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2021.12.16 16:15

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Pictures can also be exported to a memory stick or certain. Description: The program is designed for the analysis of antennas, microwave transmission lines, switching circuits, waveguide elements, RF filters of three-dimensional inhomogeneities, etc. The analysis is reduced to drawing the structure, accurately determining the material, identifying the ports and the characteristics of the surfaces.

HFSS automatically generates field solutions, port characteristics and S-parameters. A software package that allows you to calculate multimode S-parameters and electromagnetic fields for a three-dimensional structure of arbitrary shape.

HFSS uses the finite element method, methods such as automatic adaptive cell generation and division, finite element method for field vectors, and adaptive scanning. HFSS automatically calculates multiple adaptive solutions to a user-defined convergence criterion. The download link is appeared automatically when you complete check out. If you also can not install it or any problems, please contact to me by email: [email protected] , then I will help you to install software by teamviewer. Thanks a lot.

High speed, high frequency component modelling. Solver technologies are based on several methods. Can select the appropriate method amongst integral equation method or finite element method. Equipped with automated solution methods.