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But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Communal Riots contd. An event is identified as a communal riot if a there is violence, and b two or more communally identified groups confront each other or members of the other group at some point during the violence.
The reason for such a clash could be: a Communal tentions b Religion based politics c Intensity of electoral competition d Rumours Impact of the riots Loss of lives and properties.
People feel more threatened. Threat to society and culture. Riots make children the worst victim. Economic hardship. List of states in the sample sorted by the average number of riots State Total years Average no. Gujarat 14 Maharashtra 14 8. Uttar Pradesh 14 7. Karnataka 14 4. Bihar 14 2. Andhra Pradesh 14 2. West Bengal 14 1. Rajasthan 14 1. Madhya Pradesh 14 1. Tamil Nadu 14 0. Assam 14 0. Kerala 14 0.
Orissa 14 0. Haryana 14 0. N are in a state of relative decline. E Since it is their current status in the Council Third, is for India to accept the fact that, that provides them pre-eminence on issues given the current pace and momentum,. M related to international peace and security, Security Council reform is never going to they are not expected to support any move happen and to consequently search for.
I A that reduces their say in global politics. L Moreover, reading the text of the November 7 debate makes it clear that additional Given the miserable fate of such alternatives,. A a distant possibility. P The P5 are unlikely to approve the promotion Security Council Resolution of any states to permanent status due to the. A dilute their power. On 12 December, the UN Security.
I What are the possible scenarios Council unanimously adopted a resolution regarding Indias quest? First, India takes the leadership of reform calls and actively and relentlessly pushes Resolution aims to enhance the efficacy other countries in that direction.
N to other law enforcement entities such as. E The resolution also asks the States to It emphasises the necessity of simplifying ensure that their counter-terrorism laws are bilateral and multilateral treaties of. M compliant with international human rights extradition and suggests the need for and humanitarian laws.
A mutual legal assistance in matters related. I to counter-terrorism. Can the resolution strengthen. L What were the majorly highlighted multilateral cooperation in counter- issues? R Resolution debates one of the most.
A The resolution underlines the importance of international cooperation in stemming the significant practical challenges of countering.
P flow of foreign terrorist fighters to and their transnational terrorism, the lack of judicial return from conflict zones. S This was one of the fundamental problems in It urges States to share available information. A prosecuting most terrorism cases in the past, regarding foreign terrorist fighters including. I especially in cases where foreign terrorist their biometric and biographic information groups were involved. In most of the recent cases, including cases At present, information sharing is primarily in Mumbai, Paris, Istanbul and so on, based on the bilateral legal assistance significant components of the case, such as mechanism between States.
So, Resolution provides an opportunity Concluding remarks: to strengthen the multilateral counter- terrorism endeavours in many ways such as: In short, the Security Council resolution on international judicial cooperation is a the proposed judicial cooperation would help significant development in countering the in mobilizing evidence to ensure that those scourge of terrorism.
It can be viewed as the first step to overcome the practical challenges associated with the a systematic use of international databases prosecution of terrorists in their country of.
T would be helpful in preventing terrorists origin or elsewhere. N to another. As the resolution says, the entire world. E is facing a unique threat. Hence it seems active legal cooperation at the international logical that the response should also be at level, would open ways to end the stalemate. M global level. A However, to make it work, it is necessary.
I Since the resolution has been initiated under to cover the gap between adoption and. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. What is Scribd? Explore Ebooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All Ebooks. Explore Audiobooks. Bestsellers Editors' Picks All audiobooks. Explore Magazines. Editors' Picks All magazines. Explore Podcasts All podcasts. Difficulty Beginner Intermediate Advanced.
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N marred by allegations of coercion towards landowners, mostly farmers, to part with The SEZ policys objectives are to promote E their land and irregularities by the SEZ economic development, infrastructure, promoters.
A acquired in the last five years is lying unutilised according to the CAG report of These states already have better infrastructure P Therefore, the generous concessions in terms A Special Economic Zone SEZ is a specifically I of taxes, implementation of labour welfare delineated duty-free enclave and shall laws and incentives in the SEZs are not being be deemed to be foreign territory for the utilised for the benefit of the more backward purposes of trade operations, duties and states.
