桐は成長が早いのが特徴で、わずか樹齢20年程で実用されるといわれています。松が40年、杉が80年ですので 本当に早いですね。たしかに古く日本では、女の子が生まれると桐を植えて結婚するときにはその桐の木で箪笥を作り嫁入り道具として持って行く… という習わしがあったというのも納得です。
Japan’s 72 micro seasons story:July 22 - 26 “Kiri hajimete hana o musubu” Paulownia tree produce seeds
From this season, we are entering “Taisho”=major heat, most hottest season in the year. First of three micro seasons in Taisho is “Kiri hajimete hana o musubu”= Paulownia trees produce seeds.
Paulownia tree has been thought as sacred tree in Japanese history. As we can see it on the emblem of samurai, emperor, and government. We can see it on the back of 500yen coins, and passport design as well. Paulownia tree is the special plant that has deep relation with Japanese culture from old times.
It was once customary to plant a paulownia tree when a baby girl was born. Because the fast-growing tree would mature as the girl did. So when she reached the age of marriage it could be used to made into Tansu chest for kimono and other garments. It was not only its fast-growing speed but also its woods’ quality to protect delicate silk kimono.
However, those marriage chest market has disappeared today, there are some remained antique Tansu chest made by paulownia trees here in Kyoto. We, blue Parrot clean and restore those antique Tansu chest into practical use level as a part of the action to protect and hand over Japanese culture to next generations. Please stop by at our shop, to see, touch and feel real Japanese antique articles.