Apple podcast app download already listened
To select multiple episodes that are next to each other, click the first episode you want to remove, press and hold the Shift key, then click the last episode you want to remove. Delete all downloaded episodes for a show: Hold the pointer over the show, click the More button , then click Remove Downloads. Save an episode In the Podcasts app on your Mac, search to find podcasts , or click a category below Apple Podcasts in the sidebar on the left.
Hold the pointer over an episode, then do one of the following: Click the Save button. Remove a saved episode You can remove an episode from your Saved list. In the Podcasts app on your Mac, click Saved below Library in the sidebar, then do one of the following to remove an individual episode: Hold the pointer over an episode, then click the Unsave button.
Download an episode In the Podcasts app on your Mac, search to find podcasts , or click a category below Apple Podcasts in the sidebar on the left. The last several updates to the Podcasts app seem increasingly hostile to serial podcasts. The iOS included podcasts app was formerly an advantage over Android, where you had to find something in that app store, but not with the latest versions.
The Android selection is or was pretty bad. Pocket Casts is about the best option in terms of cross-platform compatibility. Just looking at Overcast, realizing that the search box is dark gray with black text.
How idiotic is that? That sounds like a config issue at your end, I have a light grey to define the search box, with black text. It looks like you may need to restart Overcast after switching between appearance modes. In light mode, the text is black on a light gray field with plenty of contrast; in dark mode, the text is white on gray, again with contrast. However, if you switch appearance modes for the iPhone and access Overcast, the text fades into background.
Oh man, 5 gb? Set a sleep timer Swipe up and tap the Sleep Timer button to stop the episode after a specified period of time. How to play episodes in order or play the newest episode first Open the Podcasts app.
Go to the Library tab, then tap Shows. Tap the More button , then tap Settings. Published Date: December 13, Yes No. Character limit: Maximum character limit is Start a discussion in Apple Support Communities. Communities Get Support. Sign in Sign in Sign in corporate. Browse Search. Ask a question. You can share your Apple Podcasts subscriptions with the whole family. You can download any podcast episode and listen to it offline. New episodes from shows you follow will be automatically downloaded.
And you can find all your downloaded episodes in your library in the Downloaded section. You sure can. If you want to create your own show and publish it on Apple Podcasts, check out the resources available at podcasters. Your iTunes podcast library is now available on Apple Podcasts. Stay up to date on the latest news, features, and best practices that help you create your own podcast.