Representative of the state government, www. The larger issue is impact of the SEZs on Going by the reports of the SEZs record T agriculture and food production as the land in attracting investment and generating N acquired is mainly fertile. E Anti-SEZ agitators in Maharashtra points out that while much is made of farmer A majority of jobs are in the information M suicides and compensation, there is no focus technology sector while the manufacturing on how the government starves agriculture sector is lagging.
I The government should also put performance- Another aspect of such land acquisition is measuring mechanisms in place so that the L the question of water use by the SEZs.
A The social costs of the SEZ policy have been almost as high if not greater than the Who are the petitioners and what happened P economic costs.
For years, the workers had I belonged to poor and marginalised. But despite the clearances given by factory T Traditionally, any worker who suffers from officials and pollution control boards an occupational disease or injury must apply PCB , the situation on the ground remains N for employees state insurance ESI to claim extremely pathetic.
The commission took the issue very A addressing workers claims by entangling seriously and undertook an independent I claimants in mind-boggling procedures. L A worker who contracts an occupational On 12 November , recommended that disease is at the mercy of the employer, who R the stone-crushing units be closed, and often simply removes him from employment. In most cases, the poor and diseased S filed and the case has been going on for 10 workers are denied any compensation.
According to this order, the Government of N Gujarat is liable to pay Rs 7. I Years later, even after drilling many vertical and lateral borewells, farmers have failed to L The CPCB is the apex body in the country to extract even a small amount of groundwater. Following this R judgment, the ESI will need to pull its act Many of them were forced to cut down their together and be more sensitive to workers matured horticulture yards, mainly of sweet A claims.
As a result of no livelihood opportunities and acute water scarcity, rural masses S Occupational health is a neglected field in India. These are A adequate precautions to prevent work- not just migrants but ecological refugees I related injuries and disease. Along with the number of unregulated farm T ponds, another concern is the possibility that Additionally, the central governments farmers are in violation of the approved size N budget for set an ambitious target for building a farm pond.
A In many water-scarce regions of the state, I Although, rainwater harvesting is one of farm ponds have already created an acute L the main objectives behind the farm pond water shortage for drinking and domestic strategy, most of the farm pond owners still needs. Ban on extracting groundwater to store P Therefore, farm ponds have become the new in farm ponds. Measures to reduce the rate of evaporation: Immediate measures, like www.
Although, the groundwater depletion is a result of multiple factors and the problem has It even rejected the argument that certain multidimensional aspects, the mushrooming villages were revenue villages, which would T of farm ponds should be seen as one of the have make them immune from any kind of major factors contributing to water scarcity.
N Hence, before it is too late, it is wise to The HC based its judgment on the notion of E implement preventive measures, to avoid the larger public interest and in this process adverse effects that farmers and villagers are declared the communities living in and near M facing today. I the opportunities in the farm pond strategy There are at least three limitations which L to make it more appropriate for securing drinking in water-scarce villages.
The HC relied on the provisions of Forest P On 19 September , two persons were Conservation Act, and the definition of killed in police firing in a village near the forest given by the Supreme Court, though S Kaziranga National Park in Assam while it has on other occasions focused on the FRA doing a peaceful demonstration. But in the past, it was realised that creating human-less PAs was not a viable option as It has imposed many restrictions on the T very few villages could be relocated even activities of Van Gujjars, and herethe park after a decade after the in enactment of Wild administration refuses to acknowledge even N Life Protection Act, E During the enactment of the FRA, a new They also slapped many cases of poaching on category of PA called critical wildlife habitats tribal men and women, mainly because they M CWHs came into existence.
The court are demanding their legal right over forest A completely failed to consider CWHs. I According to this, the rights of forest-dwelling L In the Sundarbans, the forest department communities will be recognised in PAs.
But has a monopoly over fisheries and honey R if a particular part of a PA is deemed vital collection. With the FRA giving rights to local S But, after the enactment of the FRA, no communities, officials have become national park administration has ever used less influential. So, in most cases forest A the provision of the CWH. In October, the court upheld the petition and ordered the state government to hold N 5.
The state government managed to get a stay order but in April , in response to a M Can women demand political representation, special leave petition, the Supreme Court if, under customary law, only men are vacated the stay.
