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Tyler J. Davis Detroit Free Press. Show Caption. Hide Caption. Detroit Pistons: Babyface Ray appears in hype video. The Library system is not liable for inaccurate or incomplete information delivered by the licensing vendors databases or summary information prepared herein from databases, more specifically: for loss or damage to any research or personal work of a student, faculty member, or staff member should a citation be created improperly for a researcher' use or acceptance of the completeness of information provided on developing a citation for the users violation of the U.

Copyright Law in citing the content of any research or personal work. Please also note the disclaimer on the introductory page for The Citation Machine. Cochrane Library Wiley. Communications and Mass Media Collection Gale. Go to database This is a custom collection of more than journals focused on all aspects of the communications field: key subjects covered include advertising and public relations, linguistics, and literature.

Computer Database Gale. Go to database Computer Database provides full-text and image articles for a wide variety or research applications, including competitive analysis of high tech companies and their products; research on industry trends in telecommunications, electronics and robotics; research on software, hardware, the Internet and LAN and WAN technology; research into multimedia, virtual reality and interactive TV; reviews of consumer products; background research for job hunting.

Computing Database ProQuest. Go to database This database is a premium resource for those who need access to comprehensive coverage of computer topics. Conference Board Research Online Collection. Go to database The Conference Board creates and disseminates knowledge about management and the marketplace to help businesses strengthen their performance and better serve society. Working as a global, independent membership organization in the public interest, we conduct research, convene conferences, make forecasts, assess trends, publish information and analysis, and bring executives together to learn from one another.

The Conference Board is a not-for-profit organization and holds c 3 tax-exempt status in the United States. Continental Europe Database ProQuest. Go to database A multidisciplinary collection of ongoing full-text academic journals, the Continental Europe Database features content that is locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many European countries, including France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal.

Credo Reference. Go to database Credo Reference is an online reference collection. It contains over online encyclopedias, subject dictionaries, biographical sources, and reference tools. Criminal Justice Collection Gale.

Go to database This collection of titles is useful for legal, pare-legal and security studies, and for a career in Homeland Security. Criminal Justice Database ProQuest. Go to database Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.

Culinary Arts Collection Gale. Go to database The Culinary Arts Collection includes major cooking and nutrition magazines as well as reference content from Delmar, Cengage Learning. Go to database "Bibliographic database covers teratology and other aspects of developmental and reproductive toxicology.

It contains over , references to literature published since ". DemographicsNow Library Edition Gale. Go to database Robust and highly-detailed demographic data. Detroit News current NewsBank. Go to database This is the online edition of the Detroit News, date. Go to database The Dietary Supplements Labels Database offers information about ingredients in more than two thousand selected brands of dietary supplements.

Distance Education Report. Go to database Distance Education Report. Diversity Studies Collection Gale. Go to database This collection of over journals supports social science, history and liberal arts coursework, focusing on cultural differences, contributions and influences in the global community. Go to database DOAJ is the largest listing of open access journals, currently containing over 11, journals and providing access to over 2,, articles.

Go to database Local content is highly valued by researchers and students and local scholarly journals are often some of the most used publications in the library.

Database includes: Indexes only Off campus access: Requires authentication Want to link to this database in an online course? Ebook Central. Go to database A full text database of over , books, Ebook Central Academic Complete has books in all disciplines. Go to database eBooks by Ebsco is a collection of over 20, electronic books, made available through the University of Detroit Mercy and the Michigan Electronic Library.

Ebsco Databases. EconLit ProQuest. Go to database EconLit, published by the American Economic Association, provides bibliographic coverage of a wide range of economics-related literature.

Go to database EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system, performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.

Its primary purpose is to increase the efficiency and fairness of the securities market for the benefit of investors, corporations, and the economy by accelerating the receipt, acceptance, dissemination, and analysis of time-sensitive corporate information filed with the agency.

Education Database ProQuest. Go to database The Education Database gives users access to around top educational publications, including more than of the titles in full text. Offering complete information on hundreds of educational topics, this database offers complete text and images from journals such as: Childhood Education College Teaching Harvard Educational Review Journal of Athletic Training Educational Theory Image articles include all the charts, tables, diagrams, and other graphical elements often used to enhance the editorial value of articles.

Education Research Complete Ebsco. Go to database Education Research Complete is the definitive online resource for education research. Go to database This is one of the original U. Department of Education clearinghouses, dealing with assessment in education. Although it is closed, there are links here to a number of sites that took over parts of the clearinghouse functions. Engineering Village Elsevier.

Go to database Engineering Village is an integrated interface for finding engineering information. Environmental Studies and Policy Collection Gale.

Go to database A custom collection of nearly journals providing coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, and corporate interests. ERIC Ebsco. European Views of the Americas Ebsco. Go to database This new bibliographic database is a valuable index for libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. Go to database Abstracts over 4, journals in all academic disciplines, of which over 2, are full text.

