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He wallts to do more. It's always abou t appreciation. It pulls thillgs ill. Every mornillg I get up alld say "Tllank you. Alld I'm 1I0t just thillking about lI,em alld doillg sOll1e rate rou tille.

The day we fi lmed James Ray sharing hi s powerful exercise of gratitude is one I will never fo rget. From that dayan, I made James's process my li fe.

Every morni ng, I do not get out bed until I have felt the feelings of g ratitude fo r this brand new day and all I am grateful fo r in my life. Then as I get out of bed, when one foot touches the ground I say, "Thank," and "you" as my second foot touches the ground.

By the ti me I am ready for the day, 1 have sa id "Than k yo u" hundreds of times. As 1 do thi s, [ am powerfull y creating my day and all that it will contain. I am setting my frequency for the day an d intentionally declaring the way I wan t my day to go, ra ther than stumbling out of bed and letting the day take control of me. There is no more powerful way to begin your day than this. You are the creator of your li fe, and so begin by intentionally creating yo ur day!

Gratitude was a funda mental part of the teachings of all the great avatars throughout history. In the book that changed my life, The Science of Getting Ricil, w ri tten by Wallace Wattles in , gratitude is its longest chapter. Every teacher fea tured in The Secret uses grat- itude as part of his o r her day. Most of them begin their day with thoughts and feelings of gratitude. Joe Suga rman, a wonderful man and successful entrepreneur, watched the film Tile Secret and contacted me. He told me his fa - vorite part was the gratitude process, and that his use of gratitude had contri buted to all he had achieved in his life.

With all the success Joe has attracted to himself, he continues to use grati tude every day, even fo r the smallest things. When he gets a parking space he always says and fee ls, "Than k you. If you only do one thing with the knowledge of The Secret, use gratitude until it becomes your way of life.

More of the thillgs you call be grateful for. I dOli 'I have Ihe spouse I walll. I don't have the health I want. Back up, back up! Those are all the thillgs you dOIl 't wallt. FoCtls all what you already have that you 're grateful for.

Alld it might be that you have the eyes to read this. It migilt be the clothes that you have. Yes, you might prefer somethillg else alld you might get sometilillg else pretty SOO Il , if you slart fee ling grateful for what you have. Because the thoughts and feelings yo u emit as you fee l ung rateful are all negative emotions. Whether it is jealousy, resentment, dissatisfa ction, or feelings of "not enough," those feelings cannot bring you what you want.

Those negative emotio ns are blocking your own good coming to you. If you want a new ca r but yo u are not g rateful for the car you ha ve, that wi ll be the dominant frequency yo u are sending out. Be g rateful for what you have now. As yo u begin to thjnk about all the things in your life you are g rateful for, you will be amazed at the never-ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for.

You have to make a start, and then the law of at- traction will receive those g rateful thoughts and give you more just like them. You will have locked into the frequ ency of g ratitude and all good things will be yours. At lIiglzt, what do I do? I ell1pty lI1y pocket, alld tlzere it is again. A guy from South Africa saw me drop it. He asked, "Wizat is that? And he said, "My SOli is dyillgfrom a rare disease. It's a type of hepatitis. Would you send lIIe tlzree gratitude rocks?

Four orJive 1I10ll ths later I get all email frolllizim. He said, "My SOli 'S better, he's doillg terrific. We 've sold over a thousalld rocks at ten dollars apiece as gratitude rocks, aud we've raised all this 1I10lley for charily. From his poor background an d poor be- ginnings, yo u would have thoug ht it impossible for him to achieve all that he did.

Einstein knew a g reat deal of The Secret, and he said, "Thank yo u" hund reds of times each day. One of the most powerful uses of g ratitude can be incorporated in the Creative Process to turbo-charge what you want. As Bob Proc- tor advised in the first step of the Creative Process, Ask, start by w riting down what you want.

When you give thanks as though you have already received what you want, you are emitting a powerful signal to the Uni verse. That signal is saying that you have it already because yo u are feeling gratitude for it now. Each mo rning before you get out of bed, make it a habit to feel the feelings of gratitude ill advallce for the g reat day ahead, as though it is done. From the moment J discovered The Secret and formulated the vi- sion to share this knowledge with the wo rld, I gave thanks every day for the film The Secret, which wo uld bring joy to the world.

I had no idea how we would bring this knowledge to the screen, but trusted that we would attract the way. I stayed focused and held to the outcome. I felt deep feelings of g ratitude in adva nce. As that became my state of being, the floodgates opened and all the magic flowed into our lives. For the magnificent tea m of Tile Secret, and for me, our deep, heartfelt feelings of g ratitude continue to this day.

