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Last lines of the passage completely change the way we look at the passage, as then we understand that implications of the style of painting is the main concern put forward by the author.
According to the passage, the Impressionists differed from the ancient Greeks in that the Impressionists A considered color to be property inherent in objects B placed a higher value on the narrative element in painting C depicted the objects in a painting as isolated, rather than united in a single pattern D treated light, rather than matter, as the ultimate reality E regarded art primarily as a medium for expressing moral and aesthetic ideas Explanation: can be directly inferred from the lines: "The Impressionists, on the other hand, viewed light, not matter, as the ultimate visual reality.
A It furnishes a specific example of an Impressionist painting that features light as its chief subject. B It resolves an apparent contradiction in the philosophy of the Impressionists. C It qualifies the statement that the ancient Greeks viewed the world in concrete terms.
D It summarizes the unique perspective that the Impressionists brought to painting. E It provides a concrete illustration of the far-reaching philosophical implications of Impressionism. According to the passage, the Impressionists believed that the atmosphere The Impressionist world was composed not of separate objects but of many surfaces on which light struck and was reflected with varying intensity to the eye through the atmosphere, which modified it.
A reflects light with varying intensity - atmosphere does not reflect but the surfaces do B creates the illusion of color in colorless surfaces - Incorrect C modifies the shapes of objects - Out of scope D is the result of vibrations of light - Incorrect - the atmosphere by itself is not the result but the process of light striking a surface and reflecting with varying intensity to eye occurs through the atmosphere.
E affects the way we perceived color - Correct - Answer E The author uses the word mosaic to impress upon us the many small surfaces on which light struck and was reflected with varying intensity hence producing different colours. The author further emphasises that the object is secondary implying that it's not a continuous flow of colour to show an object 5. Correct B broad, sweeping brush strokes Not true.
Light reflecting off many surfaces with varying intensity does not imply broad brush strokes. C clearly defined forms and objects No. It is not about the objects. It is about light only. D subjects devoid of emotive or literary qualities Though the author seems to be implying that impressionist paintings did not focus on the emotions of the subjects, mosaic of colours does not indicate that.
A mosaic is made with discontinuous dabs of paint and the author is trying to bring that out here. He is trying to tell us that the painting is all about light reflected on many surfaces creating a mosaic of colours. E the glowing reds, greens, and midnight blues of stained glass Though mosaics are made on glass too along with other surfaces , there is nothing that leads us to believe in the specifics given in this option.
Many surfaces would produce many colours and stained glass is too specific to be implied by the term "mosaic". Answer A For question 6, answer E is correct. Have you heard of Khan Academy or have already watched some of their videos and are wondering if their resources can help you on the GRE? Recently, Khan Academy has begun to offer more resources specifically geared towards test prep. However, it can be tricky to figure out which of their resources are most useful for your studying.
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Confused by how to improve your score? We give you minute by minute guide. Let us know! I'll try it now. Request Expert Reply. Please wait Nov All day pacific time. Source: OG Revised 2nd Ed. Source: OG Revised 1st Ed. Show Tags. Own Kudos [? GRE 1 : Q V Send PM. Answer: B Live organism that provides the host with a health benefit 2. This rate of charge guarantees a long useful life for the battery.
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