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Old time radio the shadow mp3 download free

2021.12.16 17:24

Uploaded by AcousticMonster on February 19, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest.

She knows who the Shadow is, has powers of her own, and threatens to destroy him. The Shadow goes to the aide of the city's beggars who have been forced to pay protection racketeers who have already killed one beggar for not paying them.

The Shadow matches wits with a fiend known as The Prophet, who has killed a minister and many others, and plans to perform a human sacrifice. The city is in a panic after being blackmailed by criminals using a stolen black fog machine that has plunged the city into darkness.

If 5 million dollars isn't paid, a poison gas will be added to the fog and kill everyone, and the Shadow is the only hope to save millions of lives. Lamont and Margo find themselves at an old castle after having car trouble. There they meet a woman who is later threatened with being committed as mentally ill for claiming to see and hear strange things.

The Shadow attempts to solve the mystery of her delusions before she is sent away. The Shadow investigates the death of a man who bought a Buddha statuette and was found stabbed to death, and the Shadow has trouble capturing the culprit who has marked both the Shadow and Margo Lane for death. During the inspection of a Egyptian tomb that was disassembled in Egypt and reassembled at the City Museum along with the mummy, a curse kills 3 men at once, then a 4th enters the tomb and dies in spite of a warning from the Shadow.

It centres on the mistaken identity of a building tenant who is thought to be an IRA assassin. Lamont is a witness at the execution of a convicted murderer, but later the jurors who convicted him are being murdered one by one, and the Shadow must stop the killing spree with the help of the judge whose life is also in danger.

The Shadow must track down a maniac who has embarked on a trail of destruction to make himself remembered throughout history. While at a New Years Eve party just before midnight, Lamont and Margo find themselves back in time 24 hours.

Lamont realizes that the whole world is reliving the day all over again, and might be stuck reliving it for eternity unless the Shadow can find a way to set things right. These are recreations of episodes of the old time radio show The Shadow. Interview with noted pulp-writer and magician Walter Gibson, author and creator of The Shadow. From the tape collection of noted Washington D. All shows reviewed for date accuracy and titles. Cover artwork added. Topics: old time radio, radio, the shadow, crime, mystery, fantasy, action.

A group of scientists break through an Egyptian tomb and discover a fortune in jewels, but conspire to keep the treasure for themselves. The scientists have a falling out, and 20 years later, one is taking revenge on the others until the Shadow foils his plot. The city is plagued by a series of robberies, in front of witnesses, committed by a seemingly invisible man, which implicates the Shadow.

A gang of thieves has stolen two million dollars from a company, faked their deaths, and are hiding out on a deserted island, until the Shadow tracks them down. The Shadow discovers that a spiritualist is actually a member of a spy ring collecting government secrets for sale.

The Shadow investigates the disappearance of several planes over South America, and finds the missing planes have been diverted off course by a mad scientist for his own fiendish experiments. After the mysterious disappearances of several sea vessels in an area now called "The Graveyard of the Pacific", The Shadow enlists the aide of the Navy Department to travel to the South Pacific to solve the mystery.

Three men who escaped from Devil's Island years earlier, now claim their lives have been threatened by a fourth man who escaped with them, and The Shadow agrees to help. Patients are mysteriously disappearing from the hospital and Lamont is asked to help, so he uses Margo as bait for the person or persons responsible to be trapped by the Shadow. The series was built around the character Throckmorton P.

Gildersleeve, a regular element of the radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly. The character was introduced in the October 3, episode number of that series. The Great Gildersleeve enjoyed This lasted only until December 15, and starred Francis X. Bushman and Elliot Lewis as Archie. Starting on This is the job of the guardian of the forest, Ranger Bill.

Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snows, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain lions. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done.

Compare them with any other available versions and you will see there is no This information was updated from an original post at the Old Time Radio Researchers group page. It describes this initiative. We express our gratitude to the family and friends of Joe Hehn who made this collection of recordings and scans of hard copy materials possible: The passing of pioneer OTR collector Joe Hehn must be noted.

He died at age 88 on Saturday, October 17, Topic: joe hehn, old time radio, otrr. The show featured true cases from FBI, and told from an agent's viewpoint. FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover gave it his endorsement, considering it "Our Show" and calling it "the finest dramatic program on the air".

The shows would involve everything from crackdowns on organized crime, or stories of individual The show clicked at once, and went into a regular fall lineup on CBS September 29, This version lasted until , the last Our Miss Brooks was a hit on radio from the outset; within eight months of its launch as a regular series, the show landed several honors, including four for Eve Arden, who won polls in four individual publications of the time.

Arden had actually been the third choice to play the title role. Harry Ackerman, at the time CBS's West Coast director of programming, wanted Shirley Booth for the part, but as he told historian Gerald Nachman many years later, he realized Booth was too focused on the Clients came to Valentine's office after reading a newspaper carrying his classified ad: Personal notice: Danger's my stock in trade. If the job's too tough for you to handle, you've got a job for me.

George Valentine. The few earliest episodes were more sitcom than private John Dietz directed for producer Lester Gottlieb. Beginning with the July 7, episode, the series was broadcast from Hollywood with producer Elliott Lewis directing a new cast in scripts by Morton Fine and It contains the most complete and accurate version of this series in the best sound possible at the time of creation.

An updated version will be issued if more episodes or better sounding ones become available. If you are interested in preserving Old Le Mur Collector. Old radio advertisements from the s, s, s, s and s. Strange that so little good science fiction came out of radio; they seem ideally compatible, both relying heavily on imagination. Some fine isolated science fiction stories were developed on the great anthology shows, Suspense and Escape. But until the premiere of Dimension X -- a full two decades after network radio was established -- there were no major science fiction series of broad appeal to The early s programs opened with Raymond Edward Johnson introducing himself as, "Your host, Raymond," in a mocking sardonic voice.

A spooky melodramatic organ score played by Lew White punctuated Raymond's many morbid jokes and playful puns. Raymond's closing was an elongated Stewart was never better on the air than in this drama of Britt Ponset, frontier drifter created by Frank Burt. The epigraph set it up nicely: "The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged: his skin is sun dyed brown.

The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl. People call them both The Six Shooter. Occasionally, there might be a change in the schedule, but on the whole a consistent time-slot was something that helped build a large audience and so was something the big networks aimed to achieve. One exception to this rule was the dramatic adventure anthology series called Escape , whose time-slot shifted an incredible eighteen times in its seven-year run These recordings are of varying quality with most in the good to very good sound range.

The files have been tagged with the most accurate information available and each file name begins with the The Lone Ranger! Uploaded by Benniekcd on June 11, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. I wanted to hear the entire episode but Benny only whet your whistle. You will have closure. Reviewer: Hanguard - favorite favorite favorite favorite - November 19, Subject: Good for people new to otr.

Ive listened to many many episodes of the shadow. I liked it very much at first but then after a while I noticed most of the episodes were very generic to each other.

Heres things that were similar in each episode. The shadow rarely saved innocent people from death. He does though at the very last minute save one person, at the end of each episode. Anyways, margo must be psycho. Cranston and her always joke in the end of an episode after a one or two deaths happened.

Of course, each episode starts with them back to normal, and orson welles would want them to both be jolly so the listeners dont get bored. Another similarity that mostly always happens if margo asks him "but how do you get in" referring to get into a building of some sort and Cranston answered something like "As the shadow".