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Wii u donkey kong country tropical freeze iso download

2021.12.17 01:59

The game was originally slated for release during November before being pushed back to December 6; it was later pushed back again to February Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was praised for its visuals and sprawling environments. The variety in gameplay, as well as the difficulty, were also noted in numerous critic reviews. A port was released for the Nintendo Switch in May The story begins at Donkey Kong's hut , where the Kongs are celebrating his birthday, with a banana-themed cake.

One of the balloons detaches from the exterior of the house and drifts out towards the ocean where a fleet of Snowmad ships are stationed. Far away from the island, a Pointy Tucks observes Donkey Kong's hut with a telescope, relaying info to their leader , shrouded in a dark silhouette, who orders his subordinates to bring him an enchanted horn. He blows into the horn, creating an entity known as an ice dragon. Meanwhile, back at Donkey Kong's hut, Diddy is briefly shown blowing a noisemaker.

Right as Donkey Kong is about to blow out a candle on his cake, a gust of wind extinguishes the candle, to Donkey Kong's surprise, and a snowflake blows in and lands on the tip of the candle. Donkey Kong turns away frustrated as he hears an uproar. The Kongs walk out on the front deck to investigate. The ice dragon swoops in on Donkey Kong Island, generating strong winds that blows the Kongs away to the Lost Mangroves.

With the Kong family disposed of, the Snowmads seize the island as their command ship stations itself on top of its Volcano and the ice dragon causes it to enter a state of perpetual winter. After traversing across five islands, the Kongs return to Donkey Kong Island.

The Kongs make their way through the frozen fortress until they encounter the leader of the Snowmads, Lord Fredrik , who challenges the Kongs to a final battle deep within the volcano.

After a long battle, Donkey Kong delivers the final punch to Lord Fredrik, who is sent flying out from the roof of the Snowmads' ship, destroying it. The Kongs go out of the ship remains and look to see Lord Fredrik crashing into the remainder of the Snowmad ships out at sea.

This causes a breeze of flowers to carry the Kongs to the bottom of the island. The Kongs celebrate as the breeze of flowers flutter around Donkey Kong Island, melting all of the ice and snow and restoring the island to its original state. In an epilogue cutscene after the credits, the Kongs discover a wrapped present on their front lawn, which they open. Inside the box is a small relic that serves as the final key to unlocking Secret Seclusion.

The gameplay of the title is very similar to that of its predecessor, Donkey Kong Country Returns. The Kongs are able to walk, run, jump , roll , pound the ground , as well as climb vines and ropes. By jumping, the Kongs can stomp on various enemies and defeat them; however, some enemies cover their top-sides with shields or sharp objects, making them troublesome or dangerous to stomp on.

Stomping on at least three enemies in a row grants the player one Banana Coin for each enemy stomped thereafter. The players start earning Red Balloons if they achieve a combo of eight or more enemy stomps. The Kongs can perform Ground Pounds in various places to break unsound structures such as crates and cracked blocks , revealing items or secret paths underground.

The move can also be executed near some enemies to stun and neutralize them temporarily. Likewise, ground-pounding can be used to empty Item Containers , which are found in the immediate background. The Kongs can also roll to knock out enemies. Donkey Kong can perform this move on a short distance. Rolling confers high momentum, and if Donkey Kong jumps while rolling, he will gain longer distance than usual.

If he rolls off the edge of a platform, he can quickly hop in mid-air, providing extra distance. Diddy Kong returns as a playable partner for Donkey Kong and is the first Kong partner to be encountered in the game. Using his Barrel Jet, he can help Donkey Kong hover across pits and other obstacles for a short time. Diddy wields two popguns which can fire peanuts.

Upon getting shot out of the weapon, the peanuts bounce on the ground swiftly until smashing into a wall or an enemy, bearing a minimal effect on the latter. If hit by a peanut, some enemies become stunned for a brief moment, although tougher enemies, like bosses, are not affected at all. The popguns can only be used in multiplayer or on Hard Mode. If controlled independently, Diddy will cause small tremors on the ground by firing his popguns, forming an ability called the Popgun Pound that is equivalent to the other Kongs' ground pound.

The health meter of the Kongs is measured in hearts which can be lost upon getting touched by an enemy and the like. In order to restore them, the Kongs have to collect Heart items found along the way. Red Balloons add more tries to the game. If all lives are lost, the players receive a game over and are prompted to restart the game from where their progress was last saved. In specific levels of the game, Donkey Kong and co. One such vehicle is the Mine Cart , which carries the characters along rail tracks that cannot be trodden by foot.