Family Health Database ProQuest. Go to database The Family Health Database offers international coverage dating back to of an enormous range of public health subjects, including pandemics, disaster preparedness, and obesity. Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies. On campus access only The FAITS database offers several different report types including technology tutorials, marketplace overviews, product and service selection guides, product and company profiles, and directories.

FDsys: Federal Digital System. Go to database In , Congress passed the U. Through FDsys, you are able to: Search for documents and publications FDsys provides advanced search capabilities and the ability to refine and narrow your search for quick access to the information you need.

Federal Depository Library Program. Go to database FedStats, which has been available to the public since , provides access to the full range of official statistical information produced by the Federal Government without having to know in advance which Federal agency produces which particular statistic. Go to database With more than full-text magazines and journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and RILM, this collection will provide your students with resources to support research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.

FirstSearch Databases. Go to database FirstSearch is a collection of databases in many academic disciplines. Foundation Directory. Go to database The Foundation Directory is the standard source for grant information in all disciplines. Gale Databases. Gale LegalForms. Go to database Provides a wide selection of state-specific and multi-state legal forms across the most popular legal areas.

Gale Virtual Reference Library Gale. Go to database Gale Virtual Reference Library delivers a wealth of eBook reference content in a database format.

Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection Gale. Go to database This is a collection of more than journals focused on key issues in gardening, landscaping, and other areas of horticulture, with the addition of over 20 subject specific reference sources from Delmar, Cengage Learning.

Gender Studies Collection Gale. Go to database This collection of journals seeks to provide balanced coverage of GLBT issues, covering such topics as gender studies, family and marital issues, health aspects, and many more. GenderWatch ProQuest. Go to database GenderWatch is a full text database of unique and diverse publications that focus on how gender impacts a broad spectrum of subject areas.

With its archival material, dating back to in some cases, GenderWatch is a repository of an important historical perspective on the evolution of the women's movement and the changes in gender roles. Publications include scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, regional publications, books, and NGO, government and special reports.

Go to database "Toxicology data file, contains genetic toxicology mutagenicity test data, resulting from expert peer review of the open scientific literature, on over 3, chemicals". General OneFile Gale.

Go to database General OneFile includes more than 6, full-text titles, major newspapers -- a total of nearly 11, titles in all with more than 20 years of back file coverage from to present for selected titles. General Reference Center Gold Gale. Go to database This is a general interest database that integrates a variety of sources in one easy-to-use interface. General Reference Center Gold includes articles from newspapers, reference books, and periodicals, many with full-text and images.

Find the latest current events, popular culture, business and industry coverage, the arts and sciences, sports, hobbies, and more. The journal articles in this database are in InfoTrac OneFile; other Gale items are only in this database. General Science Collection Gale. Go to database A custom collection of over journals, providing researchers with the information needed to stay current on the latest scientific developments -- including such topics as particle physics, advanced mathematics, and nanotechnology.

Global Breaking Newswires ProQuest. Go to database In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe.

Go to database GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment.

Go to database HarpWeek presents the full text of Harper's Weekly for the period Go to database "Occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the health effects of exposure to chemicals and biologicals at work".

Go to database "Toxicology data file, focuses on the toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals. It is enhanced with information on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, and related areas. All data are referenced and derived from a core set of books, government documents, technical reports and selected primary journal literature.

HSDB is organized into individual chemical records, and contains over such records". Go to database Produced by Behavioral Measurement Database Services, this bibliographic database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health and psychosocial sciences. Health Business Fulltext Elite Ebsco.

Go to database Health Business Elite provides comprehensive journal content covering all aspects of health care administration and other non-clinical aspects of health care institution management. Topics covered include hospital management, hospital administration, marketing, human resources, computer technology, facilities management and insurance.

Full text information in this database dates as far back as , and in some cases, earlier. This database is updated daily. Health Management Database ProQuest. Go to database The Health Management Database is designed for researchers studying the field of health administration. Health Reference Center Academic Gale. Go to database Health Reference Center Academic provides a collection of over 2, journals, including specifically in nursing and allied health fields.

Health Statistics and Reports. Michigan Department of Community Health. Go to database The Department of Community Health is responsible for the collection of information on a range of health related issues. The information is collected to monitor the general health and well-being of Michigan's citizens. These data are useful for health program development, targeting and evaluation of program progress. The information is used to identify emerging health issues and trends and can be made available for epidemiological research.

Statistics are developed from the data collected to provide basic information on these health events in Michigan. The data are provided at the state, county and community level. Published reports of the Department are also available.

HeritageQuest Online ProQuest. Go to database HeritageQuest Online is a key genealogical resource, offering access to the follwing datasets: U. Federal Censuses feature the original images of every extant federal census in the United States, from through , with name indexes for many decades.