As a result, the state government was left L This is the crux of the tussle underway in with no option but to call for municipal Nagaland where women argue that they are elections. Yet, there has only ever been one Naga A woman elected to Parliamentand not even a I History of Events: single woman to the state assembly. Off the Rails N representation in these bodies but against What is the news? For the first time in nearly 92 years, the rail M They hold that as elections are all about budget will be part of the general budget money, liquor and guns, women are not A this year.
They prefer to nominate women rather than have them stand for Attention will be focused on the allocations L elections. His proposal seeking Rs 1,19, crore for R Underinvestment in railways has led to safety a dedicated Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh compromises and congested routes. Pleasing sections of vote banks and wooing A The railways should completely switch to the others with announcements of new train I Linke Hofmann Busch LHB coaches that do not witness higher casualties in case of halts and services has dominated almost derailments as the coaches do not pile upon every railway ministers record.
E violation of human rights of locals who It is nothing short of criminal that successive are predominantly tribal; M ministers, continue to play with the lives of hiring of contract labourers from outside our people while only making unimportant A to circumvent protests by locals; I changes.
Buried under Neglect exploit the minerals; R What is the news? Many of them displaced I of mines safety announced that it was neglect and others in continual fear of displacement. An One of the allegations were, students Inquiry hardly elicits information that is A important and its report will always be organised a cultural event where slogans I relegated to the shelves.
R compensation whether for an injury or for death on the job is a long and drawn-out In relation to this incident, some students A process. It is important to know whether the slogans S The Human Rights Watch report Out of chanted would amount to sedition or not, Control: Mining, Regulatory Failure and and this would be decided by the courts of A Human Rights in India,shows how mines law. The consequence of this position is that this Self-determination is claimed because right cannot be extended to any situation colonialism is a form of political, economic, in India as it can be argued that it is not a cultural, and social domination and context of foreign or colonial domination, T subjugation.
Level: E Countries like France, Germany, the The principle of self-determination attained Netherlands, and Pakistan objected to Indias M a concrete character in the form of a right declaration as limiting the scope of the right when it was included in the International to self-determination.
Declaration of was drafted, India stated R Article 1 of both the covenants states that all that this right did not apply to sovereign peoples have the right of self-determination.
S Indias constitutional and statutory position With the inclusion of this provision in does not prohibit the possibility of claims for A both the covenants the principle of self- right to self-determination and secession of I determination has been elevated to the level territories from India. When it is a sovereign right to cede a part of N the territory, it cannot be a crime to demand What did the SC say? M situation of cession of parts of territory and its validity under the Constitution in The However, the conduct of the people involved A Berubari Union and Exchange of Enclaves I in pursuing that political demand may be v Reference under Article 1 of the criminalised if they are engaged in any L Constitution of India It also states that the owner will not interfere Land Leasing: as long as the tenant does not default in the payment of lease amount or cause damage to The issue of land leasing and tenancy has soil health or use the land for other purposes acquired renewed policy focus with the Niti and does not sublease land to any other Aayog bringing out two reports on the farm T person.
R land. S It specifies that the leassor and the leassee Further, it recommends a special land A shall enter into a written lease agreement for tribunal headed by a retired high court or I which it even provides a model agreement. There is also the supervision or management This will also put to rest the case for tenancy in Gujarat, where a tenant does removal of ceilings on landholdings for not contribute the labour component, but large landowners or corporate business to T only organises labour and supervises farm reap economies of scale, on grounds of size operations.
There is even water tenancy emerging in Agni-Vs exact range is between 5, and R some parts of India like Gujarat, where water 5, kilometres. This event was followed by a defence analyst, P bragging that India can now threaten major The Niti Aayog report does not show any Chinese targets. A Yet Washington pushed for an exception to I be made for India. The interpretation of principle that appeals to religion tend to erode E this word has large implications for the way the secular character of the Constitution and our elections are conducted.
I This provision of law considers an appeal made by a successful candidate to voters The minority judgment, authored by L based on religion, caste, creed, language Justice DY Chandrachud, calls for a literal etc.
P The point of difference was this: Did this He doesnt entirely discard the purposive clause simply prohibit a candidate from interpretation either, finding that the S using appeals to her or her opponents own merit of the narrow interpretation is that it religion, caste etc.
