Warcraft 2 free download full game for pc

2021.12.16 16:13

An older version of the real-time strategy classic, this fantasy adventure still holds interest despite out-of-date graphics and limited advanced features. Warcraft II allows you to play either as a human or an orc, and each race is given its own special set of abilities and talents. The goals are basic: build bases for your peasants, collect gold and lumber and keep the enemy at bay.

Gameplay is straightforward and the game's graphics, while not state-of-the-art this version was released in , after all are not so basic as to detract from the game itself. You aren't able to queue build orders, or assign group numbers to selected units, as just a few examples.

During testing, we found that the demo works well on Windows XP, as well as on older versions of Windows. If you consider yourself a Warcraft II junkie and are looking for a simple nostalgic challenge, then this demo is worth the download. Full Specifications. What's new in version demo.

Release November 9, Date Added October 18, Version demo. Operating Systems. Additional Requirements None. Total Downloads , Downloads Last Week Report Software. Related Software. Fall in love with the classic Age of Empires II experience, now with high definition graphics. Plants vs. The game is pretty much the same as Warcraft 1 is in the way you build up and fight against computer controlled forces.

The campaign can take a while to complete but it offers hours of fun. I've played and beaten this game lots of times and I've never got tired of this game. The units have change considerably from Warcraft 1. The controls are completely different from the first game, they made it a lot easier to play and it flows smoothly compared to the other game.

The game takes some time to get used to it at first but once you get the hang of it, it becomes fun. The music is pretty good and the graphics are decent for that time in which it came out. If you like RTS games, then you will enjoy this one. There really isn't much that is bad about the game. It is good all around for the most part. The game has a lot of skirmish maps for even more hours of fun.

The game is the best when you don't use any of the codes. The game has the same two races: the Humans and the Orcs. The only minor gripe I had was that some of the descriptions were too colorful to be clear—for instance, some of the descriptions of the Mage's spells might tell you that the "Mage will use the lightning bolt to utterly vanquish the enemies of Azeroth from the sacred land.

Nevertheless, the manual provided a wonderful reference during gameplay. Often, while learning the game, I would see a chance to build a new structure and have my wife read the description to me, so that I could continue hacking away at those poor enemy dimwits who dared to get in my way. If you're familiar at all with Westwood's Command and Conquer , you'll feel right at home playing Warcraft 2. You simply point and click on your guys and then click on the object you want them to manipulate This manner of controlling your forces makes it very easy to handle many tasks at once, which is paramount to success.

You are able to gather resources, scout new territories, and fight the mother of all battles—all at once. One advantage that Warcraft 2 has over Command and Conquer is the ability to build non-adjacent structures.

This allows you to build guard towers and such at your camp's perimeter without "sandbagging" out there. In Warcraft 2 , I also like the fact that you can rebuild all your structures: as long as you have the money and at least one peon or peasant to do the building. Comparisons aside, Warcraft 2 has a very intuitive and fun-to-use interface. The worst thing about the audio for Warcraft 2 is the narration before each mission. Can you say "overacting?

The various characters in Warcraft 2 have very distinct and colorful personalities, mainly characterized by their reactions to your commands—for instance, the peasant's cry "Yes, me Lord," or the Paladin's "For the King!

Music itself is fairly nonexistent during the missions, which suits me just fine—it really isn't needed since the richness of the sound effects provides a nice backdrop for the action. There is, however, some fitting, warlike music used under the narration and during the video sequences. I had a lot of fun playing Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness. Although the game had its share of shortcomings, I felt that its good points heavily outweighed them.

I am pleased to award Warcraft 2 a generous score of Well, that was great and all, but it was not as amazing as it was on the PC.

Before we had World of Warcraft, we had this and it is a game that many people have a lot of fond memories of. Warcraft 2 actually has a pretty neat story. It is basically humans and orcs at war and the game has a fun campaign that showcases this really well. You get to play the game from two points of view which is kind of interesting. The campaign missions on both sides while the story is different do follow the same kind of formula no matter if you are playing as the humans or orcs.

One of the things that Warcraft 2 is most well known for is its scenarios. You have plenty that you can play, but you can also make your own. For a game that is as old as Warcraft 2 is, I feel that this feature here is way ahead of its time. You can pretty much create a whole new campaign for yourself and friends to play. This is really well done and you would be surprised at how easy it is to make a new scenario.

You can play your scenarios against the AI or you can get a friend involved and play them. The gameplay of Warcraft 2 is what has kept so many people playing it for all these years. They really did streamline things here and while this is a real time strategy game and there is a lot of thought behind it.

You have to play at a quick pace as the AI and of course any human you play against can be very relentless and will not wait for you to think of what to do next. There are tons of units that you can use in this game. It still has the same two resources to gather as in the first game, but Warcraft 2 introduces air and sea units that require oil, so you now have a third resource to battle over.

The different units are a lot of fun and what the humans have there will be an alternative on the Orc side. This is something that other RTS games have so it is not really a negative. I still like the way the game looks and think that the Orcs and the more fantasy-based creatures look fantastic, many of which have kept their place in the Warcraft universe to this day.

If you love RTS games, you will love Warcraft 2. It is a truly fantastic game and one that is just as much fun to play today as it was when it was first released.

I love the storyline and the whole lore behind the game. But it is really the gameplay that has kept me hooked for so many years.