Prevent and reverse heart disease ebook free download
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The China Study really presents more of the background, and Esselstyn takes vegan a step further by eliminating added oil from his patients' diets. The sample set is small, but his results are intriguing and have held up over time. His initial study was made up of cardiac patients who were literally at the end of the line.
Surgical intervention had failed, and their own cardiologists had told them to get their affairs in order. Esselstyn required absolute obedience of his dietary restrictions - no animal products of any kind, no oil, no nuts, no avocados or coconuts - and produced rather astounding long-term results. Read The China Study first. This makes a good follow-up. If you like recipes, they take up more than half the print space of this book. Apr 03, Mark rated it really liked it Shelves: english , non-fictie.
Dr Esselstyn gained national renown in the US when he became one of two doctors the other being Dean Ornish advising former president Bill Clinton on his diet. It appears Bill Clinton has since moved on, to follow a low-carb, high animal protein diet.
This must be to Dr Esselstyn's dismay, as his research clearly indicates that such a diet will lead to heart disease and Clinton is already a heart patient.
Whereas the diet Dr Esselstyn advises, comes with his guarantee that - if you remain Dr Esselstyn gained national renown in the US when he became one of two doctors the other being Dean Ornish advising former president Bill Clinton on his diet.
Whereas the diet Dr Esselstyn advises, comes with his guarantee that - if you remain faithful to the proposed way of eating - you will never, never get heart disease. So if you have worries about lowering your cholesterol high cholesterol being a precursor of heart disease , the knowledge contained in this book is worth knowing.
It also contains a section with recipes by the wife of the doctor, Ann Esselstyn. Sep 09, Kim Haritopoulos rated it liked it. Dec 13, Jessica rated it really liked it. This book has the right amount of science for everyone. Anymore and I might not have made it through.
I think because of that it will appeal to a larger audience. After reading the book I wanted to send a copy to every member in my family. I felt like I knew a very important secret that could save their lives. Let's hope they read it! May 05, Wandoo rated it it was amazing. Esselstyn, Jr, who believes that coronary artery disease need not exist and if it does it need not progress.
Caldwell Esselstyn comes from a long line of doctors. His father was a doctor as well as as his father in law. However, this didn't give either of them immunity against the diseases of nutritional extravagance. The day was rather dreary as the rain outside was relentless among other factors. When Esselsytn finally had time for lunch and got to a restaurant, his steak came a little too rare and bloody.
He was put off animal products there after. Esselsytn describes the medical approach to heart disease as akin to waiting till someone has jumped off a cliff before trying to rescue them- often times its already too late. In the United states, more than half a million die of coronary heart disease every year and 3 million have silent heart attacks.
Silent heart attacks happen without the individual noticing it and the symptoms are usually minimal. Heart disease is like having a burning house and when it comes to coronary disease, dietary moderation just does not cut it. Eating foods that are bad for you even in moderate amounts is like spraying gasoline on a fire.
Esselstyn gives an example of the toxic effect a single meal can have on the endothelium which is the lining of the blood vessels and the heart. In a study conducted by Dr. Robert Vogel, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, Dr Vogel used ultrasound to measure the brachial arteries of a group of students. Then inflated blood pressure cuffs on their arms stopping blood flow which stopped the blood flow to their arms for 5mins.
After that he used ultrasound to ascertain how fast the arteries sprang back to normal. One group of students ate a fast-food breakfast that contained calories and 50 grams of fat. The other half ate a calorie breakfast without fat. After they ate Dr Vogel constricted their brachial arteries for five minutes and watched to see the result. Those who consumed no fat had no problem. Their arteries bounced back to normal.
The other students who consumed the fat laden fast food breakfast took a long time to respond. It took nearly six hours for endothelial function to spring back to normal in the fast food group.
This is because fat inhibits the endothelium's ability to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is what facilitates the preservation of a healthy tone of blood vessels. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator. It causes the blood vessels to dilate or enlarge. When there is sufficient nitric oxide in our blood, it keeps blood flowing fluidly and helps eliminate the stickiness of blood vessels which is caused by high lipid levels.