As the Mine Cart moves automatically, the Kongs can duck inside the vehicle or jump with it in order to dodge obstacles. Another is the Rocket Barrel , which is necessary to fly across wide chasms and normally has to be navigated through a series of hazards and enemies.

It can be risen up or let to fall down. Lastly, there is Rambi who is categorized as a "vehicle" in the game's instruction manual [9] , a powerful Animal Friend who can charge into enemies and defeat them. Otherwise invincible to most enemies even when standing still, he is vulnerable to lightning, fire enemies, or any other object protected by flames.

The game features a total of 63 levels including boss and hidden temple stages and excluding Funky's Fly 'n' Buy stations , grouped in seven island. On the world map, islands are seen from an aerial viewpoint and feature a system of routes that connect levels. Once players complete a level, they open a new path or crossroad.

Paths are normally navigated on foot, but Blast Barrels are sometimes used for taking shortcuts; Donkey Kong Island 's map navigation, on the other hand, is entirely provided by Barrel Cannons. Warping from an island to another is always released via Blast Barrels. On the map, non-boss levels are marked with circular pads, whilst boss stages are associated with star-shaped pads.

Level pads light in several colors on different conditions: red pads mean their levels have not been completed yet; blue pads mean their levels have been finished at least once. Additionally, green pads relate to levels which have been completed on Hard Mode. On each island, the Kongs encounter a shop run by Funky Kong , which is always marked with white pads. The price for each item stays the same on the course of the game. Alongside items, which include balloons of all sorts , Kong Barrels , and Heart Boosts , the shop also displays a Capsule Toy Machine , which contains collectible toy figures representing characters from the game.

Each of them costs five Banana Coins and can be obtained by chance. As the players progress through the game, more toy figures become available in the shop. Puzzle Pieces unlock various concept artworks in a select Image Gallery, while KONG Letters are compulsory for unlocking hidden temple stages; each world aside from the last one contains one of these stages.

While some Puzzle Pieces are scattered throughout a level in different areas, some appear only after collecting a certain group of items.

Bonus Stages dedicated to collecting these items are often featured within levels, and yield Puzzle Pieces after completion. These bonus stages can usually be accessed through hidden Blast Barrels or passages blocked by Snowflake Shields. On the map, the player can access a menu where they can select several items from a list. These items and their corresponding actions are presented in the following table.

Allows the player to view a group of galleries where extra content can be unlocked. The Image Gallery is composed of artwork showing various concepts and ideas considered during the development of the game. Each piece of artwork is unlocked after all the Puzzle Pieces are collected in a certain stage.

The Music Gallery contains music used in the game. Each set of music pertains to one of the six main islands of the game and can be unlocked by beating the boss of its corresponding island. Dioramas that represent the six main islands of the game are unlocked the same way. The additional characters are Dixie Kong and Cranky Kong. Dixie Kong can execute the Helicopter Spin with her ponytail and propel herself upward in midair. Using her ponytail, she is also able to swim against strong currents, accessing potentially secret areas.

Cranky harnesses the Cane Bounce by using his iconic rigid cane to combat or overcome some obstacles that could be dangerous to stomp on, such as urchins and thorns. The Cane Bounce can be seen as a substitute to Dixie Kong's Helicopter Twirl, as Cranky can bounce off the ground with his cane and take off to increased heights.

With the inclusion of more than two playable characters in the game, a premiere feature in the series, the variety of Kong Barrels has been invigorated. These barrels usually appear to contain only one character, whereas the other spins like a roulette and constantly switch the partner inside, each time indicated by the before-mentioned abbreviations.

In the standard mode of play, Donkey Kong can only carry one partner at the time; a partner freed from a Kong Barrel will replace the one that is currently on Donkey Kong's back. If the character in the chosen barrel is already seated on Donkey Kong, the characters can regenerate their health bar upon destroying the barrel. The game also presents underwater levels, which were absent in Donkey Kong Country Returns. Rather than using the Mario -styled controls present in the original trilogy, swimming is now handled similarly to the New Play Control!

The Kongs are now given a gauge with limited air while underwater, requiring them to seek out air bubbles to fill it and survive. Their air gauge will also fill up if the Kongs enter an underwater Barrel Cannon , and will remain filled for as long as they stay inside the barrel.

A Corkscrew attack has been added, which can be used to defeat certain enemies or collapse less durable structures while underwater. In a vast number of areas in the game, players will encounter orange handles fixed on the surface of platforms.

