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The international jew free download pdf

2021.12.17 01:51

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Reviewer: Pastor David J. Magazines Periodicals. Printing Process. American boy-Youth's companion Magazine. Sprague Publishing Company. As with most famous people, Henry Ford was complex and had traits and took actions that were laudatory as well as troublesome. Between and a series of articles denounced all things Jewish.

Seen within the context of the times, they demonstrate the sharp realities and tensions that emerge in societies undergoing profound cultural, economic and political change. In January , Henry Ford began publication of the Dearborn Independent , a small financially troubled community weekly he had purchased the previous year.

Ford hired Edwin G. Pipp from the Detroit News to serve as editor. Agents went door-to-door selling subscriptions, and Ford Motor Company pressured car dealers to buy multiple subscriptions and hand out copies to customers.

The newspaper was popular, and circulation reached , in The idea of acquiring a newspaper first came to Ford during his antiwar crusade, when he became convinced that a hostile press controlled by banks and other powerful financial interests was campaigning against him.

The paper would provide Ford a means to express his own views and to counter the attacks that had been launched against him for the five-dollar day, his pacifist activities, and his run for the U.

Senate, which he believed his opponent, Senator Truman H. Newberry, had stolen from him. The basis for the articles was an ancient and notorious forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , an anti-Semitic hoax, first published in Russia in Why would Ford agree to publish such a thing?

Pipp resigned as editor in protest over the series. However, William Cameron, who then became editor of the Independent , was an enthusiastic supporter of the publication of the anti-Semitic diatribes.

They were also influenced by current populist political sensibilities that advocated a distrust of financiers, bankers and institutions of economic power. A common stereotype at the time led some people to assume that Jews controlled the international banking system; that belief may have fed his anti-Jewish feelings.

His crusade against World War I convinced him that international Jewish bankers were fomenting the war. Here again, the stereotype noted above may have convinced him that international Jewish bankers supported the war for personal gain. Ford saw Jews present in everything that he viewed as modern and distasteful—contemporary music, movies, theater, new dress styles, and loosening social mores.

In some quarters, such as anti-immigrant and nativist groups, the series confirmed their own beliefs. Others were appalled by the series, published demands for a retraction, removed the paper from public libraries, and promoted a boycott of Ford automobiles. Some Ford dealers refused to carry the paper. Responding to this pressure, Ford halted publication of the anti-Jewish series in January , only to start it up again less than a year later.

When Ford refused to print a retraction, Sapiro sued him for libel. The case finally came to trial in March and quickly turned into a media circus. Shortly before Ford was scheduled to testify, he ordered the closing of the Dearborn Independent it closed at the end of and explored an out-of-court settlement with Sapiro.

After negotiations with U. Representative Nathan D. Perlman, a vice president of the American Jewish Congress, and Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee, Ford agreed to release a formal apology, written by Marshall, and to make a cash settlement with Sapiro. New York, Albert Lee, Henry Ford and the Jews. David L. Detroit, William J. Dearborn Independent , Aaron Sapiro v.

Henry Ford Lawsuit collection, Accession Sapiro vs. Ford, William J. Related Content. The Dearborn Independent, September 12, Artifact Newspaper.

Date Made 12 September Summary Henry Ford purchased The Dearborn Independent and published it under his name from to Creators Dearborn Publishing Company. Keywords Newspapers Periodicals. Object ID Gift of Ford Motor Company. Get more details in Digital Collections at: thehenryford. What is The Henry Ford? Tweet Share Email. The Dearborn Independent, February 20, Artifact Legal document. Date Made 06 January Summary In , Aaron Sapiro--a farm cooperative organizer--filed a libel lawsuit against Henry Ford and his associates for articles published in the The Dearborn Independent.

Creators Sapiro, Aaron, The Dearborn Independent, December 13, Date Made 13 December Keywords Newspapers Editorial cartoons. The Dearborn Independent, March 15, Date Made 15 March Keywords Newspapers. The Dearborn Independent, March 22, Date Made 22 March The Dearborn Independent, August 29, Date Made 29 August Artifact Photographic print.

Date Made Creators Losh, B. Gift of Ford R. Dearborn Independent Newspaper for September 9, Date Made 09 September Artifact Photomechanical print. Creators Unknown. Smith, Smith, View in our Collections on thehenryford.

Creators Vinje, A. Dearborn Independent Newspaper for November 10, Details. Summary Affordable cars promised freedom for average Americans. Artifact Postcard. Creators McEachren, W. Dearborn Independent Newspaper for April 14, Details. Earl B. Dearborn Independent Newspaper for April 14, Date Made 14 April Dearborn Independent Newspaper for November 10, Date Made 10 November Creators Harris and Ewing.

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