In total the collection covers more than million names. Genealogy and local history books deliver more than 7 million digitized page images from over 26, family histories, local histories, and other books. Titles have been digitized from our own renowned microform collections, as well from the American Antiquarian Society via an exclusive partnership. It contains more than 2 million records covering titles published around the world since Revolutionary War records contains original images from pension and bounty land warrant application files help to identify more than 80, American Army, Navy, and Marine officers and enlisted men from the Revolutionary War era.

LexisNexis U. Serial Set records the memorials, petitions, private relief actions made to the U. Congress back to , with a total of more than , pages of information. Highwire Press. Go to database Highwire Press is a collaborative online publishing effort that incorporates online journals from many publishers.

Home Improvement Collection Gale. Go to database This collection of more than home-improvement focused titles covers such topics as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and many more will meet the needs of hobbyists and professionals alike. Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Collection Gale. Go to database This is a collection of more than journals and subject specific reference titles and travel handbook's from Fodor's.

India Database ProQuest. Go to database ProQuest Indian Journals is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource providing full-text, scholarly journals, all published in India. Go to database Comprised of content from nearly leading industry journals, this collection provides current and accurate information for the information professional.

Informe Academico Gale Spanish-language. InfoTrac Newsstand Gale. Go to database A collection of over newspapers and newswires from around the country and the world.

InfoTrac Student Edition Gale. Go to database This database is designed for high school students, with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more. Institute of Physics. Insurance and Liability Collection Gale. Go to database This collection, comprised of nearly 40 journals, takes a broad view of the insurance and liability industry, covering such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more.

Go to database "Toxicology data file, contains data in support of human health risk assessment. It is compiled by the U. Among the key data provided in IRIS are EPA carcinogen classifications, unit risks, slope factors, oral reference doses, and inhalation reference concentrations".

International Newsstream ProQuest. Go to database International Newsstream provides the most recent news content from outside of the U. Internet Movie Database. Go to database Links to the Internet Movie Database, which indexes motion pictures, actors, directors, and others with full text of most information. Most motion pictures are reviewed or summarized; viewer reviews and comments are welcomed.

Message boards and related information are available for most films. JAMA Network. Go to database Full text of over 1, core academic journals in most disciplines.

Kanopy Streaming Video. Go to database Kanopy Streaming Video is a collection of over 30, titles in all academic disciplines. Kids InfoBits. Go to database This periodical database is designed for elementary school students, with easy access to full-text magazines, newspapers and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more.

LearningExpress Library Ebsco. LegalTrac Gale. Lexi-Comp Online for Dentistry. On campus access only Drug interactions, drug information, and clinical reference. Database includes: Full-text Off campus access: On-campus access only. Library Science Database ProQuest. Go to database The Library Science Database gives users full-text access to over top publications in library and information science.

Linguistics Database ProQuest. Go to database The Linguistics Collection is comprised of index and full-text databases covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Linguistics Database , which includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics including many titles indexed in LLBA. Go to database MapStats is a subset of the FedStats site, offering links to statistical information by state.

Go to database This is a collection of over instructional videos covering essential nursing skills and professional concerns such as ethics, patient privacy and medical records. MeL: Michigan eLibrary. Go to database Brings together all of the resources made available by the Library of Michigan, including databases and subject listings of online resources.

Michigan Authors and Illustrators. Go to database This is a database of the works of Michigan authors--those either born in Michigan or lived in Michigan. Database includes: Indexes only Off campus access: Free public database. Michigan Newspapers Newsbank. History Online Gale. Go to database Michigana: Sources in U. Military and Intelligence Database Gale. Go to database A custom collection of nearly journals, covering all aspects of the past and current state of military affairs.

Military Database ProQuest. Go to database The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more.

Go to database NCJRS is a federally sponsored information clearinghouse for people around the country and the world involved with research, policy, and practice related to criminal and juvenile justice and drug control. Many of the articles are available in full text from other UDM databases. Database includes: Some full-text, some abstract-only Off campus access: Free public database.

New York Times Gale. Go to database The New York Times from the first issue in to is available here. NewsBank: Online Collections. Nursing and Allied Health Collection Gale. Go to database Including nearly full text titles, this collection focuses on nursing and allied health professions and is of use for both nursing professionals and students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.

Nursing Resource Center Gale. Go to database Designed for nursing students, the Nursing Resource Center brings together in an easy-to-use interface disease and drug overviews, care plans, relevant journal results and animated anatomy and physiology diagrams to complement the core encyclopedia texts.

Go to database This is a collection of instructional videos covering essential nursing skills and professional concerns such as ethics, patient privacy and medical records. Go to database Includes full text from over 2, journals, representing all of the full text materials from eleven key Wilson databases.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context Gale. Go to database Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Free data transfer gives new and returning customers an effortless, worry-free head start to their taxes. W-2 Snap and Autofill: Taxpayers can save time and jumpstart their taxes by importing their W-2 from their payroll providers or snapping a photo of their W-2 , verifying their data and watching as their information is put on all their right tax forms for them.

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