We have become a team that resonates gratitude with every moment, and it has become our way of life. Powerfu l Processes 81 Visualization is a process that has been taught by all the g reat teachers and avata rs th ro ughou t the centuries, as well as by all the great teachers li ving today.

In Charles Haa nel's book, The Masler Key Syslelll, w ritten in , he gives twenty-four weekly exercises to master visual ization. More impo rtan t, his complete Master Key Syslelll will also help you become the master of yo ur thoughts. The reason visuali zation is so powerful is because as you create pictures in yo ur mind of seeing yourself w ith what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now.

Visu- aliza tion is simply powerfull y focused thoug ht in pictures, and it causes equally powerful feelings. When you are visualizing, you are emitting that powerful frequency out into the Universe. The law of attraction will take hold of that powerful signal and return those pictures back to yo u, just as yo u saw them in your mind.

It was called Visual Mo tor Rehearsal. WI,ell you visualize thell yo" materialize. How collid lI,is be? Because Ille mind can't distinguish whether you 're really doing il or whelher ii 's jusl a practice.

If you've been there ill Ihe lI1illd you 'll go Ihere in the body. Think about the in ventors a nd the ir in ve ntio ns: The Wright Brothers and the plane.

George Eastma n a nd film. Tho mas Ed ison a nd the light bulb. Alexander G ra ha m Bell and the te le- pho ne. The o nl y way a ny thing has ever been invented o r cre- ated is because one person saw a pi cture in his mind. H e saw it clearly, and by ho lding that pi cture of the e nd result in his mind, all the forces of the Universe bro ught hi s in ventio n into the world, Ihrough him. These me n knew The Secret. These were men who had utte r faith in the invisible, and w ho knew the power w ith in them to leverage the Universe a nd bring the inventio n into the visible.

Their faith and the ir imag ination have been the cause of the evolution of hu- mankind, and we reap the benefits of the ir creative minds every Single day. You may be thinking, " I do not have a mind like these g rea t in- ventors.

Here's all example. Take ill all Illose delails. Riglll before you close your eyes, see Illose hallds, yourfi"gers, wmppillg araulld Ille sleerillg wlleel of your brmld IIe'lV car. Vitale's words brilliantly sum up the place yo u want to get yourself to when visuali zing. When it feels like a jolt as yo u open yo ur eyes in the physical wo rld, yo ur visualization beca me real.

But that state, that plane, is the rea l. It is the field where everything is created, and the physica l is just the resllit of the real fi eld of all creation. That's why you wo n' t feel as if you need it anymore, be- cause yo u tuned in and felt the real field of crea tion through your visuali zation. In that fi eld, YO Ll have everything now.

When you feel that, YOLl will know it. A lot of people thillk, "If I thillk positive thoughts, or if I visualize havillg what I want, that will be enough. It's not in the It's ill thefuture. If you stay ill that feelillg, it will always be in the future.

A II [ know is that it exists,". The how will show up ou t of a commitmellt alld belief ill the what. It always kn aws the shortest, quickest, fastest, most harmonious way behveen you alld you I' dream. The teache rs of The Secret are all awa re of the ele ments you bring into play when you visualize. As you see the picture in your mind and feel it, you a re bringing yo urself to a place of believing you have it now.

You a re also imple menting trust and faith in the Uni- verse, because yo u a re focusing on the e nd result and experiencing the feeling o f that, w ithout giving an y attention whatsoever to "how" it will come about. Your picture in your mind is seeing it as done. Your fee lings are seeing it as d one. Yom mind and your entire state of being a re seeing it as aLready happened.

That is the art of visualiza ti on. What's really illlPortant to the whole Secret is f eeli ng good. You wani to feel exhilarated by this whole process. Let me prove it to yo u with a pi cture of a kitchen.

Fo r this to wo rk, firs t of all yo u have to get all thoughts of your kitchen out of your mind. Totally clear your mind of pictures of yo ur kitchen, with its cupboa rds, refri gerator, oven, tiles, and color scheme,..

You saw a picture of you r kitchen in your mind, didn' t yo u? Well, then you just vis ualized! Visuali zing is the great secret of success. John Dema rtini shares in his Breakth rough Expe rience semina rs. John said that if yo u create a static pi ctu re in your mind it can be di ffi cult to hold that picture, so crea te lots of movement in your pi cture. To illustrate th is, imagine your ki tchen again, and this time imag- ine yourself entering that kitchen, wa lking to the refrigerator and putting your hand on the door handle, opening the door, looking inside, and findin g a cold bottle of wa ter.

Reach in and g rab it. You can feel the cold ness o n yo ur hand as you gras p the bottle. You have the bottle of water in one hand, and you use your other hand to close the refri gerato r doo r.