If the blood does not eliminate all the slim, which leads to plaque formation. If plaque formation is left unchecked, it will eventually cause the arteries to rupture and leach fatty deposits into the bloodstream. The body responds by sending clots, which shuts down that entire area, hence depriving that area of the heart of blood supply. If an individual survives that type of heart attack, there are usually some residue scars left over.
Widespread scaring will weaken the heart. Further to heart attacks, there have been strong evidence suggesting the correlation between erectile dysfunction and heart disease.
In December , researchers reported on a study which followed 3, men with erectile dysfunction and 4, men without for seven years. Simply put, erectile complications are often a precursor to heart disease. As Esselsytn suggests, 'plant based nutrition offers the optimal opportunity to avoid disease- and to restore erectile capacity. Esselsytn scientific prove lies not only in studies done by others.
He himself followed a variety of people with coronary heart complications who were at the end of their rope. He took them into his program and supervised them with military precision, but always ensured that they knew he was being strict for their benefit. He adopted this mantra for working with his patients when a renowned doctor who specializes in cancer research told him that cancer patients are not afraid of dying, they are afraid of being left alone.
He then decided that he would never let his patients feel like they had to travel the journey alone. The rules of Esseslytn's program are: 1 No animal products of any kind. Do not eat anything with a face.
Also avoid refined flours like wheat and semolina. Besides staying disease free, one of the greatest benefits of eating a whole plant diet is that you never have to count calories to maintain a healthy weight. For Caldwell's coronary heart patients, in addition to the dietary instructions he had them on a multivitamin , omega 3 fatty acids like flaxseed not fish oil and cholesterol lowering medication. Following all this important information, Caldwell dedicates a whole section to simple strategies on how to thrive on this lifestyle.
Which include 1 You are craving fat. Hang in there, your cravings will eventually dissipate and you will no longer crave artery- clogging fat because all taste is acquired. Tell them your dietary accommodations ahead of time and even suggest to eat before arriving. You can also have whole grain bread, baked potatoes and vegetables if they are available. Call the airline ahead of time. Also familiarize yourself with restaurants who carry more of the type of food you can eat.
Also restaurants love it when give them the opportunity to accommodate you. They often go above and beyond, because you are certain to spread the good news of their wonderful service.
In the final chapter, there are some wonderful recipes which Anne Esslstyn's wife , his other patients and Caldwell himself have composed over the years like the no tahini hummus, Hummus- orange Juice dressing, Eggplant- Tomato melt, Better than grilled cheese, Polenta pizza, Lentil loaf and Oatmeal- Maple cookies among other scintillating recipes.
In conclusion, there's always stories about people who lived up to 90 years and beyond who ate a diet of predominantly animal products. Caldwell gives an analogy of crossing a busy street. If a few people are crossing a busy four way street at a red light, naturally some people will survive unscathed.
It is the luck of the draw. However most people will end up as road kill. Do not bank on your genes to give you a disease free life just because your grandpa lived till he was As seen in the people of the Papua Highlands of New Guinea, although the have a culture of smoking heavily. Their diet consists of about 19 varieties of sweet potatoes and minimal animal products, ergo they live very long lives in spite of all the tobacco they consume.
Your doctor isn't responsible for your health, you are! Choose life style modifications over subjecting yourself to radical medical procedures. Don't be another statistic. Truly revolutionary This is truly revolutionary diet supported by decades of scientific researches by the author and many more well respected scientests. I started to follow the whole food plant based diet couple of months ago and I started to see its health benefits.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to live a healthy long life without suffering from heart diseases or cancers. Jan 09, Brent McCulley rated it it was amazing. Just excellent. I first caught wind about dr. I really appreciated his chapter about oils in this book as well. Everyone should read this book. Jun 02, Leah rated it it was amazing. If you, or anyone you know, has a heart condition of any kind this book should be on the reading list. Esselstyn lays out how the food we eat can cause the problem, but most importantly, he shows how food can also heal.
