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Android setting no download wifi only

2021.12.17 21:48

Sometimes it downloads huge updates over the mobile network, even though it's at home and could use our Wi-Fi. I haven't caught it in the act, so I don't know if the updates are for the operating system itself or the apps. Is there a setting I can use to configure the phone to download software updates exclusively via WiFi?

Probably, these are app's update, because if they are OS updates you would be asked to restart your device or install the update. To avoid auto update from app's:In the Play store app, swipe from the left edge to the right. Go to settings. Under the "General" list, select "Update app's automatically"and mark with a dot "Only through Wi-Fi". If you want to instead auto-update apps only when you're connected to a WiFi network, tap Auto-update apps over Wi-Fi only in the same pop-up.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Therefore, it is important to get your acquainted with Android Security Patches. Most of the Android device comes with a hidden testing menu. Now tap on disableNetwork and wait for a few seconds.

After a few moments tap on enable network. This should fix your WiFi issue on your Android device. If the problem still persists, try resetting the Wi-Fi network settings as mentioned in the below section. Now tap on Advanced and search for the Reset option. Tap on Reset Wi-Fi, mobile and Bluetooth. Finally, tap on Reset settings. If you have dual sim, you will see an option of selecting your preferred sim, just above the reset button. See if this rectifies your issues, otherwise, try the other methods mentioned below.

For most of the routers, the IP address is Most routers have the first combination. If it shows anything other than Enabled, then something is wrong from the ISP side. You need to contact them to fix this issue. Alternatively, you can try our next tip to fix the WiFi connection problems on your Android phone.

That is, try using the 8. He has a HTC Evo. I own a Note 2. Improve this question. Community Bot 1. Bonneroo Bonneroo 61 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. Have you checked with your carrier? Some carriers allow you to limiting data usage by the device.

Also some devices have a setting for limiting data usage. Have you tried that? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Check NoRoot Firewall screenshot below in playstore Screenshot click to enlarge As you can see from the screenshot, you can add custom filters to allow specific websites to work on Mobile data and also to restrict in WiFi too.

Improve this answer. Revan Revan 35 8 8 bronze badges. The distinction by apps or by carrier seems to be difficult in both cases. I think when your phone has both WiFi and updown arrows highlighted, it uses cellular data over WiFi. I don't know what you refer to as central service but service providers determine the amount of data you use based on their own measurements.

Fortunately we have a couple guides that will provide you with far more help than I could reasonably fit in a comment.

If you need any more help, whether with getting the phone to charge, using it as a security camera, or any other Android related problem, please feel free to ask! Good luck! Hello If I buy an unlocked phone to use for wi-fi only, must I have an account to download apps such as for Sirius?

Hi Henry! All you need is an account with the app store you wish to use, like the Google Play Store, to download apps. The exception to this would be provider related apps and app stores.

I have an old Android phone. Thanks for insights! Thanks for all the helpful posts. It works perfectly for all internet use. I read that you use Hangout for calls. Could you walk me through? Will any unlocked phone work? Or does it need to be an Android? Anything special I should do or not do? Thank you very much. I use Cricket service.

I just got a new phone and transferred service over to it. They put my old SIM card into the new Android phone. It works just fine, thankfully. It DOES connect to the wifi elsewhere, e. The only thing I can think of is that maybe my old phone is too old? Because our router is only a couple months old. Help plz. Can I just buy a cheap prepaid phone and not purchase a plan and use it the same way?

Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Airplane Mode Enabled. Popular Launcher Apps. FM Transmitter App. Be sure to guide your kids while they play. Previous Previous. Next Continue. Similar Posts. Thanks again. Hi Jay, You are most welcome and glad that we could help. I think you can tap on the four corners of the screen to bypass the activation.

I came from Facebook well done on an excellent social media campaign. Hi Evelyn, Welcome to the site and we hope to keep hearing from you in the future. If you have the answer, I would greatly appreciate it if you told me the answer as well. Thank you!