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The secret book by rhonda byrne free download pdf

2021.12.17 01:54

Really keep that thought in your mind. Block everything out but that thought. I guara ntee you'll start to feel good. Make a list of some Secret Shifters to have up your sleeve. By Secret Shi fters, I mean things that can change yo ur fee lings in a snap. It might be beauti ful memories, future events, funn y mo- ments, nature, a pe rson you love, your fa vorite music.

Then if you find yourself an gry or fru strated or not feeling good, turn to your Secret Shi fters list and focus on one of them. Different things will shjft yo u at di fferent times, so if one doesn' t wo rk, go to another. It onl y ta kes a minute or two of changing focus to shift yourself and shi ft yo ur frequency. Animals are wonderful, because they put you ill a great emotiollal state. When you feel love for your pet, that great state of love will bring goodness in to your life.

And what a gift that is. The feeling of love is the highest frequency yo u can emit. If you could wrap every thoug ht in love, if you could love everything and everyone, your life would be transformed. In fact, some of the g reat thinkers of the past referred to the law of attraction as the law of love. And if yo u think abo ut it, you will understand why. You cannot harm another wi th your thoughts, you onl y harm You. If you think thoughts of love, guess who receives the benefits-you!

So if your predominant state is love, the law of attraction or the law of love respond s w ith the mightiest fo rce because you are on the highest frequency possible. The greater the love yo u feel and emit, the greater the power you are harnessing.

This is an eternal and fund amental principle inherent in all things, in every system of philosophy, in every Reli gion and in every Science. There is no getting away fro m the law of love. It is feeling that imparts vitality to thought. Feeling is desire and d esire is love.

Thought impregnated w ith love becomes in vincible. Tilal's where your freedom is, that's where all you r power is. Because w hen yo u a nswer in this way, by the law of attraction you must experience that. Albert Ein- stein posed this powerful question because he knew The Secret. He knew by asking the question it wo uld force us to think and make a choice. He gave us a g reat opportunity, ju st by posing the question. To take Einstein's intention even further, you can affirm and pro- claim, "This is a magniAcent Universe.

The Uni verse is bringing all good things to me. The Uni verse is conspiring for me in all things. The Universe is supporting me in everything I do. The Uni verse meets all my needs immed iately. I tilillk tile killd of life tilat everybody dreams of is olle I live a day-to-day basis. I live ill a four-alld-a-half-millioll-dollar lIIallsioll. I ilave a wife to die for. I get to vacatioll ill all tile fabu lous spots of tile world. I've climbed lIIo'lIItaills. I've explored.

I've beell safaris. Alld nil of this hnppelled, nlld cOlltill Lles to hnppe", because of kllowillg how to apply Tile Secret. This is your life, and it's been wa iting for you to discover it! Up un til now you may have been thinking that life is hard and a strug- gle, and so by the law of attraction you will have experienced life as hard and a struggle.

Begin right no w to shout to the universe, "Life is so easy! Life is so good! All good things come to me! You know that inherentl y, because you feel awful when yo u are experiencing the lack of good things. All good things a re yo ur birthright! You are the creator of you, and the law of attraction is your magnificent tool to create whatever you want in your life.

Welcome to the magic of life, and the mag- nificence of You! Emotions are valuable tools that instantly tell us what we are thinking. When you feel bad, you are on the frequency of drawing more bad things. Wilen you feel good, you are powerfully attracting more good things to you. The greater the love you feel and emit, the greater the power you are IlQrnessing.

The grea test teachers and ava tars have shared the Creati ve Process throug h their wond rous work, in a myri ad of forms. Some great teachers created stories to demonstrate how the Universe works.

The wisdom contained in their s to ries has been handed dow n through the centu ries and has become legendary. Man y people li ving today do not realize that the essence of these stories is the very tru th of life. If you tltillk about Aladdin alld Itis lall1p, Aladdill picks up tlte lamp, dusts it off, alld ali t pops tlte Genie.

