What file to download oracle 12c
The University of Wisconsin-Madison doesn't require any particular version installation of the Oracle client, but for best compatibility, it is recommended users install the 12c client.
It is NOT recommended users running the Oracle 11g client update to 12c unless they are experiencing technical issues with the 11g client. Note: The zip archive containing the client installer is large and may take several minutes to download.
Right-click the zip archive and select 'Extract All For Oracle Linux 7 do the following. Remember, this is only relevant if you are doing this prior to January The previous examples showed enabling repositories by manually flipping the "enabled" flag in the files.
There is a way to do thing from the command line using the yum-config-manager utility. To use this you need to install the yum-utils package. We can now enable or disable repositories using the yum-config-manager utility. The repository name specified must match one of those in the repo files.
After you have downloaded all the necessary software, you can then proceed to install and configure your software. For an overview of the installation instructions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c For details on the upgrade instructions, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c For additional information about this release, including future maintenance considerations, see My Oracle Support Doc ID Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support.
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