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2021.12.17 01:54

The images described here are sized to be written to writeable CD media at a minimum, but may be written to larger media if needed. For extra convenience, these images may also be written directly to a USB stick.

So long as your computer will boot directly from that USB stick, it should start the Debian installer that way. In most cases it is not necessary to download and use all of these images to be able to install Debian on your computer. Debian comes with a massive set of software packages, hence why it takes so many disks for a complete set.

Most typical users only need a small subset of those software packages. The netinst CD here is a small CD image that contains just the core Debian installer code and a small core set of text-mode programs known as "standard" in Debian. The mac netinst CD here is a special version of the netinst CD image that is targeted specifically at older bit Intel Macintosh machines. It will likely work on most other amd64 machines too, but it does not contain UEFI boot files that some people need.

See the Debian Wiki for more information. You seem to have CSS turned off. Please don't fill out this field. Please provide the ad click URL, if possible:. Oh no! Some styles failed to load. Help Create Join Login. Application Development. IT Management.

Project Management. Resources Blog Articles. Menu Help Create Join Login. Open Source Commercial. Planning 1 Pre-Alpha 1. Freshness Recently updated Mit einem Experten sprechen. Say no to bad customer service and experience the Linode difference. Based on Debian 10 Buster meet Pearl Linux version 10 series. Now available in both 32 and 64 bit versions. Features many new features including from TwisterOS a themeswitching interface to switch between multiple theme layouts with one click.

Became addicted to this feature from TwisterOS If you have a raspberry pi you must check them out. Other features include a new backup system. This allows for remastering your LIVE system. For other contact information, see the Debian contact page.

Web site source code is available. Skip Quicknav Blog Micronews Planet. Getting Debian Debian is distributed freely over Internet. Download an installation image Depending on your Internet connection, you may download either of the following: A small installation image : can be downloaded quickly and should be recorded onto a removable disk.

To use this, you will need a machine with an Internet connection. Use a Debian cloud image An official cloud image , built by the cloud team, can be used on: your OpenStack provider, in qcow2 or raw formats. And, the release notes can be found here. When you are ready, you can run the included installer starting from Debian 10 Buster, this is the end-user-friendly Calamares Installer. Provided the images meet your size, language, and package selection requirements, this method may be suitable for you.

Read more information about this method to help you decide. Some of the books about Debian come with CDs, too. Search for:.