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Gene autry the strawberry roan full movie free download

2021.12.16 17:28

A good film because it's so different! Recently, a bunch of fully restored Gene Autry westerns were uploaded onto the Shout Factory channel for the Roku and Amazon Fire devices.

Most are gorgeous and feature the full movie However, "The Strawberry Roan" is, despite the restoration, a really ugly film. This is because they used an inferior color process in the original movie, Cinecolor. Cinecolor films in the early days looked about as good as the Two-Color Technicolor pictures.

But both processes were primitive and used a red-orange as well as blue-green pallet In other words, it wasn't true color and didn't display the full range of colors. However, when Three-Color Technicolor or simply 'Technicolor' came out in the mids, it was vastly superior to the two-color processes. Shockingly, despite this, the obsolete Cinecolor process continued to be in use into the s But it was also pretty ugly See the film Everything looks orangy and greeny is 'greeny' a word?

The ranch owner Jack Holt is thrilled and his son Dickie Jones is even more excited and begs his father to let him have the horse Unfortunately, when the horse tosses the young man, he's badly hurt and the father wants to kill the horse. Gene intervenes an the horse escapes. But after the boss and his workers chase the roan, it falls off a cliff and everyone assumes that when Gene went down to investigate he shot the horse to put it out of its misery.

But Gene is loathe to kill the pretty animal and later returns to tend to it until it's well enough to return to the wild. What's next?

After all, Gene is bound to make his boss mad about saving the animal AND the poor kid This film has a very impressive cast for a Gene Autry film. Jack Holt was a fine actor in the ss and it's nice to see him here.

And, so is Rufe Davis So is this film any good? This is because it's really nothing like any of his films and offers some plot that you won't see in other B-westerns. The only deficiency in the film is that there aren't any memorable songs like you'd find in some of Autry's other pictures.

Still, I liked how different this one was Horses with roan coats have white hairs evenly intermingled throughout any other color.

Stream on Shout! Factory TV This film is available for digital streaming on Shout! Factory TV. All rights reserved. Facebook Youtube Instagram Spotify Spotify. Software Images icon An illustration of two photographs. Images Donate icon An illustration of a heart shape Donate Ellipses icon An illustration of text ellipses. It appears your browser does not have it turned on. Please see your browser settings for this feature. EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help!

Topics gene autry , OTR. Gene said he never knew until he was in his 40s Always insisted he never "faught" on film with a shorter actor. Tried to embedd a "Code of Honour" for the youngsters that followed his movies. Led an action against his studio for better wages for him and his supporting actors Roy Rogers!