Free khmer true type fonts free download in torrent
It has to do with how the font was made. Yes, but only some of the fonts work on Macs. Glad you find the site useful! The best way is just to try each font. Thank you very much for all your hard works in Khmer language. Is there away to install Khmer fonts in Windows 8?
Hello Mr. Divon Lan, but if you know him I would love to be introduced. Windows 8 has a few Khmer fonts installed, but they are a bit hard to read and as far as I know there is no way change the font of menu titles and such in Windows 8 this used to work in Windows 7.
I have installed and used the fonts for about a month now. Is there another way to type the word si as eat or e-mail. The instruction provided does not work in my computer. Thank you, ChauKaet [email protected].
Thank you for the fonts. But is there a way to type the Khmer characters without copying from Character Map? Is there a way to fix this issue? I downloaded and installed khmer fonts. You need to install and use the Khmer keyboard. Thanks Sitthy, I just checked the link and it downloaded fine.
Can you try again and let me know if you still have trouble? If you find it — let us know and we can include it. Yes, some programs still do not support Khmer Unicode. You could try the Khmer Unicode fonts that start with the KH prefix and see if they work.
They were designed for Adobe products, but it is possible they will work with Vegas. Hello Nathan. I like your works, but I have a request if you can make Khmer-English dictionary support 4k display monitor. If you have some spare time, can you think about that, please? Thank you in advance. Yes, pretty much all the Khmer Unicode fonts work with Windows 10 — the issue is more which application. Some applications support Khmer Unicode, and others still do not.
May I ask you about Khmer font? Can U Tell Me? But as I found out that some fonts are not used for free. How do I know that? Thanks in advanced. The font in Khmer Unicode is called Moul Pali. Hello there, I have a problem with me Ms. Excel run on on Macbook air when I use text box or Charts and write khmer in it. How to configure to support it? Yeah, right now Microsoft Office has issues with Khmer script on Macs.
Hi Nathan, from your experience, may i know which fonts work best with Mac? The best font to use on Mac is Khmer Mondulkiri. It ensures what you type can also be viewed correctly on a PC.
Hello, whoever you are! I just wanna say thank you for all of this fonts. All of them really help me a lot with all of my projects. Hi, do you know a font named AksarJhar? I try to search for it but cannot find it. If you have any idea about it, please let me know.
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Hide Show Add to Favorite Download. Kartika Bold Microsoft Corporation. Robam Khmer MT Monotype. Khmer UI Microsoft Corporation.