While standing atop these handles, the Kongs can grip and pull them to uncover hidden objects, which can be either bonuses or Barrel Cannons that launch them to other spots. When pulled, some handles cause certain phenomenons that manipulate the environment. The plucking function is used transport objects, such as barrels , DK Barrels , and Watermelon Fuse Bombs , the most common in the game.

Some can be found directly on the ground and can be picked up, but others are located under handles. The player can also haul enemies, specifically those that are relatively small and wear orange helmets, like Tuff Fluffs and Tuff Tucks. Portable items and enemies are sometimes necessary to destroy hindrances, bags with precious content , and tough foes. Producer Kensuke Tanabe stated that the ability to pick up enemies and throw them, and overall the plucking capability, was inspired from Super Mario Bros.

For the first time in the series, the camera angle can change dynamically in some levels where Blast Barrels or mine carts are found, showing more areas and perspectives of the scenery. A new feature in this game is the Kong POW attack, which turns all the enemies on-screen into items.

In multiplayer, the move can be used if both players press a button at the same time. This move can only be performed when bananas have been collected, as well as when there is a partner by Donkey Kong's side. A mode originating in Returns , Time Attack of any level can be accessed only after the player has beaten the level in question at least once.

It is available on single-player and is a completely optional mode, meaning it does not unlock extra content in the game, nor contribute to its completion percentage. Before entering Time Attack, players are given the option to select a type of Kong Barrel for the course of the chosen stage. During Time Attack, players have to guide the Kongs to the level's finish barrel in the fastest time possible.

Three-time limits are set during the course, each corresponding to one of the gold, silver, and bronze medals. Should the Kongs reach their destination within one of these time limits, they are rewarded with the medal accordingly. A special shiny gold medal can be obtained if the Kongs finish the level at a particular time within the standard gold medal time limit. The milestone times for shiny gold medals are never displayed nor made clear. Checkpoint booths are not present during Time Attack.

As such, every time they lose their health in a level, players are prompted to restart the stage with the count reset to zero. Unlike in other modes of the game, the Kongs do not lose a life after their health bar has been drained completely. Additionally, if the Kongs finish a level in Time Attack mode without taking damage, their achieved medal will be accompanied by a heart icon. This icon is permanent until they achieve a better time. During every race, he first shows up at the beginning, waving a small green flag in the rhythm of the countdown.

After the Kongs break the finish barrel, he springs on the scene with a chequered flag, indicating the race has been terminated. If connected to the Internet and signed into Nintendo Network , players are granted the possibility to upload their Time Attack records on a worldwide leaderboard. These records are associated with their Nintendo Network IDs. The rank displays other player's time records on said levels, as well as the Kong partner used and, occasionally, a replay of their progress to be observed.

When players have collected all the KONG Letters in the game and have subsequently completed every level, an additional game mode, Hard Mode, is unlocked. Hard Mode can only be played with one Kong, marking the only occasion in the game aside from multiplayer sessions when one can take full control of Diddy, Dixie, or Cranky.

The characters are given a single heart to go along the selected level, and have to reach the goal in it without checkpoints and without taking damage at all in order to complete the stage. Hard mode? That wasn't so hard! The game features a co-operative two-player mode, where the first player is always Donkey Kong and the other can select either Diddy, Dixie, or Cranky to play as.

The second player can independently control their Kong, but may choose to climb on Donkey Kong's back and perform joint actions, allowing player one to move both Kongs at once like in single-player mode while the other player makes use of their character's abilities.

This includes the ability to use the popgun as Dixie and Cranky and perform ranged attacks. During multi-player, Kong Barrels are displayed as generic DK Barrels, akin to the previous iterations. Should one player lose a life, the other can take the lead; however, the former can be found and redeemed inside the nearest DK Barrel. Note: moves marked with the color blue are only utilised while the characters are underwater.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze has four playable characters five in the Nintendo Switch port , making it the Donkey Kong Country game with the most playable characters. Donkey Kong is the character the single or first player always controls.

He is able to water skip when rolling with another Kong on top of him. Underwater, Donkey Kong is able to charge at enemies to defeat them. His jetpack allows him to hover in midair and get speed boosts underwater. His Peanut Popgun can be used to shoot and stun or distract enemies for a brief moment. Her ponytail allows her to get a short lift or fall slowly in midair. Underwater, her hair can also be used as a propeller, conferring more agility in her swimming; secret exits can be found with her hair as well, by going through currents.

