New pc has slow download speed
This problem seems to have started a couple of days ago after installing the most recent Windows OS update. Any other suggestions? We have NorthState for Internet service and the guy came out this morning to make sure there was no problem on their end.
He connected his laptop to my equipment and got upload and download speeds in the s, so it's clear the problem is somewhere in my PC Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Help pls. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Joseph Y.
Independent Advisor. Hi Comdervids and thanks for reaching out. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Sometimes, the problem might not lie in the quality of your internet connection or the router - it might lie in the devices you use. Old devices using slower internet technology can slow down speeds. Unnecessary background programs and applications can hog your internet bandwidth, slowing down the connection.
When too many programs open and run on the device, the processing memory will be used up, ending up affecting your internet downloading speed. So, if you experience iOS or Android wifi slow download speed on your smartphones or tablets or slower-than-usual internet on your PCs, consider this and other causes. In many cases, just using WiFi speed booster software free download for Android, Windows 10 or other apps and programs to boost the speed without determining the major causes for slow download and fixing them can be not enough to improve your internet performance.
And viruses and spyware are two of the most frequent reasons causing poor Internet performance, according to microsoft. They can slow down your whole system, which, of course, includes the internet download and upload speeds. But do you know that firewalls - one of the most essential security features that defend against viruses and malware penetrating the system, can also potentially slow down your Internet speeds?
Home Blog Speed test Download speed test Why is my download speed so slow? Following are the reasons! Why is my download speed so slow? To be more specific, what is download speed? Run for a long time without restarting Most electronic devices and equipment, including the router, are not made to run continuously.
Outdated router Outdated routers may also lead to issues with your WiFi connectivity and slow down your internet connection. Good download speed for wifi WiFi-related issues As transmitted through the air, WiFi signal strength tends to be highly prone to various factors.
WiFi is not as fast and stable as the wired When it comes to mobility and flexibility, WiFi connectivity outweighs wired one. Mbps download See also: WiFi download speed slower than upload Weak WiFi signals due to distance, interference, obstacles Once again, WiFi signals are transferred through the air, and they can get weakened or even entirely blocked by different causes.
Physical obstructions Things like concrete walls, floors, brick, large metal appliances, thick doors or windows, etc are super effective at weakening and blocking wireless signals. It is important that you are aware of these limitations. Just because your internet connection is fast, it does not mean that the download speed is fast, too. Once you know the download speed limit of your computer, try to regulate your download activity accordingly.
If the cap is low, stick to downloading one file at a time. The computer itself can be the cause behind a slow download. This happens when it is unable to read its processes quickly.
In particular, the Windows registry can be corrupted or may contain many unnecessary files. The computer has to read all of these files before processing the actual download.
To fix this problem, you need to clean the Windows registry on a regular basis. A virus infection can cause a lot of damage. It can also cause downloads to run slow. Viruses, in general, can result in slow performance. When you suspect that malware might be causing the problem, you need to perform a scan. Once you get rid of the harmful program, you should see an immediate improvement in download speed.
Many users complain that the download speed is so slow that it takes a long time to download something.
This can hamper both business and personal operations. Why is the download speed so slow? The possible reasons are as follows:. Older computers might lack the memory and therefore the download speed becomes so slow, even though your Internet connection and services are stronger and robust.
If there are some viruses on your computer, it can weaken the processing power and reduce the speed available for uploading and receiving data across the Internet.
If you download something from a popular website, it is more difficult to achieve a higher download speed.