M have increased with the tremendous reach Subsequently, 12 other laws were passed at A already available to a candidate through the the state level, till they were all consolidated I print and electronic media. L Therefore, now, it is necessary to ensure that the provisions of Section 3 are not The act, which applies to all factories, R exploited by a candidate or anyone on his mines, and any other establishment with more A behalf by making an appeal on the ground than 10 workers, guarantees a minimum of 6 weeks of paid holiday for women employees P of religion.
At present, there S a manner that leaves no scope for any is a proposal to increase this time period. Maternity Benefits for Surrogates: I Concluding remarks: The earliest case that seems to have addressed Getting the law right is only half the battle the issue of maternity leave in the case of in cleaning up the electoral process in India. The Delhi High Courts judgment in Rama E The reasons for trying to understand the Pandey v Union of India , categorically underlying thinking in these judgments come rejects the argument that maternity benefits M into sharp focus because of the proposed were meant only to protect the health and Surrogacy Regulation Bill.
I With commercial surrogacy proposed to The judge interpreted the word maternity be banned, how will courts approach the L to include not just biologically giving birth question of the validity of such a ban? Concluding remarks: S The Judge relied on logic and perhaps What these judgments make clear is that the court sees women who get a child through A life experience to point out that maternity I leave is not just about the physical aspects surrogacy as no different from women who of pregnancy, but the emotional and give birth to a child.
Chapter 3 deals with recognition of the identity T A clarification was requested from the of transgender persons and aggravates the ambiguity as it provides for application for N SC by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment MSJE on some of the the certificate of identity.
E contentiousness, like who are considered There is also a district screening committee as transgender persons in the context of for the purpose of recognition of transgender M the judgment, the interchangeable use of persons. Sections 68 provide for the detailed A the word eunuch a castrated man , the procedure for issuance of the certificate of I feasibility of the implementation time, etc. L Subsequently, a private members bill, the Such a procedure is in prima facie Rights of Transgender Persons Bill, was R contradiction with the rights granted by the introduced in the Rajya Sabha and passed SC with respect to self-identification in the A unanimously.
Section 13 1 states that No transgender person shall be separated from parents or Concluding remarks: immediate family on the ground of being a transgender except on an order of a The parliamentary panel which was competent court, in the interest of such examining the bill had invited suggestions T person. N This also leaves us with a question as to It is hoped that better sense prevails, and what would be the consequences in the cases E where a transgender child suffers violence that the infirmities are adequately corrected at home.
It isto be noted that separate wards for A transgender persons have been dropped from ChinaPakistan Economic I this bill even though they were mentioned in Corridor L private members bill. R It is also criticised that this bill confuses The 3, km-long CPEC consisting of intersex variations and they are pushed A highways, railways, and pipelines is the under the umbrella of transgender persons. T The problem is that the Indian strategic Besides, environmentalists are equally N psyche is fixated on seeing control of oceans unhappy with the adverse impact that rapid and massive development will have on the E as the only means to acquire greatness.
Economics positives aside, it is the geopolitical M ramifications of the deal that has military It is assessed that mega projects, which A analysts worried. The corridor opens up a major new global trade route, not just Pakistan and China, Several rebel and separatist organisations in but also India which is quite strategically Balochistan are opposed to the CPEC on the 25 www.
T Currently, there is little that India can do to stall CPEC except for diplomatically Conservation agriculture CA is a concept N articulating its objections and make it un- of resource-saving agricultural crop E implementable. A Isolated statements from China and Pakistan I In CA, modern and scientific agricultural soliciting Indias participation in CPEC could technologies are applied to improve crop L be part of a strategic mind-game to evoke production by mitigating reductions in a sympathetic line of thinking about CPEC soil fertility, topsoil erosion and runoff; R inside India.
S yield levels in CA systems are comparable Till things crystallise further, India must and even higher than traditional intensive A wait, watch, weigh and exercise options at tillage systems. M Current scenario of conservation agriculture: The laser-assisted precision land leveling, A popularly known as laser land levelling LLL I In India, efforts to adapt and promote is a prerequisite for adopting CA practices L resource conservation technologies have like zero tillage and bed planting.
Fertilizer made through the combined efforts of several and water also will not be uniformly available S State Agricultural Universities, ICAR and the to crops. Toppers Corner Will you be the next? Read More. Important Updates. See More Courses. What Toppers Say?