Her Gumball Popgun can shoot bubble gums at enemies. His cane can be used to defeat hard-to-stomp enemies, and as a pogo stick in order to jump higher and on spikes. Also with his cane, he can whack enemies underwater. His Popgun shoots dentures at enemies.

Each boss of this game is faced at the end of one of the six main worlds. The Kongs have to deliver nine hits to a boss enemy in order to defeat him; after every three hits, the boss will anger and morph into another phase, usually changing color to reflect this.

As the final blow is struck, the player is given the chance to punch the boss and knock him out violently by repeatedly pressing the buttons shown on screen.

The former two are found in the levels Blurry Flurry and Forest Folly respectively, while Mugly can be seen at the bottom of the Donkey Kong Island diorama. In addition, a Snippys can be seen on the title screen. Below is a table containing notable objects found in the game. A collectible is a gameplay element that can be collected and stored to a specific counter. Usually, when this counter reaches a certain number or magnitude, a special gameplay-related event will take place.

A projectile represents an item that can be picked up and thrown at enemies or other elements. Vehicles refer to certain apparatuses that are used as mandatory ways of locomotion during select levels of the game.

The game has seven total islands, consisting of six "main" islands and one secret island Secret Seclusion , which serve as the game's worlds. Each island has levels at least two are optional , a Key Temple, a Funky's Fly 'n' Buy , and a boss level at the end. Some levels have a secret exit, and by reaching it, the Kongs unlock an alternate path from the world map that leads to another level.

The table below lists all of the worlds and levels in the game, including their respective music theme s and a number of Puzzle Pieces. Since not every musical composition in the game has been given an official name, several of the ones shown are either described as arrangements from past Donkey Kong games, or merely marked as conjectural with a pointy line.

In a video posted on YouTube and presented by Canadian actor Ajay Fry , they were challenged to guess how many bananas are in a solid block of ice for a chance to win a four day trip to the Whistler Blackcomb ski resort, as well as a Wii U Deluxe Set system bundled with Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze , a Wii Remote controller and a Nunchuck.

One week before the game's initial launch, on February 13, , Nintendo celebrated Valentine's Day on their official Facebook page by posting various Donkey Kong-themed greeting cards. The photographs contain affectionate captions with word plays, and are accompanied by artwork for the game. On the day of the game's initial release, Nintendo of America pretended to make a deal with Cranky Kong to let him lead their Twitter account and post tweets.

Over the course of the day, the character would interact with fans by answering questions, as well as using image macros of himself, parodying similar Internet memes in an attempt to approach the youth culture. The final tweet attributed to Cranky Kong is the game's launch trailer.

On the Play Nintendo website, the game is the subject of one of the questions in a skill quiz on Nintendo Selects games. The website also features several other activities focused entirely on the game, but these are promotions for the Nintendo Switch version. The game was primarily praised by critics for its graphics, with Thomas Whitehead of Nintendo Life describing the series' upgrade to HD visuals as "impressive" and the game, a "visual achievement".

He found the game to have engaging stages as well as fresh and eccentric environments, distinctly bringing out Autumn Heights and Bright Savannah as examples. He also found the game to have personality and overall attention to detail, conferred by character design and humorous animation, and opined that the game has charm, partially attributed to David Wise's soundtrack, whom he described as an "expert ear". Jose Otero from IGN distinguished the game from other two-dimensional platformers for a sense of scale and journey, accomplished by what Otero opines as a brisk variety in level design.

He liked what he saw as a realistic sense of weight in the playable characters, commenting that it affects their movements. The game was once again praised for attention to detail, and he opined Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze to have tantalizing backgrounds and a dynamic camera enhancing the player's perspective.

He also believed that the game's issue of being very difficult is softened by the large amount of extra lives that can be collected. Otero likewise praised the boss fights as unique, and considered the punching segment at the end of each one as a "cool-payoff" and an homage to Donkey Kong Jungle Beat. Conversely, he criticized the use of the GamePad, which he felt was underused.

Chris Carter of Destructoid complimented the HD visuals and regarded the game as one of the best-looking games in the Wii U library.

He also lauded the game's swimming mechanics and large amount of what he believed to be painstakingly-crafted levels. Danielle Riendeau of Polygon appreciated the game as a rewarding experience, in spite of its difficulty.

In effect, Riendeau likened the reward to playing the game itself, believing it to have "imaginative layouts" and a perfect balance between new enemies and energetic platforming. The co-op play was praised as a fun and chaotic experience. Mark Walton of GameSpot strayed from praising the game's visuals and directed criticism towards the level design. He implied that the game is a downgrade from its predecessors for staying too close to the formula without maintaining the same quality "your journey gets very familiar, very quickly".