The Gellie always says aile tltillg: "Your w;sll is Illy command! Think about that one. Now, let's take this metaphor and apply it to your life. Remember Aladdin is the one who always asks for what he wan ts. Then you 've got the Universe at large, which is the Genie.

Traditions have called it so many things- your holy guardia n angel, your higher self We con put any label on it, and you choose the one that works best for you , but every tradition has told us there's something bigger than li S. And the Genie always says one thing: "Your wish is my command! The Genie has sim ply an- swered your every command. The Gen ie is the law of attraction, and it is always present and always listening to everything yo u think, speak, and act.

The Genie assumes tha t everything you think about, you want! That everything you speak about, yo u want! That everything yo u act upon is what yo u wa nt! Yo u are the Master of the Universe, and the Ge nie is there to serve you. The Genie never questions your commands. You think it, and the Genie immediately begins to leverage the Uni verse, thro ugh people, cir- cumstances, and events, to ful fi ll your w ish. How to Use the Secret 47 The Crea ti ve Process used in The Secret, w hich was taken from the New Testament in the Bible, is an easy guide line for yo u to create w hat you wa nt in three si mple steps.

Make a oolllllland to the UlIiverse. Let the Ullimrse kllow what you l00llf. Sit dow" and write it ou t Oil a piece of paper. Write it ill the present twse. You might begin by writillg, " I alii so happy alld grateful now that You get to choose w hat yo u wa nt, but yo u must get clear about what you want. This is your wo rk. If yo u're not clear, then the law of attraction cannot bring you w hat yo u wa nt.

You w ill be sending out a mi xed frequency a nd you can only attract mixed results. For the first time in your li fe pe rhaps, wo rk out what it is you really wa nt. Now that yo u know yo u ca n ha ve, be, or do anything, and there are no limits, what d o yo u want? If you have to make a choice and yo u d on' t know w hich way to go, ask! You should never be stumped on anything in your li fe.

Just ask! It's like having the Ulliverse as your catalogue. You flip through it mId say, "I'd like to have this experience alld I'd like to have that product alld I'd like to have a person like that. It's really that easy.

You do not have to ask over and over agai n. Just ask once. It is exactl y like placing an o rder fro m a catalogue. You onl y ever o rder something once. You d on't pl ace an ord er and then doubt the ord er has been received and so place the orde r aga in, and then again, and then again. Yo u o rder o nce. It is the sam e w ith the Creati ve Process. Step O ne is simply you r step to get clea r about what you wa nt.

As you get d ear in you r m ind, you have asked. Belieue that it's already yours. Have what I Jove to call wrwaveringfaitll. Believing ill tile lillseell. How to Use the Secret 49 Yo u must believe that you h ave received. Yo u must know that w ha t you want is yo urs the moment you ask.

Yo u must have comple te and utte r faith. If you had pl aced a n o rde r fro m a catalogue yo u would relax, kn ow YO LI are going to receive w hat you ord ered, and get on with your life. Kn ow that they will come to you a t need. The n le t the m come. Don' t fre t and wo rry about them. Don' t think about your lac k of the m.

Think of them as yours, as belong ing to you, as alread y in. T he U ni ve rse is a mirror, and the law of attrac ti on is mir- roring back to you yo ur d omina nt thoug hts.

So d oesn' t it ma ke sense tha t you have to see yourself as receiving it? If yo ur thoughts contain noticing you do not have it ye t, you w ill continue to a t- tract not having it ye t. You mu st believe yo u have it already. You must believe you have received it. You have to e m it the feeling freq uency o f having received it, to bring those pi ctures back as your life.

Whe n you do tha t, the law of a ttracti on will powe rfull y rnove all ci rcumstances, people, and even ts, for you to receive. Yo u wo uldn' t go and book an- other vacation for the sa me time, o r purchase another car or house. If you won a lottery or received a large inheritance, even before yo u physica lly had the money, yo u know it is yo urs. That is the feeling of believing it is yo urs.

