Windows 10 usb download on mac
In this case, users might wonder, can I install Windows on a Mac computer so that I can continue to use my old Windows files and programs with a Mac computer. Actually, the problem can be solved in a better way. When you don't have such a need, you can use a Mac computer to explore all the fascinating apps that are only available on macOS.
This toolkit is designed for users to create portable USB drives and Windows installation drives. It's very easy and efficient. Once the portable USB drive is created, you can carry it anywhere and use it on any computer. For example, if you bought a new Mac computer, but don't want to give up the old Windows computer. Step 1. You can download the ISO file straight from Windows.
If you want an English-language version of the latest update of Windows 10, you can download the ISO here. If you have a relatively new computer, you probably want the bit version. If you're not sure, go with the bit version to be safe. If you want a non-English-language version of Windows, or want to get an older update version, download the ISO here instead. The ISO file is only about 5 gigabytes, but I recommend you use a USB drive with at least 16 gigabytes of space just in case Windows needs more space during the installation process.
Stick your USB drive into your Mac. Then open your terminal. Don't be intimidated by the command line interface. I'm going to tell you exactly which commands to enter. Install the Windows support software After downloading the Windows support software to your flash drive, follow these steps to install the software. Make sure that the USB flash drive is plugged into your Mac.
Start up your Mac in Windows. When you're asked to allow Boot Camp to make changes to your device, click Yes. Click Repair to begin installation. If you get an alert that the software hasn't passed Windows Logo testing, click Continue Anyway. After installation completes, click Finish, then click Yes when you're asked to restart your Mac. Learn more Reinstall Windows 10 No Cd If you can't download or save the Windows support software: If the assistant says that the Windows support software could not be saved to the selected drive, or that the USB flash drive can't be used, make sure that your USB flash drive has a storage capacity of at least 16GB and is formatted correctly.
If the assistant doesn't see your USB flash drive, click Go Back and make sure that the drive is connected directly to the USB port on your Mac—not to a display, hub, or keyboard. Disconnect and reconnect the drive, then click Continue. If the assistant says that it can't download the software because of a network problem, make sure that your Mac is connected to the Internet. Boot Camp requires a Mac with an Intel processor. You will use Boot Camp Assistant to install Windows An external USB flash drive with a storage capacity of 16GB or more, unless you're using a Mac that doesn't need a flash drive to install Windows.
If installing Windows on your Mac for the first time, this must be a full version of Windows, not an upgrade. Learn how to check your Secure Boot setting. The default Secure Boot setting is Full Security. After installing Windows, you can use any Secure Boot setting without affecting your ability to start up from Windows.
Follow the onscreen instructions.