the link in the middle of an existing paragraph or create a new line for it. Click the "Add Media" button. You'll find this above the posting tools at the top of the page. Click the "Upload Files" tab and then drag the file into the window. You can upload a variety of different files, but WordPress may limit the size based on your account type.
It may take a little while to upload files, as most connections are slower uploading than downloading. Add a description for the file. You can enter a description underneath the file in the Add Media window.
This will be the text that displays as the download link. This will insert the download link at the location of your cursor. Note that this will link to an attachment page and not the actual file.
This is a limitation of the WordPress software. Method 3. Open your website in the Weebly editor. Log into the Weebly site and open your web page in the Weebly editor. Select the text or object that you want to turn into a link. You can highlight text in a text field or select an image on your page that you want to turn into the download link for your file. Click the "Link" button. Use the latest browser recommended by Microsoft Get speed, security, and privacy with Microsoft Edge.
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Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn't match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Chrono Download Manager is one of the most popular extensions of its type for Chrome. Click the Chrono toolbar button and switch to the sniffer mode with the top right button in the window. Then, cycle through the tabs selecting all the files with the top checkbox, check files individually or use the file type filter boxes below.
Download Chrono Download Manager. This is another Chrome extension that downloads a load of files in a folder pretty easily. Download Master works in a similar way to Chrono but is a little more straightforward to use and what you see in the main window is it, there are no separate settings or options windows.
After you press the icon to open the download window all you have to do is check the file extension filter boxes, supply a custom filter or add files manually. Then press Download. As all the selection filters are in the same window it makes Download Master a bit faster to select multiple files or all files at once.
Download Download Master. Simple Mass Downloader is a pretty good option for Firefox since the classic old extensions no longer work. It also has some useful features like being able to add downloads from multiple tabs at once and add automatic folders to directly download files of certain types into specific folders.
The checkbox at the top will select all files at once while the extensions or text filter boxes at the bottom will filter the list by whatever characters are entered. Files can be added to a queue or downloaded directly with the buttons at the bottom right. Download Simple Mass Downloader. Download DownloadStar. To download files from a folder using something other than browser extensions or download managers, try the methods on Page 2.
I would like to download a number of files that can be found under a http link which is always the same — just the number at the end changes. VWget does work, I am using it right now to download from a folder deep within a hos with no index. You do have to use the right settings, it took a couple of goes, the first 2 times it tried to download most of the domain lol.
Not multi threading yet if ever , but still a very good option. Though some dislike its revamped Dropbox desktop app, I appreciate the extra features it puts within reach, such as the ability to quickly create G Suite files. That said, Box, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive are all great choices for most users, depending upon your needs and budget. It does not download subdirectories after following your instrusctions.
Thank you a LOT. You should check it out.