Arcgis runtime sdk ios not downloading geodatabase
Instances of this class respresent a Geodatabase dataset that could include either geographic features or non-spatial records. You can query the dataset using attribute or spatial criteria, and if permitted, also edit the data. Edits are tracked, so you can later retrieve a list of edits.
A default renderer is therefore used to display mobile geodatabase feature tables in a feature layer. In most cases, this default should be replaced with a custom renderer. Retrieves the number of features that have been locally added to the dataset, but not yet to the originating source. For mobile geodatabases created by ArcGIS Pro, this method retrieves 0 because there is no concept of syncing.
Retrieves the features that have been locally added to the dataset, but not yet to the originating source. For mobile geodatabases created by ArcGIS Pro, this method retrieves no features because there is no concept of syncing.
Cancels loading if it is in progress, otherwise it does nothing. This should be called carefully because other objects could be waiting for loadWithCompletion: or retryLoadWithCompletion: to complete and this will call them all back with the error of NSUserCancelledError. Indicates whether the source allows this particular feature to be deleted.
The method first checks to verify if the source is capable of deleting any features in general. It also checks specific ownership-based access control policies of the source to see if the user attempting to perform the operation has persmissions to delete this particular feature. Indicates whether the source allows updating this particular feature.
The method first checks to verify if the source is capable of updating any features in general. It also checks specific ownership-based access control policies of the source to see if the user attempting to perform the operation has persmissions to edit this patricular feature.
Create a new, empty feature. Note, the new feature is only available in memory at this point, it is not commited to the dataset. Create a new feature with the provided attribute values and, optionally, geometry. Creates a new feature based on the specified feature subtype. Creates a new feature based on the specified feature subtype and geoemtry. Creates a new feature based on the specified feature template. Creates a new feature based on the specified feature template and geometry.
Creates a new feature based on the specified feature type. Creates a new feature based on the specified feature type and geoemtry.
Retrieves the number of features that have been locally deleted from the dataset, but not yet from the originating source. Retrieves the features that have been locally deleted from the dataset, but not yet from the originating source. Never call this method directly. It is meant to be overriden by subclasses.
You can call this method any number of times, however only one attempt is made to load the data. If it is already loading, it will just continue to load i. If it has already loaded successfully, the completion block will be invoked right away. Route around barriers. Find service areas for multiple facilities.
Find route. Change atmosphere effect. Create terrain surface from a local raster. Create terrain from local tile package. Open mobile scene package. Open scene portal item. Terrain exaggeration. View content beneath terrain surface. Get elevation at a point.
Choose camera controller. GeoView viewpoint synchronization. Animate images with image overlay. Find address.
Find place. Offline geocode. Reverse geocode. Certificate authentication with PKI. Integrated Windows Authentication. Authenticate with OAuth. ArcGIS token challenge.
Custom dictionary style. Feature layer extrusion. Picture marker symbol. Unique value renderer. Scene symbols. Simple renderer.
Simple marker symbol. Read symbols from mobile style. Distance composite scene symbol. Utility network. Display utility associations. Perform valve isolation trace. Trace utility network.
Configure subnetwork trace. Sample viewer app. Display features from a local geodatabase. Use case Accessing data from a local geodatabase is useful when working in an environment that has an inconsistent internet connection or that does not have an internet connection at all. How it works Create a geodatabase using the provided local resource, new Geodatabase geodatabaseResourceUrl. Wait for geodatabase to load. GeodatabaseFeatureTable tableName.
Create feature layer using the table from above, new FeatureLayer geodatabaseFeatureTable. Add labels. Display symbols with a dictionary renderer. Render features and graphics in 3D. Style a feature layer. Query and edit. Use branch versioned data. Device location. Work with Geotriggers. Display device location. Geocode and search. Search for an address. Find places. Route and directions. Add StreetMap Premium data. Find a route and directions.
Spatial and data analysis. Spatial references. Display a viewshed. Display a line of sight. Measure a distance in 3D. Utility network. Trace a utility network. Offline maps, scenes, and data. Work with data files. Work with offline data. Follow a graphic in a scene view.
Display a scene. Display a web scene. Add raster data. Display electronic navigational charts. Add a feature layer. Add a feature layer from a portal item. Styles and data visualization. Features and graphics. Add labels. Display symbols with a dictionary renderer. Render features and graphics in 3D.
Style a feature layer. Query and edit. Use branch versioned data. Device location. Work with Geotriggers. See Synchronize Replica. Description copied from interface: ApiKeyResource. It is also used to monitor access to those services. A delta geodatabase contains the changes that have occurred since a mobile replica Geodatabase was last synchronized with the feature service.
See Synchronize Replica for an overview of the delta files used in synchronization. An "upload" delta geodatabase contains the local edits, performed on the user's device, to be sent to the originating feature service. When you run this task, any local edits in the Geodatabase will be exported to the specified output path.
The output path should include the full path and file name ending in ". The delta file created by this method is not sent to the server and has no impact on any subsequent sync job. You can call this method repeatedly without affecting the state of the local geodatabase.
The task returned by this method has a boolean result that indicates whether or not a delta geodatabase was created. You should not execute more than one sync on a particular geodatabase at the same time.
Description copied from interface: Loadable. If the resource subsequently transitions to LoadStatus. Cancels loading metadata for the object. Cancels loading the metadata if the object is loading, and always invokes the done loading listener. A load operation that is in progress LoadStatus.
If the load operation was successfully cancelled, a CancellationException will be returned from Loadable. Cancellation should be used carefully because all enqueued done loading listeners for that resource instance will get invoked with an error stating that the operation was cancelled.
Thus, one component in the application can cancel the load operation initiated by other components. This method does nothing if the resource is not in LoadStatus. Loads the metadata of the loadable resource asynchronously.