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Android kotlin firebase download picture

2021.12.17 21:48

UploadTask; import java. IOException; import java. Pradeep Sheoran Pradeep Sheoran 6 6 silver badges 14 14 bronze badges. Welcome to Stack Overflow! Please don't just throw your source code here. Be nice and try to give a nice description to your answer, so that others will like it and upvote it.

See: How do I write a good answer? Nartha Nartha 1 2 2 bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Google Cloud. Learn more about Collectives on Stack Overflow. The Overflow Blog. I am using the following code to get jpg images from Firebase storage.

To get bmp images, I think the difference will be in the parameter of File. I hope that it will work for you too. One more note is that I am using this code inside an AsyncTask class to achieve asynchronous task behavior. That's not how StorageReference objects work. A StorageReference is just a pointer to a file in your storage bucket. If you want to download its content, you need to fetch a download URL from it first , wait for that task to complete asynchronously, then use that URL to load into the ImageView.

Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Recognize landmarks. Deprecated Vision SDKs. Advanced Topics. Prepare for Production. Protect your Cloud credentials. Legacy Documentation. ML Kit for Firebase. Detect faces. Scan barcodes. Detect and track objects. AutoML Vision Edge. Natural Language. Identify the language of text. Translate text. Generate smart replies.

Use a custom TensorFlow Lite build. Reduce app package size. Serve dynamic content and host microservices. Cloud Functions. Call functions directly. Trigger background functions.

Write functions. Therefore this rule is not recommended for production, but it is preferred for testing purposes. Unlike the test rule, this only allows authenticated users to access the database. For a general-level production app, this is the rule to go to. To learn more about Firebase rules, be sure to check out Firebase Docs.

This creates two buttons. Add the missing strings in the strings. View binding allows us to access views via the binding class of the XML layout they belong to. Add the code block below in the module level gradle file and sync your project:.

Using test rules. Create a Kotlin class named FirebaseUtils and paste the code below in it:. This serves as an API that allows us to add , get , delete , and update collections and documents in the database. An upload action will be initiated when the upload button is clicked.

Paste the following in the MainActivity. This adds a sample data and Logs the id of the document if the task was successful. Earlier, we mentioned that Firebase makes building mobile apps easier and faster. And that is because Firebase removes the stress of managing a backend. Firebase is also very compatible with Kotlin. Hence, you get to enjoy all the features of Firebase with ease while writing Kotlin apps.

Kotlin is one of several programming languages and platforms officially supported by Firebase. As such, Firebase offers tons of resources for learning via the official documentation. In addition to that, because the combination of Firebase and Kotlin is very popular, you can find answers to challenging situations quickly with the help of a thriving developer community.

If those are not enough reasons, using firebase with Kotlin lets you quickly test your idea as an app. In fact, you can turn an idea into an app in just one weekend using Firebase and Kotlin. You can also use Firebase Authentication for user identification.

Adding Multiple Signing in Options to an App : With Firebase, you can allow users to sign in to your app using multiple channels. Firebase Authentication supports authentication via email and password, phone number, Google account, Facebook, Twitter, and more. Adding a Photo Upload Feature in App : If you wish to allow users of your app to upload a profile photo, the Firebase file storage service has you covered. Realtime Database and Firestore support real-time sync of data and have offline support.