Download free one punch man episodes season 1

2021.12.15 22:40

Several locations all over the country are being used as venues, and the battles take place online. One stormy night, a monster emerges from a junkyard and begins making its way towards Smelly Lid Prison. Noticing its approach, Puri-Puri Prisoner breaks out of his cell and quickly defeats the monster. Child Emperor, Zombieman, Superalloy Darkshine, and Metal Bat are dispatched to a forlorn, snowy mountain to hunt down a monster. After saving a child from certain death, he decided to become a hero and trained hard for three years.

A monster is moving toward City Z, one that has been created by the mysterious organization known as The House of Evolution. Genos, a young cyborg, attempts to stop it, but gets in over his head before Saitama happens along.

Genus, a scientist with dangerous ideas on artificial human evolution. Meanwhile, Dr. Calling for the redistribution of wealth, the group targets the fat-cat Zeniru, who in turn dispatches his bodyguard to defeat them.

Unfortunately, Saitama is on the same errand. Determined to get a little recognition, he decides to become a pro hero, but first he must pass the Hero Association tests and become a full-fledged member. When the hero sent to fight them is defeated easily by the Deep Sea King himself, Saitama and Genos head for the city to help.

Which of them has what it takes to be a true hero? Saitama tags along to an emergency meeting of Class S heroes and discovers that a seer has foretold a serious danger threatening the Earth. Though the crisis could occur anytime in the next six months, the heroes are surprised to hear the roar of explosions that very hour! As a colossal spaceship floats in the skies above City A, a member of its monstrous crew battles on the ground against a group of S Class heroes.

Meanwhile, Saitama has boarded the enemy ship on his own. The inconceivably powerful Lord Boros has traveled untold distances in search of someone who can cure his boredom: Saitama! Saitama is out shopping with Genos in tow when the pair come across G4, a demonic robot on a mission to eliminate King.

Elsewhere, Sitch attempts to recruit various cutthroats, villains and assassins of the underworld to help the Hero Association. Garou, out hunting heroes, can barely contain his excitement when he gets the chance to battle the S Class hero Tank-top Master. Meanwhile, Silverfang shutters his dojo to begin his own hunt of his former disciple.

But when the group is suddenly attacked all hell breaks loose. Monsters from the Monster Association launch simultaneous attacks on all the human cities, attempting to overwhelm the forces of the Hero Association. The Super Fight tournament kicks off while Genos takes on multiple monsters who have appeared in City C. Elsewhere, countless monsters are wreaking havoc in multiple areas, but the Hero Association is being overwhelmed by the sheer number of threats.

As the Super Fight tournament heads for its grand finale, the Class S heroes battle to hold back the tide of monster incursions.

Meanwhile, Atomic Samurai is setting in motion a plan of his own. Goketsu, the first Super Fight Tournament champion, arrives in the stadium. Just as Suiryu finds himself in the depths of despair, Saitama suddenly appears to help him out.

The Monster Association issues a challenge to the Hero Association, telling them they have only three days to rescue the hostage Waganma. Another S-Class hero named Metal Knight shows up to test out a new weapon against the meteor but is uninterested in teaming up with Genos.

Despite the overwhelming power displayed, he also fails. Saitama shows up and destroys the meteor with a single punch, impressing Bang and boosting Genos' admiration. However, the meteor shatters into several meteorites and still manages to destroy the city.

The next day, Saitama learns that his rank has jumped from nd to 5th. After that Saitama goes out to look for more crises for him to deal with to boost his own rank. Much of the city is destroyed but despite that, there are zero casualties reported. Tanktop Tiger appears and believes Saitama has stolen credit for the meteor destruction. Tanktop Tiger calls his brother Tanktop Black Hole, who begins to rally up a mob against Saitama, putting all the blame on him for the city's destruction.

Tanktop Tiger attacks Saitama, and gets punched into the sky for his trouble. Tanktop Blackhole attacks next, and Saitama catches his fist, crushing it to the point of Tanktop Blackhole begging for mercy and admitting he lied. Saitama then moves on to the crowd, who were chanting for his resignation, and he shouts everyone down.

