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Bhagavad gita chanting with meaning mp3 free download

2021.12.16 17:23

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All inner feelings cannot be expressed in words. Excellent effort! Keep it up! If possible, it would be good if you could upload higher quality audio at least Kbps of these chapters.

I have just completed listening to the Sanskrit rendering of the sacred Bhagavad Gita. Beautiful rendering, chaste language, melodious voice, fault-less pronunciation — a great pleasure to listen!

Many thanks for this valuable gift. The Bhagavad Gita recited is too good. Listening to this gives immense pleasure and joy. Thanks a lot for creating this site. Listening to your melodious rendition of the GITA is a blessing in disguise for me.

First I listen to each stanza very carefully, and then write it. Hopefully, I will complete my desire accomplished in a next few weeks. Is there no index for example if I want to hear that is going to 47th verse of chapter 2?

Is it that we need to hear always from first verse? I feel like fall into the ancient India and be with the joyful rhythm. Hoping the glory spread to everyone. Great music and clear recitation in sanskrit of all the verses. Its soul cleansing. Can u pl tell me How to download the audio on my laptop?? It is a rare and great creation of Swamiji.

His voice has divine power. I liked this and am trying to down load and listen every morning and purify my mind as much as possible in this Janma. Pls hell me. If I have to pay pls let me know the details of payment. Pls help me. Really it find the way to Mukti for soul. Its great and unique,that is applicable for every human being in past,present as well as future.

One of the best recitations. There is some error in uploading Chapter IV Verse May kindly be re uploaded correctly. Your email address will not be published. Invalid email address. Ask a Question. Like these articles? Erik Santiago Franco on October 31, at pm. Hare Krishna! My obeisances! Rama Rao on November 4, at am. Gouri on November 6, at pm.

Amazing recitation. I felt so good after listening it. I will suggest it to others also. Thanks, Gouri. Jeff on November 14, at am. Narasimhamurthy on November 26, at am.

Satyanaryana thuniki on December 2, at pm. Ramya on December 20, at pm. I am not able to get audio. Ramya on December 24, at pm. Hi there Can you please let me know if the above audios can be downloaded?

Hare Khrisna ………. I like the audio very much ……. Jhantu Ghosh on January 29, at am. Tamil Mani on February 21, at am. Can you help to shed some light? Joseph on March 2, at pm.

Thank you for sharing beautiful music. Twinkal on April 8, at pm. Paul on April 12, at pm. Mahesh on April 18, at pm. Become A Member Now. Join the GJI network. Start observing it in your home! Sing one verse every day!

Sing one chapter in a temple near you every Sunday - the faithful will join you! Find out the dates for future Gita Jayanti Days here:.

He CAN read and write too! Search this site. It will then play all the tracks in sequence. Old Downloads Page www. Find out the dates for future Gita Jayanti Days here: www. Report abuse.