May 26, Kari Alexander rated it really liked it. Jan 13, Beth Barnett rated it really liked it Shelves: food-related-cookbooks-vegetarian.
Interesting explanations about heart disease and diet. The good news: a low-fat, vegan whole grain and plant based diet will lower one's cholesterol and either remove or diminish one's risk for heart disease put themselves at risk for due to eating a diet rich in animal food depending on how long that person has been eating badly!
This book i Interesting explanations about heart disease and diet. This book is also worthwhile because half of it is a cookbook. There are a lot of very healthy-eating suggestions and recipes. The recipes focus on whole grains, vegetables and fruits, little or no added sugars, and no added oils. If you're already a strict vegetarian and not at risk for heart disease, the no oil aspect is the most extreme aspect of the diet they follow, but cutting the amount of unnecessary fat from our diets is still worthwhile.
The recipes are simple, interesting, and wholesome! I will definitely try a number of them. Sep 15, David Meyer rated it it was amazing. When my uncle passed away from a heart attack at 37 I was shocked.
My former boss passed away from a heart attack at 42, and a college teacher passed away from a heart attack at Recently my masseuse let me know that at the hospital she works there are people there who are 21 years old that are there for heart problems. I have followed the Esselstyn way of eating for over 13 years and am currently writing a book on this approach to living.
My numbers are like this after following this lifesty When my uncle passed away from a heart attack at 37 I was shocked. I can sprint around like a young kid as fast as I want at 37 years old.
Every year I get stronger and healthier. I recommend people who are interested in his books take a look at the work of Clarence Bass at www. I'm not sure if his data completely backs what he's saying. I understand that what he is advocating is healthy.
But his phrase is "moderation kills". He advocates completely vegan lifestyle. But along with no meat, eggs, or dairy, there's no nuts or avocados or any oils. Well, no refined foods, too.
But aren't there good fats? He doesn't seem to think so. But alcohol is allowed!! In moderation - I guess alcohol doesn't kill. Methinks he knew he'd be limiting his audience with cutt I'm not sure if his data completely backs what he's saying. Methinks he knew he'd be limiting his audience with cutting out liquor, too.
And I feel like his data is too anecdotal. He does cite a few studies, but it seems to contradict much of the other literature. I guess I don't disagree that what he advocates is healthy. But I do question the studies that suggest it's a requirement to cut out all meat even fish , nuts, and avocados.
The rest of the book is just a bunch of vegan recipes that you could probably find in other places Jan 01, Jean rated it it was amazing. It has information that we already know about but explains his theory, which he has proven with studies, that our diet truly can affect our health. His food plan is strict but does include lots of great food stuffs, all of which are natural and plant based. No dairy, no meats, no fish, no eggs, no oils, no refined grains, no nuts.
He explains how the cholesterol builds up when eating a diet that the RDA recommends, the how, the why, etc. Certainly something to think long and hard about. I may give it a try but then I think of book club dinners, etc and so I have to gear up for it.
I want to reduce cholesterol and prevent heart problems and lose weight and it's been a struggle so far. If I commit to this for at least 3 months, I may not miss all of those forbidden foods. Who knows? View all 6 comments. Apr 27, Daniel Arrasmith rated it it was amazing. I learned a lot and immediately started putting some of these principles into effect.
My diet has been classically horrible and the time to reverse the effects is now. I thought easy to read and well explained. Premise: Heart disease can be prevented and reversed with strict adherence to a NO fat diet. Get cholesterol below Healthy vessel lik Premise: Heart disease can be prevented and reversed with strict adherence to a NO fat diet. Healthy vessel like difference be garden hose and fire hose.
I am not sure I have the heart to change my diet this drastically. But I might - my grandfather, father, brother, cousin, have had 'heart events'. Jan 04, Sara rated it really liked it.
My husband read this and close-to-recited the text along the way out of excitement and outrage. I feel like I've already read it but want to get the first-hand experience. If you watch the Forks Over Knives documentary you get the core of Esselstyn's nutritional stance on health, but the book is packed full of legitimate proof for his theories.