Saitama clarifies that he is being a hero because he wants to and does not need to be appreciated for it. Genos appears and tells Saitama that it is time for them to go home. In the post-credits, unseen citizens discuss Saitama's victory over the meteor, while a myriad of ominous creatures located under the sea appear to be gathering. The Seafolk Tribe openly declare war on humanity. Saitama easily kills an octopus-like monster while on his way home.

Mumen Rider is late to the scene and sees only the destroyed body of the creature, and hears the crowd talking about Saitama. Mumen looks Saitama up on the internet and finds that he is powerful, but opinions are divided on him. At the coast, several large Sea-Folk monsters emerge from the sea, threatening City J.

Meanwhile, Genos dries dishes as Saitama watches a news report about Stinger's battle against the Sea-Folk. They decide to head out to confront the threat. Saitama, Genos, and Mumen Rider all set off to confront the threat. Genos splits off from Saitama to scout ahead. Sonic fights Sea King to a standstill, but when it starts raining, Sea King unleashes his true form and Sonic is forced to retreat.

Meanwhile, Saitama and Mumen Rider meet each other on the way to the fight. Saitama goes off to find Sonic who was seen running naked through the rain. Mumen gets a phone call from the Hero Association headquarters and goes to confront Sea King, who has broken into an emergency shelter and is dispatching the heroes there ranging from All Back-Man, Bunbunman, Jet Nice Guy, and Sneck. Saitama returns to where he met Mumen Rider to find a discarded cell phone.

Genos initiates the battle and seemingly overpowers the Deep Sea King until the monster rips off one of his arms. Genos tells the civilians to flee before being further damaged when shielding a child from a glob of acid the Deep Sea King spewed before Mumen Rider appears.

Despite his determination and the civilians cheering him on, Mumen Rider is brutally beaten until he is caught by Saitama, who had been instructed by the Association to provide backup and arrives in that exact moment. After exchanging a few words with the Deep Sea King, Saitama defeats him with a single punch, stopping the rain in the process and earning the praise of the civilians.

However, when one of the civilians starts badmouthing the other heroes, Saitama downplays his victory to restore the peoples' faith in the other heroes at the cost of his own public image. Some time later he and Genos get fan mail, with Saitama getting mostly hate mail but also one thank you letter and a notification from the Hero Association that his conduct promoted him to st Rank, B-class.

While on his way home, Saitama encounters Mumen Rider in a roadside oden shop. Mumen Rider reveals he sent the thank-you letter and pays for Saitama's dinner. In the post-credits, a fortune teller named Madame Shibabawa warns an official from the Hero Association that 'the Earth is doomed'. At Bang's dojo, Bang tells Saitama and Genos, who were called there by Bang to learn some moves, about how his former best student, Garou, had gone wild and defeated all of his other top students.

Suddenly, a Hero Association member comes and informs the heroes that an emergency has been declared and all S Class heroes have been called to a meeting. Sitch, a staff member of the association, starts the meeting by telling the heroes that the emergency would be perilous and even with their skills, there is no guarantee of survival.

Also, the great seer, Madame Shibabawa, had died while becoming agitated and choking on a cough pill because of a coughing fit while predicting the future. Before she died, she left a note. The note read 'The Earth is in trouble', prompting a mixed reaction of shock and disbelief among the heroes. He warns the heroes to prepare for a fight in the next 6 months.

Just after he says this, the HQ is attacked by the Skyfolk led by Sky King, who are quickly slain by Melzalgald, a member of an alien mercenary group called the Dark Matter Thieves. The Dark Matter Thieves' spaceship wipes out City A, causing a large number of casualties as their alien invasion begins. Just as Melzalgald is about to kill some City A civilians, Iaian, a student of Atomic Samurai, arrives and engages him in battle.

Saitama encounters the alien ship and advances towards it. Meanwhile, Melzalgald proves to be too strong for Iaian to handle, as Iaian loses his left arm before Atomic Samurai intervenes, saving his student.

Puri Puri Prisoner enters Angel style and attacks Melzalgald. Elsewhere, the other S Class heroes discuss how to bring down the ship. As they offer differing views, Genos notes that Saitama has already entered the ship and has slain a large number of the aliens. He comments that there is no evil that Saitama is unable to defeat. Saitama encounters Goribas, an alien who brags on how easily he would defeat Saitama.