Now that you are visualizing your kitchen w ith detail and movement it's easier to see and hold the picture, isn't it? Powerful Processes 87 "We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visuali zing is one of the greatest of these powe rs. They 've made a habit of usillg the law of attractioll, alld magic Iwppens with them wherever they go. Because they remember 10 use it. Here are two true stories that clearly demonstrate the powerful law of attraction and the immacu late matrix of the Universe in action.

The first story is about a woman named Jeannie, who bought a DVD of The Secret and was watching it at least once a day so that she wou ld absorb the message right into the cells of her body. She was parti cularl y impressed with Bob Proctor, and she thought it wou ld be wonderfu l to meet him. What jeannie didn' t know is that Bob Proctor lived just four blocks away fro m her!

Not only that, but jeannie's house number was the sa me number as Bob's. She immed iately took the mail to deliver it to the correct address.

Ca n you imagi ne her utte r delight when the door opened and Bob Proctor was standing before her? Bob is rarely at ho me as he travels all over the wo rld teaching, but the matrix of the Universe knows onl y perfect timing.

From jeannie's thought of how wonderful it would be to meet Bob Proctor, the law of attraction moved people, ci rcumstances, and events throughout the Universe so that it happened.

The second story involves a ten-year-old boy named Colin, who had seen and loved Tile Secret. Colin's family made a weeklong visit to Disney World, and on their first day they experienced long lines at the park. So that night, just before Colin fell asleep, he thought, "Tomorrow I'd love to go on all the big rides and never ha ve to wait in lLne. As First Family they would be given VIP status, a special escort by a staff member, and walk-on passes for every big ride in Epcot.

It was every thing and more that Colin had wished for! Hundreds of families were waiting to enter Epcot that mo rning, but Colin didn' t have the slightest doubt as to why his family had been chosen First Family.

He knew it was because he had used The Secret. Powerful Processes 89 Imagine discovering-a t the age of ten- that the power to move worlds lies within you! I saw this program and I'm going to challge my life. Beneath the surface it's just abou t ready to break through, but the persall will look just at the surface results and say, "Tll is stuff doesn't work.

When you allow a thought of doubt to enter your mind, the law of attraction will soon line up one doubtful thought after another. The moment a thought of doubt comes, release it immediately. Send that thought on its way. Replace it with "1 know 1 am receiving now. Every day I would sit in my office alld I would look up at this board and I would start to visualize. I would really get illto the state of havillg already acquired it.

I was gettillg ready to move. We put all Ihe fumi lure, all the boxes, into storage, alld IlIIade Ihree differellt moves over a period offive years. And Ihenl ended up in Califomia and bought Ihis house, rellovated il for a year, alld thell had all Ihe stuff brought frOIll my former home five years earlier. Olle morning my SOil Keel,",1 came ill to my office, alld aile of Ihe boxes that was sealed for five years was rigllt at the doorstep. He asked, "What's ill the boxes, Daddy?

Whal was shocking was tlrat we were livillg ill tllat house. No l a hOLlse like it - I actually bought Illy drealll hOllie, rellovated it, mid didll'l evell know il. Keellall asked, "Why are you cryillg? I fi lially IIlIderstand the power o[visllalization. It worked [or my home as well, and 1 bOllght our dream home and didn't even know it. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

Make sure yo u put the Vision Board in a place where yo u see it and look at it every d ay, as John Assara f did. Feel the fee lings of having those things now. As yo u receive, and feel gratitude fo r rece iving, you can remove pictures and add new ones. This is a wo nderful way to introd uce children to the law of attracti on. I hope the crea ti on of a Vision Board inspires parents and teachers wo rld w ide. He had seen The Secret but did n' t own his own copy. He was one of the ten! Several people besides my mother had put in offers for thi s parti cular house.

My mo ther decided to use The Secret to make that ho use hers. She sat down and wrote her name and the new add ress of the house over and over. She continued doing this until it felt as thoug h it was her ad- dress. She then imagi ned placing all of her furniture in that new house. Within ho urs of doing these things, she received a pho ne call saying her offer had been accepted. She was so thrilled, but it didn 't come as a surprise to her because she kllew that house was hers.

What a champio n! Believe you call liave it. Alld tliell close your eyes every day for several millutes, alld visualize havillg what you already wall t, feelillg the feelillgs of already hauillg it. Then go illto your day alld release it to tlte Ulliuerse alld trust tliat tlie Ulliverse will figure out liow to mallifest it.

Be grateful for what you already have, alld you will attract 1II0re good thillgs. Any evellls or mOlllellls that were whal you wanted, replay them ill your mind the way you wallted tltem to go. So I grew up with a lot of beliefs abollt money; thaI if you had iI, i! So I grew up truly believillg Ihat life was difficult. It was ollly wltell I met W. Clement Stolle Ihal I begall 10 shifl my life. One of the things he taught lI1e was every day to close your eyes and visualize the goals as if it's already achieved.

