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2021.12.17 01:53

In addition it also clearly helps any French tutors to plan their teaching if they intend to use the book. The author has structured the book in a very elegant manner for electronic usage. I've been analysing it using Books on an iPad. Each page can fit snugly onto the iPad and can be easily turned.

As such the reader is able to literally study a page at time. The author has also made good use of side-bars contains tips and hyperlinks to and stand-alone tables containing the words, phonetic transcriptions, and meanings, etc.

The author has also effectively used both photos and drawings to point out various situations. She has also used symbols to guide the reader as to what the text refers to.

For example a partner symbol designates a conversation or exercise in pairs and a microphone symbol refers to interviewing people. The topics selected for the book are excellent and relate to "la vie quotidienne" in France. They also compare favourably with other study materials I have encountered since I started studying French in the s. The materials are also very relevant , utilising French names, Francophone countries, photos, newspapers and places of interest.

It is a pleasure to read. The book's interface is immaculate. As I said I've used and iPad with iBooks software and there are no navigation problems The search facilities find words and phrases without difficulty, including metadata to find photos. The text contains no grammatical errors at all, neither in the French language nor the English language.

This is testament to the dedicated work the author has clearly put into writing the materials. The book is culturally relevant. Whilst there are references to Francophone countries, including those in Africa and North America it can also be argued that it is "France-centric". Examples are the holidays referred to in one of the exercises relate to France.

I would definitely recommend this book as a text for foundation level at university or "A Level". Even though it is written in the USA for an apparent American audience, the author displays a definitive knowledge of the French language and culture.

The text covers all of the usual material addressed in the first two semesters of a university French language course. The grammar coverage is quite comprehensive, and I particularly appreciate the wide array of cultural notes introducing The grammar coverage is quite comprehensive, and I particularly appreciate the wide array of cultural notes introducing students to important aspects of French and Francophone culture.

There is no index though there is a very helpful Title Page and there is no glossary. The content is accurate, error-free, and unbiased. It needs to be continually updated; there were a small handful of outdated references and anachronisms, but these can easily be fixed. The content is up-to-date, and with regular updates and reviews it will remain relevant particularly where certain cultural notes and contexts are concerned.

The grammar itself is timeless. To make this textbook more up-to-date pedagogical trends, I would like to see more use of film short films or feature-length , and to see these updated every few years.

The book is exceedingly clear and well-organized. I appreciate very much that the beginning of each chapter states very clearly what the learning objectives for the chapter are. The use of English in this case will be very helpful for first-year French learners. The text is very consistent, employing a "spiral" method in which certain materials are recycled throughout the text in order to help students to gain mastery through repetition. Like any good textbook, the material builds on itself throughout the book.

The text materials can easily be divided into subunits suited to the instructor's purposes, who may easily pick and choose which materials to use or not to use. The book is not overly self-referential and easily divisible into specific exercises, projects, or emphases.

The organization is excellent. The chapters are neatly divided into grammar, vocabulary, cultural, and oral exercise sections. The presentation of these materials is consistent and predictable, which makes learning the material easier.

The interface is generally excellent. There were occasional red marks and other awkward signs on the PDF version that I pulled up version , but spacing, navigation of materials, and clarity of visuals were all excellent.

I did not find any grammatical errors. The overall coverage of the grammar is excellent. The book covers everything I would hope to cover in the first two semesters of introductory French and then some!

I wish there were more emphasis on vocabulary, however. The text is not culturally insensitive or offensive in any way. It makes an effort to discuss Francophone culture outside of metropolitan France, but I would like to see more authentic cultural readings and notes, even at the first-year level. I would like to see more integration of film and music. I would like to see more cultural texts, especially authentic ones not always artificially constructed texts created specifically with this textbook in mind.

I would like to see a greater emphasis on vocabulary. The grammar coverage is excellent, the organization is clear and predictable which is very helpful for our first-year French learners , the exercises are very useful, and I like the emphasis on oral learning exercises.

Gretchen Angelo offers a fine French-language book that is very thorough and precise and without any major or noticeable flaws in the information presented regarding grammar, phonetics, and culture. The only flaw with this work, however, is If this were to be a truly communicative approach, I would suggest that the author simplify the French and eliminate the cultural passages until this material can be presented both entirely and effectively in the target language.

This would probably only cause confusion and frustration in the class, forcing the professor I imagine to resort to English to explain the directions. In one clip, a Swiss man explains the practice entirely in language that a beginning student could never hope to comprehend.

In the other clip, a young man from New Zealand is seen and heard speaking with a native French speaker. While the skit is amusing, it is very odd that the fellow from New Zealand speaks English to the French man while the French man responds in French with English subtitles on the screen.

In one very peculiar case, Angelo even seems to apologize to her student users for French being difficult. I am not so sure that many college freshmen in the United States would quite know what to do with this information even though admittedly Angelo does attempt to explain the IPA symbols later in the chapter.

This sound does not exist in English. Given how thorough her explanation of grammar is, one would have to assume that the English speaker using this textbook would not be confused by the correct use of English grammar.

The most disappointing aspect of this book for me, however, is the use of English mnemonic devices to teach the target language. The information in this book is relevant and up-to-date; however, the images of many of the politicians pictured here will soon have to be updated. It seems to me as though the book is more appropriate to a student with a more advanced knowledge of the language especially regarding the detailed grammar and phonetics sections than is typical of a first-year student in the United States.

The grammar sections contain very detailed information on French phonetics. Much of the information presented in the grammar and phonetics sections could probably be used in more advanced courses just so long as the professor does not mind presenting this material in English and is open to the mnemonic suggestions for learning proper French grammar and pronunciation.

There are many links that allow the reader to progress to subsequent parts of the book. I also had trouble finding common words in my search bar. Also, the reference for footnote 7 in Chapter 6 was labeled as 6, which created some confusion. The textbook is culturally relevant in all the ways that one would expect a 21st-century textbook to be. Reviewed by Robert Sanders, Assoc. The scope and sequence are very good; the material covered is everything one would expect from a first-year text.

It is organized around communication, culture and grammar, as described in the introduction. Its twelve chapters can be easily divided into two semesters, three trimesters or four quarters. The TOC is clear and fairly detailed, although there is no chart or table of scope and sequence at the beginning nor is there an index, glossary or verb charts such as one often finds at the end of basic language texts.

Also, the text takes advantage of freely available video on the web, which is generally of good quality. Most of the content of the text concerns language, longstanding patterns of usage and culture, both in terms of famous artists and behavioral culture. Therefore the text has pretty good longevity. An example of something that might easily be eliminated without harming the content is the rate of exchange for the Euro on page This is particularly true of the grammar explanations, which students are expected to study at home.

The author explicitly seeks to create a culture of grammatical awareness in both English and Spanish. StrictlyBagel Feb 25 From the installer: "Installing this software requires Otterblue Jan 30 What's the use of Reader when you have Preview? Leesa Jan 12 I tried to update this twice by Updating from inside the Client. After a half hour of hanging I quit and rebooted and tried again. Same thing. Fromage-Head Jan 12 Pure gold : "you can view it directly from within your Netscape or Internet Explorer browser window".

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