But he is slain, as Saitama punches at everything and continues to destroy the ship, wondering where the boss might be. At the end, Boros is seen on his throne. Geryuganshoop complains about Groribas' defeat as he and Melzargard are the only elite fighters left alive. He also informs Boros that the ship is badly damaged by the human intruder but Lord Boros tells him not to fear as the sphere keeping them safe won't allow that to happen. Meanwhile, Puri Puri Prisoner's efforts turn out to be futile as Melzargard simply regenerates back into his original form.

Melzargard tells one of his heads to go and contact the ship for a bombardment. As the head tries to fly away, Metal Bat smashes it down.

Melzargard and Geryuganshoop telepathically tell each other that both sides are dealing with big trouble as Saitama reaches another door. Melzargard and Genryuganshoop speak telepathically saying the life forms below are persistently attacking him and requests for a cleansing bombardment.

Genryuganshoop is too busy but notifies the artillery crew. Genryuganshoop tries to lead Saitama out of the ship, but Saitama goes in the opposite direction to find the control room. He finally finds Genryuganshoop, who has incredible telepathic powers that can manipulate everything and anything.

But in the end Saitama nonchalantly throws a pebble at Genryuganshoop and kills him with it. After busting a few more heads with the method Metal Bat has discovered, the four heroes look up to see a shell bombardment about to attack.

As it is fired, Tatsumaki appears and stops the bullets in mid air. She then turns the bullets around and forces them back onto the ship full force. Mumen Rider helps evacuate a victim to safety, and Stinger and Lightning Max appear wanting to help too. Bang finds another marble and crushes it. Angry, Melzargard slaps the concrete along with Bang, who takes a direct hit. He sticks onto a building, unconscious. With one more head left, Melzargard threatens to crush Atomic Samurai's head and he retaliates after seeing his comrade in that condition, shredding the Dragon-level monster with Atomic Slash, his ultimate technique.

Saitama finds Boros, who recognizes him as Earth's strongest warrior and shows him respect while explaining he came to Earth because of a prophecy to find his ideal opponent. Boros starts to fight with Saitama, which leads to Boros losing an arm.

The fight continues on, even reaching the point where Saitama is kicked all the way to the moon, but he quickly returns. Tanktop Master tries to attack the ship by throwing a piece of rubble at it, only for Tatsumaki to throw dozens of pieces of rubble at the ship. The fight between Saitama and Boros continues and it is revealed that Boros has regenerative powers. Amai Mask appears and blames the S-class heroes for the destruction of City A, nearly causing a fight with Metal Bat which is interrupted by Metal Knight, who emerges to salvage parts of the ship.

Meanwhile, Superalloy Darkshine discovers alien survivors whom Amai Mask promptly executes. Genos sees his past self in Amai Mask. Saitama emerges from the ship, resulting in Tornado having a tantrum, as she believed she could have handled the ship herself and that Saitama had stolen her fight. Both A and S Class heroes are invited to reside there. In the post-credits, Saitama destroys Pluton: King of the Underworld with one punch, much to his irritation.

A reptilian monster runs away from King due to hearing King's Engine King's heartbeat. A robot named G4 soon challenges King to a fight, and lets King go at 'full power' by going to the bathroom.

King panics because he isn't the 'strongest human alive', but a normal ordinary Otaku who happened to be at the place where monsters were destroyed and was given the credit, which he started accepting to become popular. When King sees Genos fighting G4, King runs away to his house to play his video game.

Saitama follows him, and plays video games with King, much to King's chagrin. A huge bird monster attacks King's place, and in a state of panic King wets his pants and exposes his deception. Saitama kills the bird monster, which makes King realize it was Saitama who had saved him from the monster that gave him the scar on his left eye long ago.

Afterwards, Saitama plays video games with King while Genos gets upgrades from G4's equipment after defeating the robot. Speed O Sound Sonic leaves the meeting after discovering Saitama was not present, as he only wanted to fight him. In the post credit scene, a man named Garou proclaims that this will be a slaughter party after reading the paper. During the meeting, Garou insults both the heroes and the villains, saying that he is on the side of monsters and declares everyone as his enemy.

He beats up everyone using his martial arts skill except Sitch as a message to spread the word of Garou. Meanwhile, Saitama is at his house playing video games on the Playstation Portable that he stole from King, while Genos is doing chores when Genos hears a knock on the door. Fubuki fails to convince Saitama, and orders her underlings to attack him, but Saitama easily beats them in one punch.

