Annabel Hardy's Ownd

Ddia-xge underworld speculation pdf download

2021.12.16 17:24

Please log in to add or reply to comments. I've run it several times, both in person and online, and it's a lot of fun. The pregenerated characters are clearly intended show off the new character options, and they work well. This is one of my favorite modules to run using theater of the mind. The path is straightforward enough that you don't need to worry about maps. You can really make all the obstacles come alive with a little imagination.

My group loved trying to communicate with some of the enemies that could not speak their language and even nicknamed their beacon. This is a great theater of the mind module, and my players' reactions to finding out they were in the Xanathar's fishbowl were hilarious. I feel like the geas spell story award is a bit extreme, though, especially for tier 1. I see the file for the story award cert. Where are the certs for the magic items? As a DM I really enjoyed the interesting surprise even though my groups figured it out pretty quick.

The fights were fun and challenging. Running it again I might allow an arcane or investigation check on alternate methods of escape. Does this come with the Fantasy Grounds. Several but not all of the AL season adventures do.

Do not think so. The adventure states, "A certificate for each item is included with this adventure. If 6 gamers play this 2-hr adventure, each gamer is paying just 25 cents an hour to play. Cheaper than playing video games in the s! There is a good chance the gaming group will spend far more on snacks, drinks, and fuel than they will on this adventure.

If we want to be fans of gaming, we need to support it. Chris is a veteran employee of Wizards of the Coast and an excellent author. This is an imaginative adventure that drew rave reviews when it first ran at stores as part of the Xanathar's Guide to Everything release. This is a steal at this price.

What is the expected run time for this, normally it is on the front page. Is the full preview at the time of this comment Supposed to just be a blank certificate? Full size preview provides nothing of interest and the elevator pitch could use some more details, I can't discern if this is a good fit for my players or not.

For instance, what's the expected length of play for the adventure? SmiteWorks Wizards of the Coast. Publisher: Wizards of the Coast. Year: View Corrections Link Image. Publisher: SmiteWorks. No items found. No images found. No videos found. No threads found. No posts found. Title Hot Recent. DRA37 - Murder in Mossbank.

DRA37 - Feast Nightwalker. DRA37 - Malthraxis. DRA34 - Frozen Offerings combat maps. DRA34 - Frozen Offerings solo. DRA34 - Display of Daggers. Unearthed Arcana Mages of Strixhaven.

Additional Notes: Requirements vary by the add-ons installed and the number of players connecting to your game. Recommended: OS: Windows 7x , 8x or 10x Processor: 2. DirectX: Version 9. Minimum: OS: Additional Notes: This product uses a wine wrapper to simplify installation. Recommended: OS: See all. There are no reviews for this product. Review Filters. Feeding Sylgar! Clamshell Surprise! Otherwise, they wait until the In the tank where the clams dwell, there resides an characters are at the portcullis to attack.

From outside the clam it is easily. It is successful DC 10 Wisdom Perception check or in fact a pot of awakening. Adjusting this Encounter If a character were to make a successful DC 13 Here are some suggestions for adjusting this encounter, Dexterity Sleight of Hand check while Sylgar is according to your group.

It is a Very Weak: Remove two algaepygmies wand of smiles. Before doing so, however, it Consider the following. The best way it knows to do this is to place an extremely 3. Sylgar swims lazily near the surface of the water in Read or paraphrase the following.

As the characters shall get us all out of this enclosure to safety. To ensure that we diameter, and 10 feet deep and constructed of glassteel. This means your average character can act according to this compact. What say you? Sylgar on the other hand swims five per move. At this point, swimming up too high, but if they make a conscious there is a second flash of light, briefly blinding them choice to do so, Sylgar moves in to eat them.

The immense fish retreats if reduced to 40 taproom in an unfamiliar tavern in the heart of or fewer hit points, swimming away faster than the Waterdeep. Being the predator in this little them one by one into sea spawn.

The artifact acts on scenario, Sylgar is a merciless, voracious eater. Once initiative 20 and can attack once per round. The targeted creature must make a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw the fight is begun, the fish pursues the characters to resist.

If the creature fails the first saving throw, it is wherever they go inside the tank. The only place Stunned as it begins to transform. If it fails this saving throw it arrived from.

Tricks of the Trade There is a very real chance the entire party of characters might die in this combat. Player Rewards The characters earn the following player rewards for completing the adventure:. Ersatz Eye Wondrous Item, common requires attunement When used, this orb swirls with a pearlescent mist within. Pot of Awakening Wondrous item, common This clay pot is stamped with an oak leaf, the holy symbol of Silvanus. Wand of Smiles Wondrous item, common This wand was carved from black walnut and has a lacquered finish with a stylized grinning face carved into one end.

At some point in the future, if you find yourself in the presence of the Xanathar, you must attempt to kill the creature. More information can be found in Player Handout 2. However, this adventure may qualify for rewards earned by completing DM Quests.

The beacon is extraordinarily intelligent, wise, and charismatic and resists any attempt to discern its motives. Ultimately it seems to be no more than a benevolent benefactor, bent on helping the adventures escape from their current predicament.

If the spell affects an area or has multiple Armor Class 13 natural armor targets, it fails and has no effect. No additional effect. Each creature Senses darkvision 60 ft. The algaepygmy can breathe both air and damage on a successful one. Flail Tentacles. The flail snail has five flail tentacles. Plant Camouflage. The algaepygmy has advantage on Whenever the snail takes 10 damage or more on a Dexterity Stealth checks it makes in any terrain with single turn, one of its tentacles dies.

If even one ample obscuring plant life. The algaepygmy regains 3 hit points at within 1d4 days. If all its tentacles die, the snail retracts the start of its turn.

The algaepygmy dies only if it when it dies 5d6 minutes later. Actions Actions Claws. The flail snail makes as many Flail Tentacle attacks as it has flail tentacles, all against the Flail Snail same target.

Large elemental, unaligned Flail Tentacle. In addition, any creature within Condition Immunities poisoned the bright light and able to see the snail when this Senses darkvision 60 ft. Languages — Shell Defense. It can Antimagic Shell. The snail has advantage on saving emerge from its shell as a bonus action on its turn. If the snail succeeds on its saving throw against a. Speed 20 ft. Condition Immunities blind, prone Senses darkvision ft. The giant clam adheres to Limited Amphibiousness.

The sea spawn can breathe anything that touches it. A Large or smaller creature air and water, but needs to be submerged in the sea at adhered to the giant clam is also grappled by it escape least once a day for 1 minute to avoid suffocating.

DC Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage. Actions Grappler. The giant clam has advantage on attack rolls Multiattack.