Waiting for other game to download battlenet app

2021.12.16 16:13

Please rate the following from a scale of 1 to 5 stars: This article is easy to find. Sorry to hear that! We'd like to know what's wrong. Please check any which apply: This information isn't relevant to my issue. This article is unclear or poorly written. I have tried the suggested steps but they didn't work. I'm frustrated by Blizzard's process or policy.

Thanks for your feedback! Share This Article. Try deleting the Battle. Have a few seconds to spare? The pre-download never worked for me - it downloaded nothing but hogged all bandwidth even with throttle settings set. So paused it and waited for Wednesday.

This morning saw this post and deleted the Battle. Deleted the Battle. Good to know that reinstalling the Battle-net app puts you in to a worse position. Others have said full game reinstalls do not help either. We need to find out what we have in common to see the issue. Either file system, AV, network or OS based. As Heartstone patch works, network can possibly be eliminated if they use the same servers and ports I do not know that for sure. So that leaves what…?

Uninstalling and reinstalling the Battle. If the problem persists, uninstall and reinstall the game. Tried everything here? Did you find this article helpful? Yes No. Help us improve. Please rate the following from a scale of 1 to 5 stars: This article is easy to find.

Sorry to hear that! We'd like to know what's wrong. I was fixing it for like 2 hours and still shows sleeping agent. I also have a battle. Got the same problem. Been this way for about 30 minutes now. If you come to find that there are updates in the queue for downloading, then you can simply pause all of them. Then launch any game to check if the error still persists or not. They also suggested users to perform a re-install of the launcher so that the installation becomes manual instead of automatic.

Then, follow the uninstallation wizard to finish the process. Go through the setup guide to finish the installation. Now, check if you get the same error or not.