He commented on what he opined as a lack of flow and inventiveness, which he claims to define the best 2D platformers. In particular, Walton was displeased by the game's difficulty, naming it a frustrating and cheap experience based on trial and error.

However, he complimented the bosses and vehicle-riding sections, which in his view were unique, unusual and contrasted with the "monotonous" levels. In the U. S, Tropical Freeze sold more than , units both digital and packaged copies in its first 8 days on the market according to Nintendo and the U. S sales analysis firm NPD [22]. In Japan, the Wii U version sold 43, for its first week and went on to sell a total of , copies according to Media Create data [23].

Shigeru Miyamoto 's involvement as the game's supervisor was less significant than during the development of the previous game. Wise was specifically brought on board by Retro Studios president Michael Kelbaugh. The game was first announced during a Nintendo Direct presentation at E3 , where it was revealed that Kensuke Tanabe was the main director of the game.

He was also responsible for the inclusion of the new "pluck" ability, which was inspired by the mechanics of Super Mario Bros. The game was announced to be released in November of that same year, before being pushed back to December 6th in order to be released in time for the holiday season. Finally, during the October Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata announced that Tropical Freeze would be delayed to February in order to optimize the gaming experience, but the specific date would not be revealed until December 7th at the VGX Awards.

The game's soundtrack was produced by returning composer David Wise who had previously worked on the soundtrack for the previous Donkey Kong Country games except for Returns , with some help from Daisuke Matsuoka, Minako Hamano, Shinji Ushiroda, and Riyu Tamura. The HUD in E3 footage of the game was slightly different from the final version, as the health counter lacked the wooden plank graphic behind the hearts and the Kong POW meter was not shown or implemented.

Additionally, in the E3 demo, the level Cannon Canyon was known as "Cannon Canyons" and belonged to the second world instead of the third. A steamboat model was built to serve as the basis for all mechanical structures present in Lost Mangroves. The steamboat itself is not fully used in the game, but a few instances appear in Trunk Twister.

The game contains unlockable concept artwork, a full list of which can be seen here complete with indications on what concepts have been used and which were not. Below are several examples of artwork with concepts that specifically were not implemented in the final game.

In Levitation Station , if DK jumps towards a block as it is forming, he may hang in the air beside it until it is ready to return to the background. When a player finds a Schnautzel near a Tuff Fluff in Horn Top Hop they need to make sure they that it is slightly facing the background and keep rolling into it or throw another enemy at it. If done correctly, the Schnautzel is knocked out falling into the background instead of the foreground. This glitch can be done in both versions of the game.

Prior to update "Ver. On April 3, , an update was released to fix this issue. Digital download. The Kongs together celebrating Donkey Kong's birthday.

Lord Federick blowing the enchanted horn. Donkey Kong Island, now frozen over. The Kongs progress through an island map. They head towards an incomplete level, marked by a red pad. On the bottom left lies a blue pad, the level of which has had its goal reached.

The map menu. Donkey Kong is low on air and rushes towards a column of rising air bubbles. Air bubbles gush out of various stage decorations and replenish the Kongs' air supply. The Kongs try to pluck an Item Handle out of the ground. Item Handles hide not only items, as their name suggests, but also Barrel Cannons. In some cases, they even affect the environment upon getting pulled. The Kongs achieve a shiny gold medal and a new best time after playing in Time Attack mode.

Cranky Kong travels alone on Hard Mode. Note the single heart in his health meter. The Kongs can skip water by performing a continuous Kong Roll on its surface. It has been requested that this section be rewritten.

The steamboat, next to a screenshot of Trunk Twister , where part of it can be seen in the backdrop. Just paste the urls you'll find below and we'll download file for you!

If you have any other trouble downloading donkey kong country returns wii wad post it in comments and our support team or a community member will help you! Donkey Kong Country Returns offers the popular side-scrolling experience the series is known for, together with new levels, spectacular graphics and added depth to gameplay, courtesy of fully 3D environments — all of which are sure to delight both fans and series newcomers alike.

Stomp on enemies, grab banana bunches and ride rockets, rhinos and much more in classic 2D platforming gameplay, stuffed full of spectacular scenes and tricky traps. The controls are tight and jumps are easy to pull off, but I found playing in handheld mode harder than playing with the Pro Controller. I had difficulty with the smaller shoulder buttons on the Joy-Cons, used to pick up barrels and stunned enemies. Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Drive iconic cars from the 60s to Group B on challenging stages.

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