My husband and I have been close to vegan for some time so eating strictly plant-based, whole foods isn't a difficult change for us. Hibiscus tea can work better than a leading hypertensive drug-and without the side effects.
Fighting off liver disease? Drinking coffee can reduce liver inflammation. Battling breast cancer? Consuming soy is associated with prolonged survival. Worried about heart disease the number 1 killer in the United States? Switch to a whole-food, plant-based diet, which has been repeatedly shown not just to prevent the disease but often stop it in its tracks.
In addition to showing what to eat to help treat the top fifteen causes of death, How Not to Die includes Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen -a checklist of the twelve foods we should consume every day. Full of practical, actionable advice and surprising, cutting edge nutritional science, these doctor's orders are just what we need to live longer, healthier lives.
Janet Bond Brill offers a delicious and foolproof plan that can lower your risk of a second heart attack by up to 70 percent. Inspired by the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, the Prevent a Second Heart Attack Plan is based on satisfaction, rather than deprivation. Backed by cutting edge research, Dr. Brill lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and three children. Argues that low-cholesterol fat may actually help in the fight against heart disease and organizes detailed meal plans and recipes that prevent and reverse heart diesease.
Dean Ornish is the first clinician to offer documented proof that heart disease can be halted, or even reversed, simply by changing your lifestyle.
Based on his internationally acclaimed scientific study, which has now been ongoing for years, Dr. Ornish's program has yielded amazing results. Participants reduced or discontinued medications; they learned how to lower high blood pressure; their chest pain diminished or disappeared; they felt more energetic, happy, and calm; they lost weight while eating more; and blockages in coronary arteries were actually reduced.
In his breakthrough book, Dr. Ornish presents this and other dramatic evidence and guides you, step-by-step, through the extraordinary Opening Your Heart program, which is winning landmark approval from America's health insurers. The program takes you beyond the purely physical side of health care to include the psychological, emotional and spiritual aspects so vital to healing.
This book represents the best modern medicine has to offer. It can inspire you to open your heart to a longer, better, happier life. The runaway New York Times bestselling diet that sparked a health revolution is simpler and easier to follow than ever!
Now Esselstyn is presenting a powerful, accelerated new Engine 2 program that promises staggering results in record time. Delicious everyday meals you can eat to your heart's content! For the millions of people with cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, or other cardiac-related conditions, maintaining a heart-healthy diet is essential. But eating right for heart health is good for everyone, especially when it's so easy to do. With the Betty Crocker Healthy Heart Cookbook, there's no need to sacrifice flavor or simplicity to eat right.
Written in partnership with one of America's most respected cardiologists, book includes more than recipes that anyone can prepare and everyone can enjoy. These hearty-smart adaptations of familiar classics and nourishing new ideas will have the whole family eating quick, delicious meals that are easy on the heart—and the palate.
Includes more than recipes like Grilled Barbecue Beef and Bean Burgers, Gorgonzola Linguine with Toasted Walnuts, and Oatmeal-Cranberry Muffins Features up-to-date information on heart disease, including risk factors, testing, prevention, and treatment Offers seven-day menu plans with a week's worth of healthy meals and snacks Includes nutrition information with every recipe, plus carbohydrate exchanges and carbohydrate choices for stress-free meal planning Whether you need to maintain a heart-healthy diet because of a cardiovascular condition or just for the sake of good health, the Betty Crocker Healthy Heart Cookbook is the perfect resource.
Skip to content. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Author : Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. The How Not to Die Cookbook. Author : Michael Greger, M. Plant Strong. Plant Strong Book Review:. The Engine 2 Cookbook. The Engine 2 Cookbook Book Review:. The End of Heart Disease. Author : Joel Fuhrman, M. Beating Heart Disease.
Beating Heart Disease Book Review:. The Engine 2 Diet. The Engine 2 Diet Book Review:. Cardiac Diet Cookbook. Cardiac Diet Cookbook Book Review:. Forks Over Knives The Cookbook. The Complete Diabetes Cookbook. How Not to Die. How Not to Die Book Review:. Prevent a Second Heart Attack. The Great Cholesterol Myth Cookbook.