Fubuki uses her psychic abilities to seemingly defeat Saitama, but Saitama remains unfazed from her attacks. He then berates her for surrounding herself with underlings, as she thinks that if she's surrounded by underlings she would be stronger. However, he tells her she would eventually face a villain that would be stronger than her and her underlings. Saitama proclaims that factions are useless, and warns the esper to never insult heroes ever again.

Fubuki ignores his lecture and tries to attack him again, but Saitama sees Sonic and Genos fighting behind her and an imminent explosion. When the explosion clears, it is shown that Saitama saved Fubuki from the blast while remaining unscathed himself.

During the scuffle, it seems that there is no clear winner as Sonic is too fast while Genos is way too durable. Genos tries to create a huge explosion which would knock out Sonic, but Saitama knocks Genos down, reminding him that if he made the explosion, it would have destroyed Saitama's apartment.

Saitama then challenges Sonic, and hilariously counters Sonic's shadow clone move with Killer Move: Serious Series Sideway Jumps by side jumping really fast. Due to Tatsumaki being overwhelmingly strong compared to her, Fubuki gathers underlings to be stronger.

Elsewhere, Amai Mask brutally kills a monster named Suppon, emphasizing her point. Fubuki also says that she would never be Rank Number 1. Fubuki tries to convince Saitama one last time to join her faction, but Saitama refuses.

Before Fubuki could insult him, King arrives to retrieve his video game. The Hero Association gives Saitama the hero name Caped Baldy because of his appearance, while Genos is named Demon Cyborg due to his aggressive attacks.

In the closing scene, Garou defeats Tank Top Vegetarian in an alleyway. Seemingly due to his frustration with Garou's reappearance, Silver Fang severely beats his only pupil, Charanko, and expels him from his dojo.

Charanko goes to tell Saitama and Genos, and notices that King and Fubuki are also in Saitama's apartment. Genos correctly deduces that Charanko was kicked out because of the reappearance of Garou. Before they could fight however, Tank Top Vegetarian and his crew arrive to confront Garou. Tank Top Master gains the upper hand, but before he could deal the finishing blow, Mumen Rider jumps in to take the hit, saying that heroes don't kill humans because it's wrong. Garou seemingly apologizes for his actions, but tries to attack again.

With his initial compunctions against using the martial art due to it reminding him of Bang now out of the way, Garou uses it to defeat Tank Top Master, Mumen Rider, Charanko and the entire Tank Top gang before going on his merry way. Garou finds a boy reading a hero almanac that describes what each hero does and their movesets, and plans to take out Class A Hero: Golden Ball.

Meanwhile, after hearing all about Garou's martial arts, Saitama decides he wants to see what martial arts are all about. Charanko gives Saitama a ticket to a mixed-martial arts tournament, but warns Saitama that the tournament will disqualify any impersonators, but Saitama doesn't listen. After beating up a pimp, Garou is walking around when he encounters Saitama, who is planning to buy a wig for the tournament. Mistakenly thinking that Saitama wants to fight him, Garou tries to chop Saitama, but his attack has no effect.

Annoyed, Saitama chops Garou on the back of the neck, and Garou is knocked out. In the post credit scene Genos catches Saitama putting on his wig, so he asks Dr. Kuseno over his phone to implant artificial fibers to give Saitama the appearance of hair, much to Saitama's annoyance. It is revealed that when Garou was young, he always rooted for the bad guys to win due to the good guys being too popular.

When he asked his father, his father replies that the good guys will always win. Garou find that unfair to the monsters because to him the monsters were always the ones trying their best to win, but will lose all the time because they were seen as 'freaks.

Garou wakes up from his defeat against Saitama, with no memory of what happened. Garou meets up with the same young boy and sees Watchdog Man and Metal Bat, and plans to find them. Saitama signs up for the fighting tournament, and is looking over a list of the contestants of the tournament when Sour Face, a former disciple of Bang, shows up.

Sour Face plans to win the tournament to be famous like Bang, and reveals that the year before a contestant named Wolfman won the tournament.

However the authorities found the real Wolfman tied up, which is why there's a new rule that if there are any participants that are wearing disguises or is an imposter, then the participant will be disqualified and banned from the tournament forever, as well as paying a heavy fee.