That is the feeling of believing you have it already. That is the feeling of believing YOll have received. Claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are yours. When yo u do that, the law of attraction will powerfull y move all circumstances, people, and events for you to receive. How do you get yourself to a poin t of believing? Start make- bel ieving. Be like a child, and m ake-beli eve.

Act as if you have it alread y. As you make-believe, you wi ll begin to believe you have received. The Genie is res ponding to YOllr predominant thoughts all the time, not just in the moment you ask. That's why after you've asked, you must continue to believe and know. Have fa ith. Your belief that you h ave it, that und yi ng faith, is your greatest power. When yo u beli eve yo u are receiving, get ready, and watch the magic begin!

There is no dream that may not come true, if you but lea rn to use the Crea ti ve Force working through YOll. The methods that work for one will work for all. The key to power lies in using what you have. They ollly knew they were going to do it. You dOIl'l lleed 10 kllow how the Ulliverse will rearrallge ilself How it will happen, how the Universe wi ll bring it to you, is no t yo ur concern or job.

Allow the Universe to do it for you. When yo u are trying to work out how it will happen, you are emitti ng a frequency that conta ins a lack of faith- that you don't believe you have it already. You think you have to do it and you do not believe the Universe wi ll do it for you. The lww is not yo ur part in the C rea tiv e Process.

You will attract the way. We get disappoin ted. And we begin to become dOLlbtfLiI. The dOllbt brings abollt a feeling of disappoin tment. Take that doubt and shift it. Recognize tlwt feeli ng and replace it with a feeling of Llnwavering faith. Begin to feel wondeliLiI aboLit it. Feel the way you will feel OHce it arrives. Feel it HOW. You lrave to feel it. Ask once, believe yo u have received, and all you ha ve to do to receive is feel good.

When you a re feeling good, you are on the freq uency of receiving. You are on the freque ncy of all good things coming to you, and you will receive what you have asked for. You wo uldn' t ask for a nything unless it was goi ng to make yo u feel good in the receiving of it, would you? So get yourself on the feel- good frequency, a nd yo u will receive. A fast way to get you rself on tha t frequency is to say, " I a m receiv- ing now.

I am receiving all the good in my life, now. Feel it as though you have received. A dear friend of mine, Marcy, is one o f the g reatest ma nifestors [ have seen, a nd she feels everything. She feels what it would feel like to ha ve w ha t she is aski ng for.

She feels everything into existence. She doesn't get ca ught up in how, when, or where, she just feels it a nd it then manifests. So feel good now. Alld that, my frielld, is the Creative Process.

Co test drive that car. Co shop for that home. Cet ill the house. Do whatever you have to do to generate the feelings of having it 1l0W, and remember them. Whatever you can do to achieve that will help you to literally attract it.

When you feel as tho ugh yo u have it now, and the feeling is so real that it is like yo u have it alread y, you are believing that yo u have received, and you will receive.

It's ifested. You certainly shouldn 't be saying, "Well, I could do it tllis way, bu t man, I would hate that. How to Use the Secret 55 Aetiollwill sometimes be required, but if you 're really doing it illlille witii wlIat tlIe Ulliverse is trying to bring to you, it's going 10 feel joyous. Time will jll sl stop. You could do il all day. Aetioll is a word that can imply "work" to some people, but in- spired action w ill not feel like work at all.

The diffe rence between insp ired action a nd action is th is: Inspired action is w hen you a re acting to receive. If you a re in ac tion to try a nd make it happen, you have slipped backwa rd. Inspired action is effortless, and it feels wonde rful beca use you a re on the freque ncy of receiving.

Imagi ne li fe as a fas t-movi ng ri ver. When yo u a re acting to make something ha ppen it will feel as if you are goin g against the curre nt of the ri ve r.

It w ill fee l ha rd a nd like a struggle. When you a re act- ing to rece ive from the Uni ve rse, yo u will feel as if you are fl owing w ith the current of the ri ve r. It w ill feel effo rtless. That is the feel- ing of insp ired action, and of being in the fl ow of the Unive rse and life. Some times you w ill not eve n be awa re yo u used "action" until after yo u've received , because the acting fe lt so good. You w ill the n look bac k and see the wonde r and ma tri x of how the Uni ve rse car- ried yo u to w hat you wa nted , and also brought w ha t you wanted to you.

