How to download mods 12.2

2021.12.17 21:55

Last Updated: September 12, To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 21, times. Learn more You are in your Minecraft world. You have nothing left to do. You defeated all of the bosses. You have an enormous house. You've run out of things to do in Minecraft. At this point, you have three options. Start a new world, get mods, or quit Minecraft. This how-to isn't about how to create a new world or how to quit Minecraft.

You already know how to do those. This is about how to get Minecraft mods using the popular modloader The Minecraft Forge.

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It's the red button in the top-right corner of the adfoc. You'll have to wait six seconds before this button appears. Doing so prompts the Forge install file to download. You may have to select a save location e.

You may see a notification that says the downloaded file may be harmful to your computer. Click Keep to keep the file. If the downloaded file is called "forge-[version number]-installer. If you accidentally download any other files from adfoc. Part 2. Double-click the Forge file. It's a file called "forge-[version number]-installer.

You can open downloaded files in your web browser or in your Downloads folder. Make sure the "Install client" radio option is checked. If it isn't, click the box or circle next to "Install client" before proceeding. Make sure the Minecraft install location is correct. If the path listed at the bottom of the installer window isn't correct, click Then navigate to the Minecraft install folder and click Open. Click OK. It's in the bottom-right corner of the page. Doing so will install the client files and folders for Minecraft Forge.

You can change the destination folder by clicking Click OK when prompted. This will complete the installation process. Part 3. It's a. Click OK on the error message. You will most likely get a message that explains that Forge is from an unidentified developer. Mac blocks files from unidentified sources for security reasons. You will need to adjust the security settings to allow your Mac to run this file. Click System Preferences. It's near the top of the drop-down menu. This is a house-shaped icon in the top row of the "System Preferences" menu.

Click the lock icon. It's in the bottom-left corner of the window. You'll have to enter your administrator password before continuing. Click Open Anyway. This will open the Minecraft Forge installer window. If this option is not available, open the Finder and navigate to your Downloads folder. Double-click the forge installer JAR file. Click Open. This confirms that you want to open the file.

If prompted to install Java, first click More Info Ensure the install folder for Minecraft is correct. It's listed at the bottom of the Forge installer window. If this is not correct, click Then click Choose. Part 4. Navigate to the downloaded file.

You can install several mods together, some may or may not have compatibility. But they are installed in the same location and in the same way. In this video we see a very good explanation, step by step so you can see live all the steps to perform the installation and do not miss a step. I hope you were able to install it correctly and without errors. What is your favorite Mod? Write us in the comments. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Install Shiginima Shaders Skins Mods. We will need to install Forge, and a sample mod. Usamos cookies para un mejor funcionamiento.