Kenpave free download

2021.12.16 16:13

Show More. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Kenpave 1. The data is divided into groups and can be found by clicking the appropriate menu.

Always start from the left menu to the right because data entered in the left menu may affect the type of form to be used in the right menu. When you finish reading this page, you can use the scrollbar or the PgDn key to read down the page.

The red label indicates that you must click the menu to supply some of the data, while the blue label implies that the default values have been provided so, if you want to use the defaults, there is no need to click the menu. Click Data Set 2 to 5 if there are 2 to 5 sets of data. If a data set indicates 'No' in blue, you should not click it unless you want to create a new data set. Save: Click 'Save' for an old file with no change of filename. The active data set is indicated by a black dot in the option button.

If you change NDAMA to 1 in the 'General' menu, the label under the 'Damage' menu will change automatically from blue 'default' to red 'input', indicating that you must enter the 'Damage' menu. After entering the 'General' menu and changing some of the defaults, some labels with blue 'default' may change to red 'input', indicating that you are not using the defaults and these menus must be entered. Click the 'Exit' button after you have completed and saved the data file.

If you forget to save the file before exit, a message 'You have not saved the file. Do you want to save the file? Simply click the missing menu indicated and fill in the data needed. This diagnosis only applies to the missing data in data set 1. If the same mistake occurs in other data set, you should click the other Data Set button and make the same correction. Diagnostic Message 2. You can use the Tab key to move the cursor from one text- box to the next or just click on the textbox before typing.

The title should not be longer than 68 characters including spaces. If you make a mistake, use the Del key to erase any typographical errors. When the total length reaches 68, no additional characters can be added. Use colon or semicolon instead. When a large number of periods or load groups are used, the use of 2 may result in a large volume of printout and is therefore not recommended. NPY number of periods per year : Each year can be divided into a maximum of 12 periods for damage analysis.

Even without damage analysis, NPY can be used to find the effect of layer moduli on pavement responses by assigning different moduli for each period. NLG number of load groups : Axle loads can be divided into a maximum of 12 groups for damage analysis, each with different wheel loads and configuration.

Dual Spacing Assist. DEL tolerance for numerical integration : A default of 0. NL number of layers, maximum 19 : The default NL is 3 which you probably would like to change, as indicated in red. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help!

Collection journals Language English. When replaced with Natural aggregate, the Recycled aggregate has emerged as a major alternative to the conventional concrete in rigid pavement construction and has rapidly drawn the concrete industry attention due to its aggregate savings, energy savings and cost savings, environmental and socio-economic benefits. Recycled aggregate content has been found to be of use as part of the replacement of natural aggregate.

Amidst growing awareness of natural resources, search for new material technology in the construction technology without sacrificing the quality and property of the material is the need of the day.

In the above context an attempt is made, in the present study, to examine the possibility of replacing Natural aggregates by Recycled aggregates. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Download PDF. A short summary of this paper. D1, Amarnath M. S2, Suresh Kumar K. Laboratory fatigue teats were also carried out on HPCC beam specimens and number of repetitions to failure determined. Using the results fatigue models and stress charts were developed and slab thicknesses of the HPCCs designed.