Deathswap minecraft download

2021.12.16 17:28

Also we've removed SethBling's need for a spectator so everyone can play! We've also made a load of other changes, see the features section below to see a list of everything that has been changed.

There is a configuration file, in case you want special settings. Commands There are no permissions, commands can be used by OPs and console. Configuration After the server starts for the first time, configuration file config. You can also send me any ideas you have for this plugin.

Video behind inspiration for the plugin, made by SethBling This is not a video of the plugin itself. This is the inspiration behind the plugin. The video shows how Death Swap is played in Vanilla. This plugin is meant to provide a quick and simple way of playing DeathSwap with your friends, there won't be any multiworld or permissions support and similar features to keep the plugin simple and easy to setup.

If you want a more advanced plugin, check out DeathSwapCore. Every time I try to use the command it keeps on saying there was an internal error. I redownloaded it, I reloaded the thing and everything. Ps: I didn't touch the config file. I tried it and it didn't work. I changed it so that it starts with a TNT and I put 46 in the part that says.

When I try to put in a command, the commands pop up but when I enter it in, there is an internal error that occurs. Please make a new version where you play with three people and swap in a specific order much like the logo used on recycling bins or whatever. I may do an optional feature that'd restart the server after a game, delete the world and create a new one. Currently you have to delete the world yourself. If u reuse the world, will the blocks that were already broken and placed be there or does the plugin rebuild the world?

That would also be a suggestion if it does not exist. Just a simple idea, maybe you could set the amount of hearts that the player can have. Would add a lot I think and is pretty easy to implement. I wasnt sure who to report this to so im reporting it to both of you. Basically what happens is that while I am in a minigame if I die then minigames tells me in chat that I cannot change my gamemode even though I didnt and items stop working and slowly disappear.

But if I disable the deathswap plugin then items now work as expected and that message in chat does not appear. CurseForge Register Sign In. Download Latest File.

DeathSwap Core. X Table of Contents. How do you have multiple games at once in different worlds? I am using multiverse. Rollback Post to Revision RollBack. Nice plugin btw, just tested it with a mate. Looks sweet! When will this be updated?? Branches Tags.

Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats 37 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. View code. Features Supports 2 teams - red and blue This means you can play with more than 2 players! Automatic or manual team assignment Any players not already in a team are assigned to one Automatically puts people into spectator when the game begins Doesn't automatically put people who join into spectator.

There's an easier and faster way to implement this. Customizable swap timer s by default with 2 players. Swap timer automatically scales with the number of players I need your help with playtesting this!