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- audience Score 44941 Vote
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- Robbie Amell
- abstract Cole (Judah Lewis) loves his babysitter (Samara Weaving) Bee. She's hot, funny, and popular. One night, in a moment of defiance, Cole secretly stays up past his bedtime to discover she's actually a cold-blooded killer who's in league with the Devil. He now must spend his night evading Bee's band of killers who will stop at nothing to prevent Cole from spilling their dark secret. It's up to Cole to survive the night (and blow up a few people along the way)
- Horror
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Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site download. My favorite line is “I AINT EVEN MAD COLE YOUR A STUD”. Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site movie. Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site streaming. Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site 2017.
Anyone know why I'm only getting audio.
NOw mind you, as I say "rare" I am not implying this is a masterpiece. Nothing is. Everything is subjective.
Keeping that in mind... I HIGHLY enjoyed this movie.
A fun romp for a cast of younger folks, especially the main character, whom hada great expanse or varying emotions to portray and work off of. I laughed, I got entranced by this, and it wasnt at all what I thought. 8/10 for a fun time.
Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site game. I'm scared of this movie so so so creepy. I didnt even know what this was at first cause I didnt recognise the boy! Wow he grew up. Same with the blonde girl. Beginning of the jigsaw 2 we colud the lady make all the way through the trap.
Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site now.
Great movie, but seriously tho, who sees a doll like that and think “huh, thats cute and appropriate for small children” I wont touch things like that with a 10 foot pole.
I tried: but my brother saw it.
Title: The Babysitter: Killer Queen Subtitles: The Infant Sitter: Deadly Queen.
I just got back from another dimension where James counts the survivors in a series called The Survivor Count. Woah.
I am never ever going to touch a doll again in my life.
I watched this movie a year ago and the scariest part when the little girl asked what she wanted and annabelle replied with “YOUR SOUL” scared the shit out of me.
I know why she was a gjost she wanted to stay in here old home. What a piece of crap. Of course McG made this. OF COURSE he did. His career can be summed up by three things: Getting head-butted by Bill Murray, making Christian Bale lose his mind on set and making a terrible movie about a killer babysitter. Seriously, how do you screw up that idea? Anyone else could have turned this into something interesting. Give it to your average film student, and you'll get something more inventive, more charming, more funny and more scary. This has none of that. The writing is lazy, the characters are awful stereotypes, the editing choices are bizarre, shots are out of focus and the story itself shifts sloppily as it unravels on screen. Characters are developed in a way that makes no sense. The babysitter in question here doesn't ever come across as nefarious and cruel until she randomly kills a guy during a game of spin-the-bottle. Oh, well, she's the baddie now. Let's go with it. This whole film was beneath Netflix.
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Free online the babysitter (2017) movie sites.
When I originally watched this in 2017, I was around the same age as Cole was (maybe a little younger) and I saw a lot of myself in Cole!
I'm not gonna go into detail but I will say this; it's still the only Horror Comedy I like.
I honestly loved that Jenna Ortega was in this movie, its fun to see Disney actors and actresses in gory movies like this.
Why does the jigsaw face look like The strangers prey at night face.
When Annabelle says YOUR SOUL its scared me for a year but wow Im like it just makes me scared
I wanna play a game whos down for monopoly. I waited 3 years for this to come out and it kinda looks like it's gonna be better than the first one John returns and that's all that matters to me because that's my favorite character. I like how she knows kids from ages 3 and look at older women😂 but stop killing her. Im still pissed at Melanie for betraying Cole lol. I felt that because she was the only one who saw and was with him whenever he was being chased by the satanic cult last movie she wasnt going to do that to him, but I guess we do all have backstabbing friends at one point lol. I also called that Bee was going to save Cole and Phoebe in the end. I didnt like how Melanie tried to make herself the new Bee; I loved Bee as the leader last movie and Melanie was just cringing tf out of me 😂 I was honestly mad too that Samara Weaving only had less than ten minutes of screen time in the whole movie, she carried the last one in my opinion 🤷🏻♀️.
The fact that he said “get laid” was that because if u dont have virgin blood in this universe, the people in the cult die apparently. Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site online. Free online the babysitter (2017) movie site torrent. I like how she literally hulk jumps off the rock. Let's put Hoffman in the traps and how did jigsaw get our.