DOIl 't doubt. That's your job. Alld that's all you have to do. Trust your instincts. It's the Universe inspiring you. It's the Universe communica ting with YOli on the receiving frequ ency.

I f you have an intuitive or instinctive feeling, follow it, and you will find that the Un iverse is magneticall y moving you to receive what YOll asked for. If it's 1I10ney you Heed you will attract it.

If it's people YOIl lIeed you'll attmct it. If it's a certain book you need YOIl '1I attract it. You 've got to pay attelltion to what you're attracted to, because as you hold ill1ages of what you wallt, you 're goillg to be attmcted to thillgs alld they're goillg to be atll'acted to YOIl. And il does that by law. Reme mber that yo u are a magnet, attracting everything to you. When yo u have gotten clea r in your mind about what you want, you have become a magnet to draw those things to yo u, and those things you want a re magnetized to you in re turn.

The mo re you practice and begin to see the law of attraction bringing things to you, the g reater the magne t you will become, because you wi ll add the power of faith, belief, and knowing. How to Use the Secret 57 All you require is You, and your ability to think things into being. Everything that has bee n invented and created throughout the history of humankind began with one thought. From that one thou ght a way was made, and it manifested from the invisible into the visible.

The headlights ollly go n hundred to two hundred feet forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark, because all you have to see is the next two hundred feet. And that's how life tends to unfold before us. If we just trust that the Hext two hUHdred feet will unfold after that, and Ute Hext two hundred fee t will uHfold after that, your life will keep unfolding.

AHd it will eventually get you to the destiHatioll of whatever it is you truly wan t, because you want it. Trust the Universe. Trust and believe and have faith. I just held to the outcome of the vision, I saw the outcome clearly in my mind, [ felt it with all my might, and every- thing that we needed to create The Secret came to us.

You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. The first thing to know is that if you focus on losing weight, yo u will attract back havi ng to lose more weight, so get "having to lose weight" out of your mind. It's the very reason why diets don't work.

Because yo u are focused on losing weight, you must attract back continually having to lose weight. The second thing to know is that the condition of being over- weight was created through your thought to it. To put it in the most basic terms, if someone is overweight, it came from thjnking "fat thoughts," whether that person was aware of it or not. A person can- not think "thln thoughts" and be fat. It completely defies the law of attraction. Whether people have been told they have a slow thyroid, a slow metabolism, o r their bod y size is hered itary, these are all disguises for thinking "fat thoughts.

After I had my two daughters I was overweight, and I know it came from listening to and reading the messages that it is hard to lose weight after having a baby, and even harder after the second baby. I rea lly "beefed up," and the mo re I noticed how I had "beefed up," the more "beefing up" I attracted.

With a small frame, I became a hefty pounds, all because [ w as thinking "fat thoughts. That is a belief that does not serve yo u, and in my mind now it is complete balderdash!

Food is not responsible for putting on weight. It is your thought that food is responsible fo r putting on weight that actuall y has food put on weight. Remember, thoughts are primary cause of everything, and the rest is effects from those thoughts.

Think perfect thoughts and the result must be perfect weight. Let go of all those limiting thoughts. Food cannot cause yo u to put on weight, unless yo u think it can. The defini tion of the perfec t weight is the weight that feels good for you. No one else's opinion counts. It is the weight that feels good for you. You most li kely know of someone who is thin and eats like a ho rse, and they proudl y declare, " I ca n eat whatever 1 want and I am al- ways the perfect weight.

Have a picture in your mind of what you will look like when you have become that per- fect weight. Get pictures of yourself at yo ur perfect weight, if you have them, and look at them often. If not, get pictures of the body you would like to have and look at those often. You must believe you will receive and that the perfect weight is yours alread y.

You must imagine, pretend, act as if, make-believe, that the perfect weight is yours. You must see yo urself as receiving that perfect weight.

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