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2021.12.15 22:42

Medium does provide a publication header on each story, that a reader can tap to get to the homepage of the publication, but I found it useful to add a standard footer image to each article as well, that provides the same function, as it is more useful — in my opinion — for the reader, after reading an article that they enjoyed, to be able to jump up to the homepage of the publication, rather than having to scroll up to the header.

I wanted something that was clearly setoff from my text in a different typeface, but not overshadowing it in any way either. I realized that what I wanted was a font size and style much like that of the attribution found underneath images on Medium. My solution was to do exactly that, only with a non-visible and diminutive image. I found a 1-pixel transparent gif and I place that where I want the notification to appear.

Navigation was another problem. Thus, your menu structure is normally restricted to just a top-level list of sections or groupings, each of which can only have a single story, or a list of stories without any deeper structure — you can only have a collection of stories that share a tag, a single story, or a page of featured stories. I place it just above the start of the text, underneath the title.

I did this because my book has a structural flow, and not just a collection of articles. Being able to move back-and-forth between sections makes sense for the kind of book I am publishing, where the reader may want to refer to another part of the text for needed information.

As an added bonus, the navigation bar I created adds a degree of empty space between the title and the body of text which in my opinion looks nicer. This is what the secondary navigation menu for my book looks like. The one problem I was confronted with was that the long urls of each story do not always work in the apps.

Here is how I do this:. I create a story without tags and no images that The Legacy Off-Campus Book 5 serve as a table of contents for a subsection of the book.

There is nothing wrong with having a TOC discoverable in a search, and available for payment under the Medium Partner program. To find the identifier for a story, you look at its url in a browser and copy the identifier, which is a sequence of 12 numbers and letters a hexadecimal number. Note the bolded identifier at the end of the url — this is the number you want to append on the short form url, as I did in my example.

When you are editing a story, even before publishing it, there is a slightly different url, which looks like this:. The final piece of the navigation puzzle is to use another hyperlinked attribution line as in the above examples to the next article in sequence within the book at the end of the article. I do this before any footnotes, above the footer for the publication. Here is what it looks like:. Continue on to What is Meditation? In the apps, tapping on any one of these hyperlinks results in a quick overwrite of the present page.

Returning to the previous page, in effect, backtracking through your browsing history, is built-in to the Medium apps. Simply tap on the left angle bracket in the top left corner of your display.

In the browser, the effect of clicking on one of the hyperlinks is different — a new browser page for each story opens. You can set the browsers default behavior to opening a new tab, instead of a new window, but you still end up with a lot of tabs or windows, without the ability to retrace your progress through the book in an automated way. Instead, you have to click on the tab or window for the previous story or menu.

Finally, the medium apps allow readers to bookmark a story, and even archive it for Carry On Book use, both of which are useful in reading your publication as a book. So far the results of this have been beyond anything I thought would happen. The publication has garnered 50 followers very quickly, and a significantly higher number of visitors each day. It is, in fact, now taking off, as more readers run across it.

But this brings up the last issue with publishing a book such as this on Medium: you are limited to only a certain number of stories published each day. If you exceed that limit — which I did one day trying to gain momentum in the process of publishing the book — you get an error message that your account is locked.

Presumably, Medium has that as a protection for spamming. DWF files are highly compressed, smaller and fast. Public Pastes. Arduino 1 min ago 0. Arduino 2 min ago 0. Arduino 3 min ago 0. Arduino 4 min ago 0. Arduino 6 min ago 0. Arduino 7 min ago 0. Python 7 min ago 0. We use cookies for various purposes including analytics.

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