Brittney Horton's Ownd

Ps3 keeps prompting me to download a new browser

2021.12.16 17:28

Any suggestions for what may be the way forward from here? I will be happy to answer any other questions. Thanks in advance for your help and hard work on this hack. Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, It is recommended to keep the browser as clean and untouched as possible before accessing ps3xploit. Coldheart , Jun 10, Algol , AndyC3 and atreyu like this. What do you know, that worked! I've successfully dumped, flashed and installed my CFW now and it all seems to have gone without a hitch!

Cody Rep: 1k 6 9. Was this answer helpful? Score 5. Ok, I have reformatted the disk, the PS3 prompts me to use a mass storage device in this case my re-formatted USB FAT32 with the current PS3 update in a file marked update, that is in a file marked PS3 It says checking pleas wait, and I wait and wait and do not get any further.

PS: I couldn't get the ranish to work, but the device manager worked fine. Good Luck i hope that forum can help, Cody. Most Helpful Answer. Xnriqu xnriqux Rep: 2. Score 8. I had the same problem did exactly what u stated and it work thanks so much ur a godsend. Had the same problem and it worked like a charm! Thank you very much! Only solution that worked thanks. Score 3. Sodull sodapolar Rep: 23 1. Score 1. Cocodypie Cocodypie17 Rep: 13 1.

Restoring system settings will not erase any data like games, saves, movies or music. The process will reset all system settings, so you will have to go through the set-up process to restore date and time, video, and network settings.

When finished, select "System Update" under the Settings menu to ensure your PS3's software is up-to-date. The next time you visit a website with a Flash video, you'll see the prompt to enable Flash player.

I have a problem with jailbreaking my PS3, I just can't seem to get my browser to run the toolset. So when I run this, it either is stuck in an infinite "initializing PS3 Toolset" thing It throws me an error that I don't have flash player enabled Or it gives me an error that it couldn't download the framework. And it never prompts me to run the plugin. I literally have tried anything, from swapping HDD's to multiple OFW clean installs, making new user accounts and followed every single thing that was recommended, all with big fails I just want to jailbreak my PS3, to give it a new life but I can't seem to do so because of this thing.