I had actually made a hundred-thousalld-dollar bill that I'd put all the ceili ng. So first thing in the mOrll ing I'd look up and there it was, and it wou ld remind me that this was my intention. Interestingly enough, nothing major happened for about thirty days. I didll 't have allY great breakthrough ideas, one was offerillg me more mOrley. Abou t four weeks in to it, I Iwd a hundred-thousand-dollar idea. It just came right illto my head.

I had a book I had written, and I said, "If I con sell fou r hundred thousand copies of my book at a quarter each, that'd be a hu IIdred thousand dollars. And all of a sudden il jumped oul at me as foregroulld. I thought, "If readers kzlL'! V about my book, certainly four hUlldred tllOusalld people would go out alld buy il. Iwallt 10 illierview you. Lei me give you my card. The theme from "The Twilight 2mle" wen t off ill my head, like, wllOah, this stuff's really working.

That article came out and ou r book sales slarted to lake off The POillt I walll to make is that I was altractillg into my life all these differellt even ts, illeluding this person. To make a long slory shari, I did not make a hundred thousalld dollars thai year.

We made ninety-two Ihousand three hundred and twenty-seven dollars. But do you think we were depressed and saying, "This doesn't work"? No, we were saying, "This is amazillg!

Let's Iry il. And he actually put a smiley face in his signature, because it was the firs t million-dollar cileck Jze'd ever written. Does this Secret really work? We put it to the test. It absolutely worked, and now I live my life from that every single day. The knowledge of The Secret and the intentional use of the law of attraction can be applied to every single subject in your life.

It is the same process for everything you want to create, and the subject of money is no di fferent. To attract money, you must focus on wealth. It is impossible to bring mo re money into your life w hen you are noticing yo u do not have enough, because that means you are thinking thoughts that you do not have enough. Focus on not enough money, and you will create lU1told more circumstances of not having enough money. You must focus on the abundance of money to bring that to you.

You have to emit a new signal with your thoughts, and those thoughts should be that you currently have more than enough. You really do need to call yo ur imagination into play and make believe you alread y have the money you want.

And it is so much fun to do! You will notice as you pretend and play games of having wealth that you feel instantl y better about money, and as you feel better about it, it will begin to fl ow into your life. Jack's wonderful story inspired The Secret Team to create a blank check available as a free download on The Secret website, www. The blank check is for you, and it is from the Bank of the Uni verse.

You fill in yo ur name, the amount, and details, and place it in a prominent pl ace where you will see it every day. Imagine spending that money, all the things you will buy and the things YOll will d o. Feel how wonderful that is! Know it is yours, because when you ask, it is. We have received hundreds o f stories from people who have brought huge sums of money to them using The Secret check.

It's a fun gam e that works! The only reason any person d oes not have enough money is be- cause they are blockillg money from coming to them with their thoughts. Every negati ve thought, feeling, o r emotion is blocking your good fro m coming to you, and that includes money. It is not that the money is being kept from you by the Uni ve rse, because all the money yo u requi re exists rig ht now in the in visible. If you do not have enough, it is because yo u are stop ping the flow of money coming to you, and you are doing that w ith your thoughts.

You must tip the balance o f your tho ughts fro m lack-of-money to more- than-enough-money. Think mo re thoughts of ab undance than of lack, and you have ti pped the balan ce. When you lIeed mo ney, it is a powerful fee ling w ithin you, an d so of course through the law of attraction yo u w ill continue to attract lIeedillg money. After ten years of hard work, my compan y was about to slip through m y fingers.

And as I needed more money to save my company, things just got worse. There seemed no way out. Then I discovered The Secret, and everything in my li fe includ- ing the state of my compan y-was totally transformed, because I changed the way I was thinking. As my accountants continued to fuss about the fi gures and focus on that, I kept my mind focused on abundance and all being well.

I knew with every fiber of my being that the Universe would provide, and it did. It provided in ways I could not have imagined. I had m y moments of doubt, but when the doubt came I immediately moved my thoughts to the outcome of what I wanted. I gave thanks fo r it, I felt the joy of it, and I be- lieved! I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life. Focus on radi ating out into the Universe those fee lings of joy and happiness.

When you do that, you will attract back to you all things that bring you joy and happiness, which will not onl y in- clude an abundance of money, but everything else you are want- ing. Facebook Twitter.

Jobs in Kpk Fisheries Department July 07, Popular Posts. Random Posts. Recent in Sports. Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love,a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power.

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The book was published in multiple languages including English, consists of pages and is available in Paperback format. The main characters of this self help, non fiction story are ,.

The book has been awarded with , and many others. Please note that the tricks or techniques listed in this pdf are either fictional or claimed to work by its creator.