It is also revealed that 6 months ago Garou decided that he has nothing left to learn and rampaged through the dojo, disabling many of the students, including Sour Face. Garou then received a beating from Bang and was expelled from the dojo, which also caused Sour Face to quit the dojo. When Sour Face insults 'Charanko', Saitama points out that at least Charanko was brave enough to fight against Garou one on one while Sour Face quit, and vows to win the tournament which angers Sour Face.

Meanwhile, the Hero Association plans to protect its officials from monster attacks by assigning S Class Heroes. King manages to get away by lying that he's fighting against a secret boss when in reality he is playing a video game. Suddenly, another monster named Senior Centipede attacks Metal Bat.

A monster named Raffleseidon appears and puts on sleeping gases which knocks out Narinki and Waganma. Metal Bat is forced to endure many hits before hitting himself in the head, which pumps adrenaline into his system, rendering the gas useless and enabling him to kill the two Demon Level monsters with one hit apiece. Garou initiates the fight by attacking Metal Bat, and Metal Bat barely manages to block the preemptive blow. In the post credit scene, a martial artist named Suiryu asks two girls to lead him to the Fight tournament.

Metal Knight tries to defeat Elder Centipede, but fails to even scratch the behemoth monster. After a lengthy battle Garou defeats Metal Bat, but grudgingly admits that Metal Bat would have won if he managed to hit him even once. Metal Bat gets up and nearly kills Garou when Garou's back is turned, but stops when his younger sister, Zenko, finds him.

Garou counterattacks, but Zenko gets between them and orders them to stop fighting. Garou relents having a soft spot for kids and walks away to find Watchdog Man. Metal Bat tries again to go after Elder Centipede, but collapses due to too much damage from his battles with Elder Centipede and Garou after Zenko slaps him back down to get him to stop. The two C Class heroes Pineapple and Mohican who have Narinki and Waganma are confronted by Rhino Wrestler and are swiftly defeated, which causes the monsters to capture Waganma.

Phoenix Man promises Garou that they will meet again if Garou will continue to hunt for heroes, and tells Elder Centipede and the rest of the monsters to retreat, with Metal Knight following them. Bang and Bomb continue to try to find Garou, and Bang lets out his frustration on a Demon-level monster named Boxing Demon, killing him violently with a ruthless barrage of blows.

Before Do-S can kill Dynamite Man her power being that if she whips someone, they will be under her control with her mind controlled heroes, Fubuki stops her attack. Suiryu notices Bakuzan's bloodlust toward him, and is only after the prize money, although Suiryu wishes he could have fought against WolfMan Garou in disguise.

After Lightning Max defeats Ring Ring, Zakkos reveals that the fighters are often paired up based on their looks. Saitama deduces that Zakkos is weak since he's paired up with Saitama Saitama being sorted due to him appearing 'weak. In the post credit scene, Saitama slaps Zakkos, defeating him in one hit, much to Saitama's annoyance.

Suiryu notices Saitama's strength and is excited to face him in the finals. Lightning Max loses his fight with Suiryu, and Genos gets a message concerning a lot of monsters around the tournament. Snakebite Snek beats his opponent Benpatsu, and the announcers get messages of a lot of monsters and plan on evacuating the audience, but Bakuzan convinces them not to. Sourface beats his opponent Jakuman, but they part on good terms.

When Saitama faces off against Bakuzan, Bakuzan sadistically describes how he will destroy Saitama, but when Bakuzan touches Saitama's wig and states that he would knock Saitama's 'hair' off, Saitama comically punches him out of the tournament in one hit, impressing Suiryu.

Genos manages to kill all but one of the monsters-the last one, the Demon-level Awakened Cockroach, barely escaping. With Genos' back turned, he is suddenly attacked by a mysterious being. Some of the Hero Association members find Pineapple and Mohican, and they learn that Waganma was captured, but not Narinki.

Meanwhile, Do-S successfully manages to brainwash all of Fubuki's henchmen, but Fubuki repels them back. Do-S says she's attacking Fubuki so that she can face Tatsumaki, but Fubuki tells her that when she's hurt, Tatsumaki will know. Right on cue, a monster lands in front of Do-S, with Tatsumaki arriving.

