Cognistix mobile app download android

2021.12.16 16:14

This can be thought of as a continuum from fully computer driven auto scheduling at one extreme all the way to rep self scheduling self select at the opposite extreme. In between there are various scheduling tools available to management, each with different strengths depending on the type of work being scheduled.

Intelligent staffing based upon geography, availability, skills and other complex parameters. The Cognistix Automated Scheduler is designed to schedule a set of work using the most efficient combination of people, dates and times. The system works to gain efficiency and reduce cost by maximizing the work that a rep can do on a given visit while minimizing store-to-store travel time and mileage expense.

It is relatively easy for a human being to schedule a handful of store visits, or a small team of employees, but managing tens of thousands of field representatives across millions of visits requires either a small army of schedulers or a unique, sophisticated algorithm deployed within a robust technological infrastructure. Our scheduling engine uses this algorithm to schedule staff based upon location, timing, skills and other variables that shape the requirements for a set of assignments.

The Cognistix Rep-Self-Scheduler allows you to quickly staff even the largest job with minimal management effort. Managers can let Cognistix offer work to reps based on proximity and skills. The date and time can be assigned, or the rep can be given flexibility to choose a date and time within parameters you set , including days of week, hours of operation, and date ranges.

The system will simultaneously extend all offers starting with the reps closest to the store. If those reps decline or ignore their offers, the system will extend new offers to reps in order of increasing distance. Once a rep accepts the offer, all other offers for the same work are immediately withdrawn.

The open OS that became Andy would allow developers and users to enjoy more robust apps, to experience them in multiple device environments, and to stop being constrained by the limits of device storage, screen size or separate OS. We believe you should always have the latest Android OS running without the necessity of a manual update, that you should be able to download an app on your PC and automatically have access to it on your phone or tablet, and that you should be able to play your favorite games whether sitting on the train to work or in the comfort of your living room.

Creative solutions. Creative ideas. Understanding the complexities of the IT environment, Cognistix effectively extends our expertise in system integration to our clients, ensuring that this new resource is in line with your business objectives, no matter the size and nature of your organization. Cloud-based platform to automate workforce scheduling and execution, improve visibility of your field activities, and ensure compliance with labor laws.

Scheduling and field data collection software for manufacturers, retailers, brands and merchandising service organizations MSOs. CCS Mobile is not responsible for any missed assignments. If you're reading this on your Android browser, click on the link below to download. You should see a Download Started message.

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