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2021.12.15 22:39

And finally, it traces the legal maze that, a decade later, leaves the victims and their loved ones still searching for justice. This is the story of how the people meant to protect and serve citizens can do violence, hide their tracks, and work the legal system as the nation awaits justice. Linda De Coff. Wayne Cordeiro. Dalton Jennings.

Barri Flowers. A Covered Bridge by Steven E. Kent Edwards. Long Bridge by Tonja Koob Marking. Bechtol Jr. Storyline Edit. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Trivia Deryn Cooper appears topless. Connections Featured in Cowboys of Culture User reviews 1 Review.

Top review. Fine New Zealand film This was made back when Holdens and Fords used to line the streets of New Zealand towns. Ken Blackburn - as business and community leader Bob Warner - is the film's major merit ; an insidiously naive opportunist who wheels and deals beneath a cloak of civic respectability. Trouble brews when Sandra Deryn Cooper arrives from the big city to take up a health massage job at the men's gym.

She's been 'round the block a few times and won't take no nonsense from the local clowns, least of all Bob, who in between working bees and maintaining his Stepford wife, fancies on expanding Sandra's job description. Skin Deep is a blackly comic and insightful drama surrounding the self-serving social inadequacies of a group of men in a small town. Produced when the New Zealand film industry was in it's infancy, Skin Deep remains one of country's most memorable films.

Details Edit. Release date October United States. Symbols Golden Gate Bridge by K. Rider Haggard. Ralph Gorman. Oregon's Covered Bridge by Steven E. Hough, Jr. Del Sarto. Guggeneheim collection of non-objective paintings by Hilla Rebay.