Do-S orders Fubuki's mind controlled henchmen to attack Tatsumaki while she flees, but Tatsumaki easily knocks the henchmen into buildings. Tatsumaki gives a lecture to Fubuki that surrounding yourself with henchmen will cause you to become weak before flying away. Suiryu and Sneck face off, with Suiryu casually avoiding Sneck's strikes and questioning his reasons for fighting.

He taunts Sneck by telling him that he is ineffectual as a hero, and that he sought power with no particular agenda, with his nonchalant attitude enraging Sneck. However, Suiryu knocks him out with a single blow, musing that no matter what happens, the truly strong will always survive. In the post credit scene, Garou sees Watchdog Man, Saitama is in the bathroom, and a Dragon-level monster named Gouketsu is revealed to be the one who defeated Genos. Amai Mask's concert is attacked by monsters, a group of monsters are attacking a hospital where Mumen Rider and Tank Top Master are at, a monster named Nyan looks for Puri Puri Prisoner, but the prisoners reveal that Puri Puri Prisoner escaped prison to fight against the monsters, and two monsters named Gyoro Gyoro and Orochi have captured Metal Knight.

Child Emperor then proceeds to detonate Underdog Man when it's near Eyesight, but that did not successfully kill her as she hardened her skin. Pig God decides to go after the other monsters in Y-City afterwards. Right when Flashy Flash is about to unleash his final move, Tatsumaki S Class Hero Rank 2 arrives and kills Hundred Eyes Octopus with ease, berating Flashy Flash for being too slow before leaving, but not before Flash insults her back.

Haragiri reveals that he has sided with the Monster Association, and gives the sword masters 3 monster cells which will amplify their strength, speed and skill at the cost of their humanity and turning them into monsters.

Haragiri tries to kill Atomic Samurai as Atomic Samurai is too much of a threat but Atomic Samurai slays Haragiri before leaving with his disciples Bushidrill, Iaian and Okamaitachi to find the Monster Association base. Meanwhile in the Super Fight Tournament, Saitama defeats Sourface and Choze before facing off against Suiryu in the finals, with Suiryu promising to show Saitama what martial arts are all about.

During the fight Suiryu begins to express his disdain about the hero lifestyle, and tries to persuade Saitama not to become a hero since it is pointless and boring to do heroic justice and save the day. Instead, Suiryu remarks that people with great strength such as Saitama should seek thrills, just like him before he kicks Saitama in the head.

Angered and annoyed, Saitama lets the kick connect, knocking the wig off his head. Finally exposed, Saitama throws a short range punch while exclaiming that if Suiryu's goal is to seek fun, he shouldn't try to make himself stronger than he is currently. However, Saitama restrains his punch before it hits Suiryu, which creates a powerful shock wave that blows off Suiryu's clothes, exposing his muscular body and leaving him in a state of deep shock. Saitama is unfazed by the assault.

When Saitama says that martial arts are techniques that make you look cool, and starts spinning around, Suiryu tries to attack Saitama yet again but is knocked back by Saitama into a wall while taking Saitama's white belt, resulting in Saitama's pants falling down. Despite Suiryu embarrassing Saitama with that action, he is still in deep shock that he lost. In the post credit scene, Genos wakes up from the wreckage, and a monster is heading toward the Martial Arts Tournament.

Suiryu is handed his trophy due to Saitama being disqualified , when suddenly the monster Gouketsu the one who attacked Genos and his monsters arrive, knocking out Lightning Max and Snek. Its revealed that Gouketsu was a former human who was a martial arts champion when he was kidnapped by Orochi and Gyoro a few years ago.

They offered him a monster cell in exchange for his freedom, and when Gouketsu ate the monster cell he became drunk on power and became a full monster.

Gouketsu gives the monster cells to some of the martial artists, where Choze and others became monsters. Suiryu defeats Choze and the monsters, and openly defies Gouketsu by throwing the monster cell back at him. Gouketsu orders his monster crows to beat the remaining martial artists Sourface included and pummels Suiryu.

Bakuzan watches the chaos unfolding, and reveals that he hated Suiryu, but admits that Suiryu will always defeat him. Bakuzan gathers 3 monster cells to prevent Suiryu from being tempted, and eats all three of them.