Download file mvc c#
Models; namespace FileUploadDownload. GetExtension files. Combine Server. Content Path. Please Try Again!!! Fill dtData ; con. ExecuteNonQuery ; con. For that right click on Index ActionResult. Go to Add View.
Then Select the empty template. Click add. Now, let's modify the Index. AddDistributedMemoryCache ;. NewGuid ; HttpContext. Insert guid. ToString , input, null, DateTime. AddMinutes 5 , Cache. NoSlidingExpiration ; return guid. ToString ]; Machinegon Machinegon 1, 1 1 gold badge 26 26 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges.
Raw Url. URL window. I may sound quite naive, and may attract quite a criticism, but here's how I did it, It doesn't involve ajax for export, but it doesn't do a full postback either Thanks for this post and this answer. Add "Sheet1" ; ws. SaveAs memoryStream ; return File memoryStream. That can be done while 'searching' the data.. Irf Irf 3, 2 2 gold badges 32 32 silver badges 47 47 bronze badges. That's my problem. WriteXls filePath, "Text.
Response; response. Clear ; response. AddHeader "content-disposition", string. BinaryWrite File. ReadAllBytes filePath ; response. Rajesh Kumar Rajesh Kumar 4 4 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges.
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If your development environment is Visual Studio, enjoy the full integration of online documentation. The library can be used in ASP. The library fully supports Google Apps, making it possible to let your web applications work with Google Apps with some simple steps.
NET solution supports all the Salesforce scenarios:. We have set up three online websites for you to test the cross-domain Single Sign-On feature. For more information, please see this topic. The setup package of the. Thank you so much for your support. I tried it in the test app and worked on my end.
You have fixed all the issues. Create ASP. You can follow getting started with ASP. This creates a folder with name download and subfolders for controllers, views, models. The Area is created to logically group download related functionality of the application. MVC controller is the initial entry point of any MVC application, this controls users' actions by executing Action methods and returning action results.
In this step, you will add EmployeeReports controller in download area. Add the Area and Route attributes as shown in the below code to EmployeeReports controller class. Create a folder under wwwroot folder with name download to keep downloadable files.
GetFileName virtualFilePath ;. Jonathan Jonathan 1, 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. FileName , fileFromDB. FileName ;. That get Mime mapping is nice, but isn't it a heave process to figure out what is the type of file in run time? MohammedNoureldin it is not "figuring" it, there is a simple mapping table based on file extensions or something like that.
The server does it for all static files, it is not slow. I used it once and here's my code. MapPath this. VirtualPath ; context. Bernard Vander Beken 4, 5 5 gold badges 47 47 silver badges 73 73 bronze badges. Manaf Abu. Rous Manaf Abu. Rous 2, 20 20 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. Right, yes, I saw that article too, but it seems to do sort of the same thing as the article I used see the reference to my previous post , and he says himself at the top of the page that the workaround shouldn't be needed anymore because: "NEW UPDATE: There is no longer need for this custom ActionResult because ASP.
ManafAbuRous, if you read the code closely you will see it actually converts the virtual path to physical path Server. VirtualPath so consuming this directly without change is a tad naive. You should produce an alternate that accepts PhysicalPath given that's what is eventually required and is what you are storing.
This would be much safer as you have made an assumption that the physical path and relative path would be the same excluding the root. This is not accessible as a relative path.
GetVirtualPath is great Thanks to Ian Henry!